Allied Sciences | International Journel

Name of JournalName of PaperName of FacultyIndexing
Next EnergyDevelopment of nitrogen and phosphorus dual-doped reduced graphene oxide from waste plastic for supercapacitor applications: Comparative electrochemical performance in different electrolytesPushpa Bhkuni NegiNew Elsevier peer reviewed open access Journal. Indexing will come soon
Name of JournalName of PaperName of FacultyIndexing
New Astronomy, 2024Berkeley 76: An intermediate age open star cluster in Gaia EraDr. Mehul ManuSCI
Vietnam Journal of Science and TechnologyWater Stress Adaptations by Rhododendron arboreum Smith in the Himalayan Treeline EnvironmentDr. Amit MittalSCOPUS
VegetosSeasonal water relations and stress tolerance of quercus semecarpifolia (Smith) in treeline areas of Western Himalaya, IndiaDr. Amit MittalSCOPUS
Frontiers in Forests and Global ChangeThe pivotal role of water potential in phenology and seed germination of Abies spectabilis in the western Himalayan treeline regionDr. Amit MittalSCOPUS
Frontiers in Forests and Global ChangeSeed ecology and seedling dynamics of western Himalayan treeline tree speciesDr. Amit MittalSCOPUS
Revista Brasileira de BotanicaPhenology and water relations of treeline species of Western Himalaya, IndiaDr. Amit MittalSCOPUS
Frontiers in MicrobiologyNext generation plant biostimulants & genome sequencing strategies for sustainable agriculture developmentDr. Amit MittalSCOPUS
Scientific ReportsExploring water relations and phenological traits of Betula utilis (D. Don) in western Himalayan treeline ecotoneDr. Amit MittalSCOPUS
Modern Physics Letters BMHD Darcy–Forchheimer flow and double-diffusive modeling of Maxwell fluid over rotating stretchable surface: A computational studyDr. Navneet JoshiSCI
International Communications in Heat and MassApplication of modified Fourier’s law in a fuzzy environment to explore the tangent hyperbolic fluid flow over a non-flat stretched sheet using the LWCM approachDr. Navneet JoshiSCI
NanoSensitive analysis for sisko nanofluid flow through stretching surface using response surface methodologyDr. Navneet JoshiSCI
International Journal of Fuzzy SystemsQuaternion Intuitionistic Fuzzy Fusion Process: Applications to the Classification of Photo-Voltic-Solar-Power PlantsDr. B.P. JoshiSCIE/SCOPUS
Mathematics and Computers in SimulationDistance and similarity measures of Hesitant bi-fuzzy set and its applications in renewable energy systemsDr. B.P. JoshiSCIE/SCOPUS
International Communications in Heat and Mass TransferApplication of modified Fourier’s law in a fuzzy environment to explore the tangent hyperbolic fluid flow over a non-flat stretched sheet using the LWCM approachDr. B.P. JoshiSCIE/SCOPUS
The European Physical Journal PlusKaluza–Klein spacetime filled with barotropic fluid and dark energyDr. B.P. JoshiSCIE/SCOPUS
Radiation Protection DosimetryMonitoring of terrestrial gamma dose rate from the Kumaun Himalayan region of the Bageshwar district in Uttarakhand, IndiaKiran PatniSCI
Letters in Applied NanoBioScienceElectrochemical Investigation of Zirconia and Biochar-based MaterialsPushpa Bhkuni NegiSCOPUS
Materials Today: ProceedingsSynthesis and characterization of graphene/cellulose xanthate nanocomposite for dye removal from wastewaterPushpa Bhakuni Negi
Polymer CompositesInfluence of ethylene diamine functionalized waste plastic derived reduced graphene oxide as filler on the mechanical and thermal properties of low-density polyethylenetechnique based on re-defined Quintic B-splinesPushpa Bhakuni NegiSCI & SCOPUS
Journal of Vinyl and Additive TechnologyPolyvinylpyrrolidone-functionalized graphene oxide as a nanocarrier for dual-drug delivery of quercetin and curcumin against HeLa cancer cellsPushpa Bhakuni NegiSCI & SCOPUS
Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and TechnologySynthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles against Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica-water borne pathogensPushpa Bhakuni NegiSCOPUS
Food Science and BiotechnologyA review on metal/metal oxide nanoparticles in food processing and packagingPushpa Bhakuni NegiSCI & SCOPUS
Journal of Dispersion Science and TechnologySynthesis and electrochemical potential of SnO2@PBC-based materialPushpa Bhakuni NegiSCI & SCOPUS
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Journal of Taibah University for ScienceDiversified role of fuzzified particle concentration on Casson gold-blood nanofluid flow through an elongating sheet for different shape nanoparticlesDr. Navneet JoshiSCI
International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management SciencesTOPSIS based Renewable-Energy-Source-Selection using Moderator Intuitionistic Fuzzy SetDr. Navneet JoshiSCOPUS
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A:Particle swarm optimization based numerical study for pressure, flow, and heat transfer over a rotating disk with temperature dependent nanofluid propertiesDr. Navneet JoshiSCI
Journal of Taibah University for ScienceDiversified role of fuzzified particle concentration on Casson gold-blood nanofluid flow through an elongating sheet for different shape nanoparticlesDr. B.P. JoshiSCIE/SCOPUS
International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management SciencesTOPSIS based Renewable-Energy-Source-Selection using Moderator Intuitionistic Fuzzy SetDr. B.P. JoshiSCOPUS/ESCI
Chemistry and EcologyHydrogeochemical characteristics and multivariate statistical approach for monitoring groundwater quality scenario in the vicinity of industrial area of western Himalaya, IndiaKiran PatniSCI
Environmental Geochemistry and HealthGamma radiation dose rate in high-altitude areas in the Bageshwar, Champawat and Pithoragarh districts of Uttarakhand, IndiaKiran PatniSCI
Materials Chemistry and PhysicsPink photoluminescent nitrogen-doped graphene oxide nanosheets from Juniperus squamata roots and their cytotoxic potential against human cervical cancer cells (HeLa cells) and Plasmodium falciparum an agent of malaria: A green approachPushpa Bhakuni NegiSCI & SCOPUS
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Journal of NanofluidsHomogeneous-Hetrogeneous Reactions within Magnetic Sisko Nanofluidflow through Stretching Sheet Due to Convective Conditions using Buongiorno’s ModelDr. Navneet JoshiSCI
Journal of Computational Biophysics and ChemistryThermodynamics and Heat transfer Analysis of Magnetized Casson Hybrid Nanofluid flow via a Riga Plate with Thermal RadiationDr. Navneet JoshiSCI
Journal of Taibah University for ScienceEffect of naturalconvection on 3D MHD flow of MoS2-GO/H2O via porous surface due to multiple slip mechanismsDr. Navneet JoshiSCI
Nanoscience and Technology An International JournalAssessment of Convective heat transfer in sisko fluid via Streatching Surface due to viscous Dissipation and suctionDr. Navneet JoshiSCI
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and TechnologyDevelopment of biodegradable chitosan/ graphene oxide nanocomposite via spray drying method for drug loading and delivery applicationPushpa Bhakuni NegiSCI & SCOPUS
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and TechnologyFunctionalized graphene oxide based nanocarrier for enhanced cytotoxicity of Juniperus squamata root essential oil against breast cancer cellsPushpa Bhakuni NegiSCI & SCOPUS
Current Pharmaceutical BiotechnologyRecent Advancements in Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles for Improvement of Bioactivities: A ReviewPushpa Bhakuni NegiSCI & SCOPUS
Journal of Essential Oil-Bearing PlantsChemical Composition, Antifungal, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Potential of Apium graveolens L. (Celery) Leaves Essential Oil Collected from Nainital, UttarakhandPushpa Bhakuni NegiSCI & SCOPUS
Name of JournalName of PaperName of FacultyIndexing
Indian Journal of EcologyAssessment of soil seed bank on three different vegetation types in Kumaun Central Himalayan forestDr. Amit MittalSCOPUS
Current ScienceIndian Himalayan timberline ecotone in response to climate change – initial findingsDr. Amit MittalSCOPUS
Indian Journal of EcologyCapsule ripening and seed germination in Rhododendron campanulatum (D. Don) in Aali treeline area of Western Himalaya, IndiaDr. Amit MittalSCOPUS
International Journal of Applied and Computational MathematicsHeat and Mass Transfer Assessment of Magnetic Hybrid Nanofluid via Bidirectional Porrous Surface with Volumetric Heat GenerationDr. Navneet JoshiScopus
Heat TransferNumerical solution for Sisko nanofluid flow through stretching surface in a Darcy-Forchheimer porous medium with thermal radiationDr. Navneet JoshiScopus
International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and MechanicsEffect of mass transfer and radiation on mixed convection boundary layer flow over a permeable vertical cylinder with surface heat flux and mass fluxDr. Navneet JoshiScopus
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistrySeasonal Variation of Uranium and physico- chemical parameters in spring water sources of Pithoragarh City, Uttarakhand, IndiaKiran PatniSCI
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Groundwater for susatainable developmentA positive perspective during COVID-19 related to groundwater crisisKiran PatniSCOPUS
SN Applied SciencesDistribution of naturally occurring uranium and other heavy toxic elements in selected spring water samples of Pithoragarh District, Uttarakhand, IndiaKiran PatniSCI
Holistic Approach to environmentPhysico- chemical investigation of some primitive water sources in district Champawat for potability and preservation of historical aesthatics, Uttarakhand , IndiaKiran PatniUGC- Care list
Ecology, Environment and ConservationCone maturation timing and seed germination in pinus roxburghii (Serg.) in the central himalayan region of Uttarakhand, IndiaDr. Amit MittalSCOPUS
Indian Journal of EcologyQuantitative analysis and regeneration status of forest trees species in Kumaun Central HimalayaDr. Amit MittalSCOPUS
Heat TransferMixed convection flow of magnetic hybrid nanofluid over a bidirectional porous surface with internal heat generation and a higher‐order chemical reaction”.Dr. Navneet JoshiScopus
J. Xi’an Univ. Archit. Technol.Hall effect in steady MHD radiated flow over a rotating disk embedded in porous mediumDr. Navneet JoshiScopus
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International Journal of Scientific and Technology ResearchAcorn maturation and regeneration problem in quercus semecarpifolia sm. In Himalayan treelineDr. Amit MittalSCOPUS
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Journal of applied mathematics & informaticsBivariate dynamic cumulative residual Tsallis entropyDr. Madan Mohan Sati
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IforestInfluence of tree water potential in inducing flowering in Rhododendron arboreum in the central Himalayan regionDr. Amit MittalSCOPUS
Ecology, Environment and ConservationRegeneration issues and indicators of seed maturity in Mallotus phlllipensis Muel. Arg. In the tropical Forests of UttarakhandDr. Amit MittalSCOPUS
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Journal of probability and statisticsSome characterization results on dynamic cumulative residual Tsallis entropyDr. Madan Mohan SatiSCOPUS
Journal of the Indian Statistical AssociationOn partial monotonic behaviour of Varma entropy and its application in coding theoryDr. Madan Mohan Sati
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Medical Science MonitorOxidative stress and ischemic myocardial syndromesPushpa Bhakuni NegiSCI & SCOPUS
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Indian Journal of Clinical BiochemistryXanthine oxidase as a marker of myocardial infarctionPushpa Bhakuni NegiSCI & SCOPUS
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Molecular and Cellular BiochemistryEffect of ascorbic acid supplementation on certain oxidative stress parameters in the post reperfusion patients of myocardial infarctionPushpa Bhakuni NegiSCI & SCOPUS
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Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal ChemistryOxidative stress parameters in erythrocytes of post-reperfused patients with myocardial infarctionPushpa Bhakuni NegiSCI & SCOPUS
Current ScienceLevels of free radical scavengers and antioxidants in post-reperfused patients of myocardial infarctionPushpa Bhakuni NegiSCI & SCOPUS

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