Name of Conference: International Conference on Indigenous Languages (ICOIL-2)
Title: Constructing Indigenous Linguistic Chords through Folklore: A case Study of Uttrakhand
Date of Conference: February 13th-14th, 2020
Place: Kalinga University, Bhubaneshwer, India
Name of Faculty: Mr Amar Pratap Singh
Name of Conference: International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving, SocProS 2018
Title: Object Classification from Shape Detection
Date of Conference: December 17th-18th, 2018
ISBN: 978-981150183-8
Publisher: Springer
Place: Vellore, India
Name of Faculty: Pragya Nagpal
Name of Conference: International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies, GUCON 2018
Title: VANET: Its applications, security requirements, types of attacks and its corrective measures
Date of Conference: September 28th-29th, 2018
ISBN: 978-153864491-1
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Place: Kalinga University, Bhubaneshwer, India
Name of Faculty: Shivani Choudhary
Name of Conference: ICRIEECE 2018, IEEE Proceeding, Scopus Indexed)
Title: Study And Implementation Of Face Detection Algorithm Using MATLAB
Date of Conference: July 27-28, 2018
Place: Kalinga University, Bhubaneshwer, India
Name of Conference: ICRIEECE 2018, IEEE Proceeding, Scopus Indexed)
Title: Estimation of Age from Speech Using Excitation Source Features
Date of Conference: July 27-28, 2018
Place: Kalinga University, Bhubaneshwer, India
Name of Conference: International Conference on Harmonic Search and Applications (ICHSA 2018), (Springer publications, SCOPUS Indexed).
Title: A MCDM based approach for selection of a sedan car from Indian Car Market
Date of Conference: 08 to 10-03-2018
Place: B.M.L. Munjal University, Gurgaon
Link: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-13-0761-4_55
Name of Conference: International Conference on Harmonic Search and Applications (ICHSA 2018), (Springer publications, SCOPUS Indexed).
Title: A MCDM Based Approach for Selection the Best State for Tourism in India
Date of Conference: 08 to 10-03-2018
Place: B.M.L. Munjal University, Gurgaon
Link: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-13-0761-4_2
Name of Conference: International Conference on Evidence-Based Management-ICEBM
Title: Business Model Innovation and Corporate Sustainability: A Mediated Moderation Model
Date of Conference: March 17th and 18th 2017
Name of Faculty: Himani Binjola
Name of Paper: Detection & estimation of 2-D Brain Tumor size using fuzzy c- Means clustering
Year of Acceptance: Oct 2017
Faculty Name: Rahul Chauhan
Name of Proceedings: 3Rd International Conference on next-generation computing
Reference: Rahul Chauhan, Surbhi Negi, Subhi Jain “Detection & estimation of 2-D Brain Tumor size using fuzzy c- Means clustering ” 3Rd International Conference on next-generation computing (NGCT-2017), Dehradun, India 30-31 October 2017 (Proceeding in Springer’s CCIS Series (H-Index 19).
Name of Paper: Integration of edge computing with cloud computing
Year of Acceptance: Nov 2017
Faculty Name: Rahul Chauhan
Name of Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication Technologies (ICETCCT-2017)
Reference: Saksham Mittal, Neelam Negi, Rahul Chauhan “Integration of edge computing with cloud computing” IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication Technologies (ICETCCT), Dehradun, India 17-18 Nov 2017.
Name of Paper: Mobile sensing and Internet of Things: A survey
Year of Acceptance: Nov 2017
Faculty Name: Rahul Chauhan
Name of Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication Technologies (ICETCCT-2017)
Reference: Shivam Juyal, Navyata Joshi, Rahul Chauhan “Mobile sensing and Internet of Things: A survey” IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication Technologies (ICETCCT), Dehradun, India 17-18 Nov 2017. ISBN: 978-1-5386-1147-0
Name of Paper: Diet monitoring and management of diabetic patient using robot assistant based on Internet of Things
Year of Acceptance: Nov 2017
Faculty Name: Rahul Chauhan
Name of Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication Technologies (ICETCCT-2017)
Reference: Shreejay Mall, Mansi Gupta, Rahul Chauhan “Diet monitoring and management of diabetic patient using robot assistant based on Internet of Things” IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication Technologies (ICETCCT), Dehradun, India 17-18 Nov 2017. ISBN: 978-1-5386-1147-0
Name of Paper: Integration of fog and IoT model for the future smart grid
Year of Acceptance: Nov 2017
Faculty Name: Rahul Chauhan
Name of Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication Technologies (ICETCCT-2017)
Reference: Subhi Jain, Rahul Chauhan “Integration of fog and IoT model for the future smart grid” IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication Technologies (ICETCCT), Dehradun, India 17-18 Nov 2017.
Name of Paper: Handwritten Digit Recognition using DNN, CNN and RNN
Year of Acceptance: April 2018
Faculty Name: Rahul Chauhan
Name of Proceedings: Springer International conference on advances in computing and data sciences.
Reference: Subhi Jain, Rahul Chauhan “Handwritten Digit Recognition using DNN, CNN and RNN” International conference on advances in computing and data sciences.(ICACDS-2018), Dehradun, India, April 2018 (Proceeding in Springer CCIS Series).
Name of Paper: OER: the Disruptive innovative solution to the challenges of education
Year of Acceptance: June 2014
Faculty Name: Prof. Sanjay Jasola
Name of Proceeding: 2nd regional OERASIA Symposium
Reference: M M Pant, Madhulika Kaushik, Sanjay Jasola*, Ramesh Sharma, “OER: Disruptive innovative solution to the challenges of education” 2nd regional OERASIA Symposium, Penang, Malaysia, 24-26 June 2014
Name of Paper: Mobile Commerce Adoption by Consumers: A literature review and future research directions
Year of Acceptance: December 16-17, 2016
Faculty Name: Himanshu Kargeti
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Role and Relevance of Ethics, Innovation and IPRS in Changing Business Scenario ICREII- 2016
Reference: Himanshu Kargeti & , “Mobile Commerce Adoption by Consumers: A literature review and future research directions”International Conference on Role and Relevance of Ethics, Innovation and IPRS in Changing Business Scenario ICREII- 2016, Dehradun, India, December 18-19, 2016
Name of Paper: Phosphorous Recovery as Struvite from Anaerobically Digested Sewage Sludge Liquors in Delhi, India
Year of Acceptance: 18-19 November 2016
Faculty Name: Dr. Shivakshi Jasrotia
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on the Advances in the Field of Healthy, Safety, Fire, Environment , and Allied Sciences (HSFEA 2016)
Reference: Dr. Shivakshi Jasrotia & , “Phosphorous Recovery as Struvite from Anaerobically Digested Sewage Sludge Liquors in Delhi, India” International Conference on the Advances in the Field of Healthy, Safety, Fire, Environment , and Allied Sciences (HSFEA 2016) , Dehradun, India, November 18-19, 2016
Name of Paper: Application of Sustainable Energy Solutions for rural village development- A concept for remote villages of India
Year of Acceptance: 18-19 November 2016
Faculty Name: Dr. Shivakshi Jasrotia
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on the Advances in the Field of Healthy, Safety, Fire, Environment , and Allied Sciences (HSFEA 2016)
Reference: Dr. Shivakshi Jasrotia & , “Application of Sustainable Energy Solutions for rural village development- A concept for remote villages of India” International Conference on the Advances in the Field of Healthy, Safety, Fire, Environment , and Allied Sciences (HSFEA 2016) , Dehradun, India, November 18-19, 2016
Name of Paper: Multivariate Analysis of Heavy Metals in Top Soil: An impact of Thermal Power Plants of Maharashtra (India)
Year of Acceptance: 18-19 November 2016
Faculty Name: Dr. Shivakshi Jasrotia
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on the Advances in the Field of Healthy, Safety, Fire, Environment , and Allied Sciences (HSFEA 2016)
Reference: Dr. Shivakshi Jasrotia & , “Multivariate Analysis of Heavy Metals in Top Soil: An impact of Thermal Power Plants of Maharashtra (India)” , International Conference on the Advances in the Field of Healthy, Safety, Fire, Environment , and Allied Sciences (HSFEA 2016) , Dehradun, India, November 18-19, 2016
Name of Paper: DCT, DWT, SVD & integrated DCT-DWT based robust digital image watermarking algorithm
Year of Acceptance: September 2016
Faculty Name: Rahul Chauhan
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Communication and Computing Systems
Reference: Kamini Negi & Rahul Chauhan, “DCT, DWT, SVD & integrated DCT-DWT based robust digital image watermarking algorithm” International Conference on Communication and Computing Systems, (ICCCS), Gurgaon, India, Sep 9-11, 2016 (Taylor & Francis)
Name of Paper: An approach for purchasing a sedan car from Indian car market under Fuzzy environment
Year of Acceptance: August, 2016
Faculty Name: Mukesh Chand, Deeksha Hatwal, Shalini Singh, Varsha Mundepi, Vidhi Raturi, Rashmi, Sanjay Sharma, Shwetank Avikal
Name of Proceeding: 6th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving
Reference: SocProS 2016, will be held on December 23-24, 2016, Thaper University, Patiala, India
Name of Paper: Time to think: Corporations Liabilities towards safeguarding the Human Rights
Year of Presentation: July, 2016
Faculty Name: Avnish Bhatt
Name of Proceeding: International Conference: 25 years of Liberalisation and Globalisation
Reference: “Time to think: Corporations Liabilities towards safeguarding the Human Rights”; International Conference: 25 years of Liberalisation and Globalisation, July 14 to 16th 2016 at NLSIU, Bengaluru
Name of Paper: A Universal Current Mode KHN Biquad Filter using Voltage Differencing Current Conveyor
Year of Presentation: July, 2016
Faculty Name: Sandeep Rana
Name of Proceeding: IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), 2016
Reference: IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), 2016, in press
Name of Paper: Selection of best state for tourism in India by Fuzzy approach
Year of Presentation: June, 2016
Faculty Name: Shalini Singh, Varsha Mundepi, Deeksha Hatwal, Vidhi Raturi, Mukesh Chand, Sanjay Sharma, Shwetank Avikal
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Computer Communication and Computational Science
Reference: ICCCCS 2016, held on August 12-13, 2016 at ACERC Ajmer, India
Name of Paper: Dual Output Voltage Differencing Buffered Amplifier based Wave Active Filter
Year of Presentation: December 2015
Faculty Name: Sandeep Rana
Name of Proceeding: IEEE UP Section International Conference on Electrical Computer and Electronics (UPCON)
Reference: S. Rana, A. K. Kumawat and P. Kumar, “Dual output Voltage Differencing Buffered Amplifier based Wave Active filter,” IEEE UP Section International Conference on Electrical Computer and Electronics (UPCON), p.1-6, 2015
Name of Paper: An Efficient Approach for Mining Sequential Pattern
Year of Acceptance: December, 2015
Faculty Name: Nidhi Pant (M.Tech CSE), Shashi Kumar Sharma
Name of Proceeding: 5th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving
Reference: Nidhi Pant (M.Tech CSE), Suryakant, Shashi Kumar Sharma, Bhaskar Pant;An Efficient Approach for Mining Sequential Pattern; 5th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving; Scheduled on 18-20 December 2015, IIT Roorkee, Sahranpur (Accepted-Under Print)
Name of Paper: A Better Approach for Multilevel Association Rule Mining
Year of Acceptance: December, 2015
Faculty Name: Priyanka Rawat (M.Tech CSE), Shashi Kumar Sharma
Name of Proceeding: 5th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving
Reference: Priyanka Rawat (M.Tech CSE), Bhaskar Pant, Ankur Chaudhary, Shashi Kumar Sharma;A Better Approach for Multilevel Association Rule Mining; 5th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving; Scheduled on 18-20 December 2015, IIT Roorkee, Sahranpur (Accepted-Under Print)
Name of Paper: Mining Frequent Itemset Using Quine-McCluskey Algorithm
Year of Acceptance: December, 2015
Faculty Name: Kanishka Bajpayee(M.Tech CSE), Shashi Kumar Sharma
Name of Proceeding: 5th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving
Reference: Kanishka Bajpayee (M.Tech CSE), Bhaskar Pant, Ankur Chaudhary, Shashi Kumar Sharma;Mining Frequent Itemset Using Quine-McCluskey Algorithm; 5th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving; Scheduled on 18-20 December 2015, IIT Roorkee, Sahranpur (Accepted-Under Print)
Name of Paper: An MCDM based approach for purchasing a car from Indian car market
Year of Presentation: November, 2015
Faculty Name: Mukesh Chand, Shwetank Avikal
Name of Proceeding: IEEE SCES2015
Reference: IEEE SCES2015, held on November 6-8, 2015 at MNNIT Allahabad, India
Link: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-981-10-0448-3_69
Name of Paper: A Fuzzy-AHP approach for calculating the weights of disassembly line balancing criteria
Year of Presentation: October, 2015
Faculty Name: Shwetank Avikal, Sanjay Sharma, J.S Kalra, Rohit Pandey
Name of Proceeding: 5th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving
Reference: SocProS 2015, held on December 18-20, 2015, IIT Roorkee, India
Link: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-10-0448-3_60
Name of Paper: A heuristic based on AHP and TOPSIS for disassembly line balancing
Year of Presentation: October, 2015
Faculty Name: Shwetank Avikal
Name of Proceeding: 5th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving
Reference: SocProS 2015, held on December 18-20, 2015, IIT Roorkee, India
Link: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-981-10-0448-3_69
Name of Paper: Bus Locator: Application for Time Management and Security
Year of Acceptance: May, 2015
Faculty Name: Mahima Aggarwal, Avita Katal, Radhika Panwar
Name of Proceeding: 2nd IEEE International Conference in Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering
Reference: Mahima Aggarwal, Avita Katal, Radhika Panwar;Bus Locator: Application for Time Management and Security; 2nd IEEE International Conference in Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering; 1-2 May 2015, Dehradun (Under Process)
Name of Paper: Improved Leach Routing Protocol with Soft Computing
Year of Acceptance: May, 2015
Faculty Name: Ritu Yadav, Shilpi Saxena
Name of Proceeding: 2nd IEEE International Conference in Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering
Reference: Ritu Yadav, Shilpi Saxena;Improved Leach Routing Protocol with Soft Computing; 2nd IEEE International Conference in Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering; 1-2 May 2015, Dehradun (Under Process)
Name of Paper: Highly Advanced Cloudlet Scheduling Algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization
Year of Acceptance: May, 2015
Faculty Name: Deepika Saxena (Scholar), Shilpi Saxena
Name of Proceeding: 8th IEEE International Conference on Contemporary Computing
Reference:Deepika Saxena (Scholar), Shilpi Saxena; Highly Advanced Cloudlet Scheduling Algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization; 8th IEEE International Conference on Contemporary Computing; May 2015 (Under Process)
Name of Paper: Microwave attenuation studies impacted by rain for communication links operating at Tropical regions: A survey
Year of Acceptance: February 10, 2015
Faculty Name: Rohit Joshi (M.Tech, CSE )
Name of Proceeding: Third International Conference on Advanced Computing in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia organized by the World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering (WARSE)
Reference: Rohit Joshi, GEHU Dehradun Uttarakhand; Microwave attenuation studies impacted by rain for communication links operating at Tropical regions: A survey; 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia organized by the World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering (WARSE) on 10 February 2015, Malaysia
Name of Paper: Analysis of Power Electronics Based Integrated Topology and Reliability Interface with Renewable Energy Resources
Year of Presentation: September 2014
Faculty Name: Rakesh Thapliyal
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Green Technology for Environmental pollution prevention and control (ICGTEPC- 2014)
Reference: International Conference on Green Technology for Environmental pollution prevention and control (ICGTEPC- 2014) held at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India on September 27-29, 2014
Name of Paper: Bamboo as a Building Material
Year of Acceptance: July, 2014
Faculty Name: Ar. Dhenesh Raj, Ar. Bindu Aggarwal
Name of Proceeding: 4th International Conference on Architecture organized by Krishi Sanskriti on 26th July 2014
Reference: Ar. Dhenesh Raj, Ar. Bindu Aggarwal, Bamboo as a Building Material, 4th International Conference on Architecture organized by Krishi Sanskriti on 26th July 2014, JNU Delhi
Name of Paper: Architecture & Recycling Technologies
Year of Acceptance: July, 2014
Faculty Name: Ar. Dhenesh Raj, Ar. Bindu Aggarwal
Name of Proceeding: 4th International Conference on Architecture organized by Krishi Sanskriti on 26th July 2014
Reference: Ar. Dhenesh Raj, Ar. Bindu Aggarwal, Architecture & Recycling Technologies, 4th International Conference on Architecture organized by Krishi Sanskriti on 26th July 2014, JNU Delhi
Name of Paper: Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in Buildings
Year of Acceptance: July, 2014
Faculty Name: Ar. Dhenesh Raj, Ar. Bindu Aggarwal
Name of Proceeding: 4th International Conference on Architecture organized by Krishi Sanskriti on 26th July 2014
Reference: Ar. Dhenesh Raj, Ar. Bindu Aggarwal, Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in Buildings, 4th International Conference on Architecture organized by Krishi Sanskriti on 26th July 2014, JNU Delhi
Name of Paper: Passive House and Nearly Zero Energy Buildings
Year of Acceptance: July, 2014
Faculty Name: Ar. Dhenesh Raj, Ar. Bindu Aggarwal
Name of Proceeding: 4th International Conference on Architecture organized by Krishi Sanskriti on 26th July 2014
Reference: Ar. Dhenesh Raj, Ar. Bindu Aggarwal, Passive House and Nearly Zero Energy Buildings, 4th International Conference on Architecture organized by Krishi Sanskriti on 26th July 2014, JNU Delhi
Name of Paper: Energy Savings in Buildings : Case Study : SOS Children’s Village , Dehradun
Year of Acceptance: July, 2014
Faculty Name: Ar. Dhenesh Raj, Ar. Bindu Aggarwal
Name of Proceeding: 4th International Conference on Architecture organized by Krishi Sanskriti on 26th July 2014
Reference: Ar. Dhenesh Raj, Ar. Bindu Aggarwal, Energy Savings in Buildings : Case Study : SOS Children’s Village , Dehradun, 4th International Conference on Architecture organized by Krishi Sanskriti on 26th July 2014, JNU Delhi
Name of Paper: Flow in a Channel with Surfactant Layer: Slip Condition at the Plates
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Shweta Raturi
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: Selecting Centroids in K-means Clustering: A better Approach to Categorize Liver Patient Dataset using Atkinson Index
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Avita Katal, Suryakant
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: Embedding and Extraction of Watermark in Digital Audio
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Rahul Palaria (M.Tech Scholar)
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: Analysis of Diverse Topology for Multilevel Converter and Inverter Modulating in Cascaded H Bridge Solid State Transformer
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Rakesh Thapliyal
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: Automated License Plate Recognition System Based on Template Matching and Neural Network
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Rahul Chauhan
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Based on Energy Detection
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Rahul Chauhan
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: An approach for Improving Corporate Governance with the help of Database Management System
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Shwetank Avikal
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: Cost Analysis of SHP Project
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Sachin Mishra
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: An Analytical Hierarchy Process Based Approach for Purchasing Lab Instruments and Machines
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Shwetank Avikal
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: Performance Analysis of Honeypots Based Intrusion Detection Systems
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Anurag Barthwal
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks by using Improvised Genetic Algorithm
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Naveen Garg
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: Minimizing the Overheads by Using Threads in Apriori Algorithm
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Anupriya
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: Age Approximation from Speech Using Excitation Source Features and Gaussian Mixture Models
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Anurag Barthwal
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: Adaptive Theory Based Control Algorithm for Power Quality Improvement Using DSTATCOM
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Vaibhav Aggarwal
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: Analysis of Zero Access Peer-to-Peer Botnet
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Cheenu Singh
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: Big Data Analytics using Hadoop
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: P A Anand, Bijesh Dhyani, Anurag Barthwal
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: Intelligent Decision Support System for Tourism
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Ishteyaaq Ahmad
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: Coverage Analysis of AMBA AHB Using Synopsis VCS
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Akshay Mann
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: LapiTracing: Using Inbuilt Modem
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Arpit Goel
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: Big Handshake between Ancient Wisdom of India and Modern Science and Technology
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Malabika Sen
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: Neural Network based Dual-GSM Complex Impedance Matching Network Design
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Manisha Chand, Megha Chauhan &Vivek Sharma
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: Assessment of Voltage Unbalance: A Review
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Etika Tyagi
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: A Novel Approach of Fuzzy Decision Making for Energy Detection Based Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio
Year of Acceptance: August, 2014
Faculty Name: Rahul Chauhan, Avita Katal
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology
Reference: International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering & Technology, August 7-8, 2014
Name of Paper: To Evaluate the Impact of Vector mobility model over Routing Protocols in MANET
Year of Acceptance: March, 2014
Faculty Name: Suryakant
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on IT in Business, Industry & Govt.
Reference: International Conference on IT in Business, Industry & Govt., Indore- March 2014
Name of Paper: A Heuristic for Cost Oriented Assembly Line Balancing Problems
Year of Acceptance: 22-23 March, 2014
Faculty Name: Shwetank Avikal, Sanjay Sharma
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on Quality Management
Reference: International Conference on Quality Management, 22-23 March 2014
Name of Paper: Software cost estimation using the improved fuzzy logic framework
Year of Acceptance: March, 2014
Faculty Name: Suryakant
Name of Proceeding: International Conference on IT in Business, Industry & Govt.
Reference: International Conference on IT in Business, Industry & Govt., Indore- March 2014
Name of Paper: OFDTs: Optimally Fair Dynamic Task Scheduling in Cloud Environment
Year of Acceptance: 2014
Faculty Name: Shilpi Saxena
Name of Proceeding: IEEE International Conference on Contemporary Computing
Name of Paper: Types of Hybrid Power Filter and their Comparative Performance Analysis with Distorted Source Voltage using MATLAB
Year of Acceptance: January, 2014
Faculty Name: Chendika Venkata Avinash
Name of Proceeding: IEEE International Conference on Advances in Energy Conversion Technologies
Reference: IEEE International Conference on Advances in Energy Conversion Technologies, Manipal Institue of Technology, Manipal, Karnataka, January 23-25, 2014
Name of Paper: Small Signal Analysis and Design of FPGA based Fractional Open Circuit Voltage MPPT Charge Controller for Solar PV System
Year of Acceptance: March, 2013
Faculty Name: Chendika Venkata Avinash
Name of Proceeding: IEEE International Conference on Research and Development Prospects on Engineering and Technology
Reference: IEEE International Conference on Research and Development Prospects on Engineering and Technology, Nagarpattinum, Tamil Nadu, March 29-30, 2013
Name of Paper: Vowel Recognition from Telephonic Speech using MFCC’s and Gaussian Mixture Models
Year of Acceptance: 2012
Faculty Name: Sujata Negi, Manoj Kumar Singh & Anurag Barthwal
Name of Proceeding: ICECCS 2012, Kerala
Link: link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-32112-2_21?
Name of Paper: A Novel Switching Scheme for Three Phase PWM AC Chopper Fed Induction Motor
Year of Acceptance: December, 2012
Faculty Name: Jose Thankachan
Name of Proceeding: IEEE 5th India International Conference on Power Electronics, IEEE PELS-IES &IEEE PES-IAS Delhi Chapter
Reference: Jose Thankachan, Saly George , A Novel Switching Scheme for Three Phase PWM AC Chopper Fed Induction Motor, IEEE 5th India International Conference on Power Electronics, IEEE PELS-IES &IEEE PES-IAS Delhi Chapter, Dec 2012; ISSN :2160-3162; Print ISBN: 978-1-4673-0931-8; INSPEC Accession Number:13308015
Name of Paper: Telephonic Vowel Recognition in the Case of English Vowels
Year of Acceptance: 2012
Faculty Name: Sujata Negi, Manoj Kumar Singh & Anurag Barthwal
Link: link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-32129-0_54??
Name of Proceeding: IC3 Noida
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