Name of Chapter: Biomass, biopolymer-based materials, and bioenergy: Construction, biomedical, and other industrial applications
Name of Book: Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications
Name of Publication: Elsevier
Published Year: 2019
ISBN: 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0
Faculty Name: Deepak Verma
Name of Chapter: Natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites: Application in marine environments
Name of Book: Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications
Name of Publication: Elsevier
Published Year: 2019
ISBN: 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0
Faculty Name: Deepak Verma
Name of Chapter: Characteristics of johorean elaeis guineensis oil palm kernel shells: Elasticity, Thermal stability, and biochemical composition
Name of Book: Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications
Name of Publication: Elsevier
Published Year: 2019
ISBN: 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0
Faculty Name: Deepak Verma
Name of Chapter: Characteristics of johorean elaeis guineensis oil palm kernel shells: Elasticity, Thermal stability, and biochemical composition
Name of Book: Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications
Name of Publication: Elsevier
Published Year: 2019
ISBN: 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0
Faculty Name: Deepak Verma
Name of Chapter: Biobased and biodegradable plastics
Name of Book: Handbook of Ecomaterials
Name of Publication: Springer International Publishing
Published Year: 2019
ISBN: 978-331968255-6; 978-331968254-9
Faculty Name: Deepak Verma
Name of Chapter: Novel nanoscaled materials from lignocellulosic sources: Potential applications in the agricultural sector
Name of Book: Handbook of Ecomaterials
Name of Publication: Springer International Publishing
Published Year: 2019
ISBN: 978-331968255-6; 978-331968254-9
Faculty Name: Deepak Verma
Name of Chapter: The consideration of economics during the processing of biofuels
Name of Book: Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications
Name of Publication: Elsevier
Published Year: 2019
ISBN: 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0
Faculty Name: Deepak Verma
Name of Chapter: Natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites
Name of Book: Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications
Name of Publication: Elsevier
Published Year: 2019
ISBN: 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0
Faculty Name: Deepak Verma
Name of Chapter: Biopolymer processing and its composites: An introduction
Name of Book: Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications
Name of Publication: Elsevier
Published Year: 2019
ISBN: 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0
Faculty Name: Deepak Verma
Name of Chapter: Construction materials reinforced with natural products
Name of Book: Handbook of Ecomaterials
Name of Publication: Springer International Publishing
Published Year: 2019
ISBN: 978-331968255-6; 978-331968254-9
Faculty Name: Deepak Verma
Name of Chapter: A MCDM based approach for selection of a sedan car from Indian Car Market
Name of Publication: Springer publications, SCOPUS Indexed
Published Year: 2018
Name of Chapter: A MCDM Based Approach for Selection the Best State for Tourism in India
Name of Publication: Springer publications, SCOPUS Indexed
Published Year: 2018
Name of Book: Procedure of E-filing (based on Income Tax Return through JAVA Utility)
ISBN: 9789386202505
Faculty Name: Dr Kamal Pant
Year of Publication: 2018
Name of Publication: University Science Press (An Imprint of Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi)
Name of Chapter: Starch-Based Biocomposites
Name of Book: Handbook of Bionanacomposites: Green and Sustainable Materials
Year of Publication: Online Print April, 2017 (accepted)
Faculty Name: Deepak Verma, Sanjay Sharma
Reference: Deepak Verma, Sanjay Sharma, “Starch-Based Biocomposites”, Handbook of Bionanacomposites: Green and Sustainable Materials. CRC PRESS. Indexed by Thomson ISI book index andElseveir Scopus. (Accepted and online in April 2017)
Name of Publication: Springer
Name of Chapter: Novel nanoscaled materials from lignocellulosic sources with potential applications in agricultural sector
Name of Book: Handbook of Ecomaterials
Year of Publication: Online Print April, 2017 (accepted)
Faculty Name: Deepak Verma
Name of Publication: Springer
Name of Chapter: Recent Developments in Green Composites based on Plant Fibers- Preparation, Structure and Properties
Name of Book: Handbook of Ecomaterials
Year of Publication: Online Print April, 2017 (accepted)
Faculty Name: Deepak Verma
Name of Publication: Springer
Name of Chapter: Construction Materials reinforced with Natural Products
Name of Book:Green Biocomposites: Design and Applications
Year of Publication:Online Print 2017 (accepted)
Faculty Name: Deepak Verma, Sanjay Sharma
Reference: Deepak Verma, Sanjay Sharma, “Green Biocomposites: A prospective utilization in Automobile Industry”, Book Chapter, Green Biocomposites: Design and Applications
Name of Publication: University Putra Malaysia, Springer
Name of Chapter: Processing Techniques of Nanoclay Based Natural Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites
Name of Book:Nanoclay Reinforced Polymer Composites
Year of Publication: 2016
Faculty Name: Deepak Verma
Name of Publication: University Putra Malaysia, Springer
Name of Book: Basic Manufacturing Processes (Theory and Practice)
Year of Publication: 2016
Faculty Name: Dr R C S Mehta, Mr. Nagendra Gaira
Name of Publication: Viva Books Private Limited, New Delhi
Name of Book: Verbal Ability and Reasoning for Competitive Examinations
Year of Publication: 2016
Faculty Name: P A Anand
Name of Publication: Wiley Publications
Name of Book: The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT
Year of Publication: 2016
Faculty Name: Nishit K Sinha
Name of Publication: Pearson Publications
Name of Book: Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations
Year of Publication: 2015
Faculty Name: P A Anand
Reference: ISBN 13- 9788126549306; ISBN 10- 8126549300
Name of Publication: Wiley Publications
Name of Book: C# Programming with Net Framework
Faculty Name: Kamlesh K. PAdaliya (Co-author)
Reference: ISBN: 9789385000324
Name of Publication: Bharti Publications, New Delhi
Name of Book: Green Approaches to Bio composite Materials Science and Engineering
Year of Acceptance:2015 (to be published in a January 2016)
Faculty Name: Deepak Verma
Name of Publication: IGI Global, an international publisher of progressive academic research
Reference:1. Deepak Verma (Editor in Chief), Xiaolei Zhang, Siddharth Jain, P.C.Gope, “Green Approaches to Biocomposite Material Science and Engineering”, IGI Global USA. ISBN13: 9781522504245 |ISBN10: 1522504249| EISBN13: 9781522504252| DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0424-5
Name of Chapter: The Manufacturing of Natural Fibre-Reinforced Composites by Resin-Transfer Molding Process
Year of Publication: 2015
Faculty Name: Deepak Verma
Faculty Book: Manufacturing of Natural Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite
Name of Publisher: Universiti Putra Malaysia with Springer
Reference: Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015; DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-07944-8_13
Name of Chapter: Composites from Bagasse Fibers, Its Characterization and Applications
Year of Publication: 2015
Faculty Name: Deepak Verma
Faculty Book: Agriculture Biomass Based Potential Materials
Name of Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Reference: Springer International Publishing; Print ISBN no. 978-3-319-13846-6 ; Online ISBN: 978-3-319-13847-3
Name of Chapter: Introduction to Visual Basic
Year of Publication: 2015
Faculty Name: Mahesh Manchanda
Faculty Book: Programming in Visual Basic and Computerized Accounting
Name of Publisher: School of Distnace Education, Mahatma Gandhi University
Reference: Programming in Visual Basic and Computerized Accounting;Bachelor of Tourism Studies, Fifth Semester, School of Distnace Education, Mahatma Gandhi University, ISBN:978-93-259-8795-1
Name of Chapter: Variables and Decision Constructs
Year of Publication: 2015
Faculty Name: Mahesh Manchanda
Faculty Book: Programming in Visual Basic and Computerized Accounting
Name of Publisher: School of Distnace Education, Mahatma Gandhi University
Reference: Programming in Visual Basic and Computerized Accounting;Bachelor of Tourism Studies, Fifth Semester, School of Distnace Education, Mahatma Gandhi University, ISBN:978-93-259-8795-1
Name of Chapter: Selecting and Using Controls
Year of Publication: 2015
Faculty Name: Mahesh Manchanda
Faculty Book: Programming in Visual Basic and Computerized Accounting
Name of Publisher: School of Distnace Education, Mahatma Gandhi University
Reference: Programming in Visual Basic and Computerized Accounting;Bachelor of Tourism Studies, Fifth Semester, School of Distnace Education, Mahatma Gandhi University, ISBN:978-93-259-8795-1
Name of Book: Ecology Of Some Medicinal Herbs Of Shiwalik Forests Uttarakhand(INDIA)
Year of Publication: 2013-14
Faculty Name: C. S. Bohra
Name of Publisher: Lambert Academic Publications, Germany
Reference: Lambert Academic Publications, Germany (ISBN no. 978-3-8484-8986-2) ; 2013-14
Name of Book: Environment And Ecology
Year of Print: 2011
Faculty Name: Kamal Kant Joshi
ISBN: 9789381141427
Name of Publication: IK International, New Delhi
Name of Book: Programming Techniques
Year of Publication: December, 2013
Faculty Name: Mr. Mahesh Manchanda
Name of Publisher: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd,Noida
Reference: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd,Noida, Dec. 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-259-7037-3)
Name of Book: Front End Technology Using Visual Basic
Year of Publication: December, 2013
Faculty Name: Mr. Mahesh Manchanda
Name of Publisher: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd,Noida
Reference: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd,Noida, Dec. 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-259-6973-5)
Name of Book: Diploma in Computer Applications
Year of Publication: 2013
Faculty Name: Mr. Mahesh Manchanda
Name of Publisher: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd,Noida
Reference: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd,Noida, 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-259-6848-6)
Name of Book: Textbook Of Reasoning First Edition: 2013
Year of Print: 2013
Faculty Name: Mr. P A Anand
Name of Publication: Savera Publication, New Delhi
Name of Book: Grammar For Success Volume 1
Year of Print: 2013
Faculty Name: Mrs. Shreejata Dey
Name of Publication: Savera Publication, New Delhi
Name of Book: Mathematical Model for Heat and Mass Transfer Problems
Year of Publication: June, 2012
Faculty Name: Dr. Navneet Joshi
Name of Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012) Germany
Reference: ISBN-10: 3659156647, ISBN-13: 978-3659156649
Name of Book: Mobile Telephony Dangerous For Adults And Children Both
Year of Print: July, 2012
Faculty Name: Dr. Vijay Kumar
Name of Publication: Lambert Academic Publication (LAP), Germany
Reference: ISBN: 978-3-659-20542-2 (July 2012)
Name of Book: Data interpretation
Year of Print: 2012
Faculty Name: Mr. Nishit Kumar Sinha
Name of Publication: Pearson Publication
Reference: http://pearson.vrvbookshop.com/book/data-interpretation-nishit-k-sinha/9789332519411
Name of Book: The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT
Year of Re-print: 2014
Faculty Name: Mr. Nishit Kumar Sinha
Name of Publication: Pearson Publication
Name of Book: Engineering Physics Volume 1
Year of Print: September, 2012
Faculty Name: Dr. Vijay Kumar
Name of Publication: Savera Publication, New Delhi
Reference: ISBN: 978-93-81771-14-3 (September 2012)
Name of Book: Engineering Physics Volume 2
Year of Print: September, 2012
Faculty Name: Dr. Vijay Kumar
Name of Publication: Savera Publication, New Delhi
Reference: ISBN: 978-93-81771-14-4 (September 2012)
Name of Book: Synthesis and structural characterization of multiwalled carbon nanotube doped barium titanate ceramics for capacitor applications
Year of Print: August, 2012
Faculty Name: Dr. Vijay Kumar & Vijay Bijalwan
Name of Publication: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany
Reference: ISBN-10: 3659220000; ISBN-13: 978-3659220005
Name of Chapter: Adverse Impacts of Oil Pollution on Environment
Year of Publication: 2013
Faculty Name: Dr. Kamal Kant Joshi
Name of Book: Agriculture, Ecology and Environment
Name of Publisher: Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
Reference: Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-5056-480-6) PP.126-135.
Name of Chapter: Eradication of Lantana by under Planting with Bamboo
Year of Publication: 2013
Faculty Name: Dr. Deepak Kholiya
Name of Book: Agriculture and Environmental Biotechnology
Name of Publisher: Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
Reference: Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-5056-479-0.pp. 106-126)
Name of Chapter: The Significance Of Forest Councils For Carbon Trading In Indian Central Himalaya
Year of Publication: 2013
Faculty Name: B. S. Jina, P. Sah, K. Jina, C. S. Bohra& S. Sah,
Name of Book: Climate change, and Carbon Sequestration
Name of Publisher: ANCIENT Publishing House, New Delhi
Reference: ANCIENT Publishing House, New Delhi (ISBN no. 978-93-81385-96-8)
Name of Chapter: Carbon sequestration by Uttarakhand forests: A tangible ecosystem service
Year of Publication: 2013
Faculty Name: C. S. Bohra , B. S. Jina and Narayan Singh
Name of Book: Climate change, Biodiversity and Carbon Sequestration
Name of Publisher: ANCIENT Publishing House, New Delhi
Reference: ISBN no. 978-93-81385-96-8 (page no. 181-188).
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