Books and Chapters Published

S.N. Date Title Source title Link Author
1 5/8/2024 Applications of artificial intelligence in marketing Balancing Automation and Human Interaction in Modern Marketing Click Here Manish Kumar
2 5/15/2024 Enhancing smart city resilience: Integrating cloud computing and 5G for secure and sustainable urban environments Secure and Intelligent IoT-Enabled Smart Cities Click Here Richa Pandey
3 5/15/2024 5G cityscape: Unleashing seamless connectivity for smart urban evolution Secure and Intelligent IoT-Enabled Smart Cities Click Here Manisha Koranga
4 5/18/2024 Optimizing the effects of neuroleadership during organizational transition Building Organizational Resilience With Neuroleadership Click Here Manish Kumar
5 9/10/2024 Leveraging artificial intelligence in service marketing to Enhance Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) AI Innovations in Service and Tourism Marketing Click Here Udit kumar Pandey
6 11/8/2024 Benefits and Challenges of Decentralization in Education for Resource Optimization and Improved Performance Decentralized Systems and Distributed Computing Click Here Ankita Singh
7 11/8/2024 A PSO-Based Hybrid Cardiovascular Disease Prediction for Using Artificial Flora Algorithm Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Blockchain Technology and Digital Twin for Smart Hospitals Click Here Gulbir singh

Name of Chapter: General properties of two-dimensional nanosheets

Name of Book: Properties and Applications of Nanosheets

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Pushpa Negi Bhakuni

Name of Chapter: The Ethical Considerations of DNA Profiling for Resilience in a Forensic Setting in India: AComparative Study with International Guidelines

Name of Book: The Framework for Resilient Industry: A Holistic Approach for Developing Economies

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Farha Khan

Name of Chapter: Enhancing reliability and security of power monitoring systems in the era of 5G networks

Name of Book: Networks Attack Detection on 5G Networks using Data Mining Techniques

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Jitendra Kumar Chaudhary


Name of Book: Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Farha Khan

Name of Chapter: Effect of misalignment issues for different coil structures in dynamic wireless chargingsystem

Name of Book: Electric Vehicle Propulsion Drives and Charging Systems

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Surya Kant

Name of Chapter: Implementation of model predictive control of PMSM for EVPT system

Name of Book: Electric Vehicle Propulsion Drives and Charging Systems

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Surya Kant

Name of Chapter: Removal of Haze from Synthetic and Real Scenes Using Deep Learning and Other AITechniques

Name of Book: Deep Learning Techniques for Automation and Industrial Applications

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Ravindra singh koranga

Name of Chapter: Navigating the data-driven future of virtual and hybrid events

Name of Book: New Technologies in Virtual and Hybrid Events

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Udit kumar Pandey


Name of Book: Good Governance and Economic Growth: Complimentary or Problematic?

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Manohar giri

Name of Chapter: Nutraceuticals: A Potential Source in Treating Human Ailments

Name of Book: AAP Advances in Nutraceuticals: Herbals as Nutraceuticals: Their Role in Healthcare

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Himanshu Joshi

Name of Chapter: Graphene for biomedical applications

Name of Book: Properties and Applications of Graphene Nanosheets

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Pushpa Bhakuni negi

Name of Chapter: Regulations and directives that are on the European Union’s table and how this will affectthe financial services industry and related industries

Name of Book: Greening Our Economy for a Sustainable Future

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Frah khan

Name of Chapter: Applications of artificial intelligence in marketing

Name of Book: Balancing Automation and Human Interaction in Modern Marketing

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Manish Kumar

Name of Chapter: Enhancing smart city resilience: Integrating cloud computing and 5G for secure andsustainable urban environments

Name of Book: Secure and Intelligent IoT-Enabled Smart Cities

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Richa Pandey

Name of Chapter: 5G cityscape: Unleashing seamless connectivity for smart urban evolution

Name of Book: Secure and Intelligent IoT-Enabled Smart Cities

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Manisha Koranga

Name of Chapter: Optimizing the effects of neuroleadership during organizational transition

Name of Book: Building Organizational Resilience With Neuroleadership

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Manish Kumar

Name of Chapter: Leveraging artificial intelligence in service marketing to Enhance Electronic Word of Mouth(eWOM)

Name of Book: AI Innovations in Service and Tourism Marketing

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Udit kumar Pandey

Name of Chapter: Benefits and Challenges of Decentralization in Education for Resource Optimization andImproved Performance

Name of Book: Decentralized Systems and Distributed Computing

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Ankita Singh

Name of Chapter: A PSO-Based Hybrid Cardiovascular Disease Prediction for Using Artificial Flora Algorithm

Name of Book: Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Blockchain Technology and Digital Twin for Smart Hospitals

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Gulbir singh

Name of Chapter: Tribology of Spray Formed Aluminium-Based Materials

Name of Book: Springer Proceedings in Materials

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Gaurav Gautam

Name of Chapter: Investigation of Dielectric and Electrical Behaviour of Y2Ti2O7 Pyrochlore

Name of Book: Springer Proceedings in Materials

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Gaurav Gautam

Name of Chapter: Optimizing supply chain management indicators for sustainable supply chain integration andcustomer loyalty: Potential role of environmentally responsible practices

Name of Book: Strategies for Environmentally Responsible Supply Chain and Production Management

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Raj Kumar Singh

Name of Chapter: Electrochemical methods for determination of fertilizers in soil

Name of Book: Nanofertilizer Delivery, Effects and Application Methods

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Naveen chandra Talniya

Name of Chapter: Effective Use of Nanomaterials to Maintain Soil Fertility and Reduce Heavy Metal Toxicity inSoil

Name of Book: The Nanotechnology Driven Agriculture: The Future Ahead

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Shiv vendra Singh

Name of Chapter: Effect of reinforcement materials on the glass transient temperature and viscoelasticproperties of polymer composites

Name of Book: Dynamic Mechanical and Creep-Recovery Behavior of Polymer-Based Composites: Mechanical andMathematical Modeling

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Vaishally Dogra

Name of Chapter: Precision drug delivery to tackle antibiotic resistance

Name of Book: Frontiers in Combating Antibacterial Resistance: Current Perspectives and Future Horizons

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Archana Dhyani

Name of Chapter: Digitalization in Indian Higher Education: Are Students Ready?

Name of Book: Digitalization of Higher Education: Opportunities and Threats

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Megha Sharma

Name of Chapter: Generative AI-enabled iot applications for smart cities: Unleashing innovation and paving theway for the future

Name of Book: Secure and Intelligent IoT-Enabled Smart Cities

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Anupriya sharma Ghai

Name of Chapter: Zinc-based composites with enhanced mechanical and tribological properties by in-situ formedceramic particles

Name of Book: Sustainability in Smart Manufacturing: Trends, Scope, and Challenges

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Gaurav Gautam

Name of Chapter: Technology-enabled integrated fusion teaching for university 4.0

Name of Book: Innovation in the University 4.0 System based on Smart Technologies

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Himanshu Kargeti

Name of Chapter: Emotion-infused multimodal biometric fusion for elevating user authentication andinteraction

Name of Book: Applications of Parallel Data Processing for Biomedical Imaging

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Rahul Chauhan

Name of Chapter: Applications of parallel data processing for biomedical imaging

Name of Book: Applications of Parallel Data Processing for Biomedical Imaging

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Indrajeet Kumar

Name of Chapter: Analysis of convolutional neural networks with and without attention mechanisms for pneumoniaand COVID-19 disease prediction

Name of Book: Applications of Parallel Data Processing for Biomedical Imaging

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Sandeep kumar

Name of Chapter: Advancements in big data analytics for human biology and healthcare services

Name of Book: Applications of Parallel Data Processing for Biomedical Imaging

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Chandradeep Bhatt

Name of Chapter: Application of AI in big data processing

Name of Book: Applications of Parallel Data Processing for Biomedical Imaging

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Chandradeep Bhatt

Name of Chapter: Adopting NFTs for customer engagements: A critical overview

Name of Book: Adoption of NFTs and Cryptocurrency in Marketing

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Suruchi Sharma

Name of Chapter: A novel study on IoT and machine learning-based transportation

Name of Book: Machine Learning Techniques and Industry Applications

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Mohit Payal

Name of Chapter: Ways of using computational thinking to improve students’ ability to think critically

Name of Book: Infrastructure Possibilities and Human-Centered Approaches With Industry 5.0

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Indrajeet Kumar

Name of Chapter: Occurrence of emerging contaminants in soils and impacts on rhizosphere

Name of Book: Emerging Contaminants: Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Sayantika Bhattacharya

Name of Chapter: Production of secondary metabolites from medicinal plants through tissue culture

Name of Book: Secondary Metabolites and Biotherapeutics

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Balwant Rawat


Name of Book: Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Namrata Prakash

Name of Chapter: Emerging technologies and future directions

Name of Book: Reshaping Healthcare with Cutting-Edge Biomedical Advancements

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Parul Chaudhary

Name of Chapter: Impact of revenge tourism in Uttarakhand state post COVID-19 outbreak

Name of Book: Managing Tourism and Hospitality Sectors for Sustainable Global Transformation

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Archana Dhyani

Name of Chapter: Buck-Boost Converter-Based Sliding Mode Maximum Power Point Tracking System for PhotovoltaicSystems

Name of Book: Green Energy and Technology

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Mohit Bajaj

Name of Chapter: Nanomaterials for inorganic pollutants removal from contaminated water

Name of Book: Nano-Bioremediation for Water and Soil Treatment: An Eco-Friendly Approach

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Shiv vendra Singh

Name of Chapter: New dimensions into the removal of pesticides using an innovative ecofriendly technique:Nanoremediation

Name of Book: Nano-Bioremediation for Water and Soil Treatment: An Eco-Friendly Approach

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Shiv vendra Singh

Name of Chapter: Sentiments and opinions shared on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic using machinelearning techniques

Name of Book: Hybrid Information Systems: Non-Linear Optimization Strategies with Artificial Intelligence

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Mahesh Manchanda

Name of Chapter: Drugs, drug-biomolecule interactions, and drugs delivery systems: Quantum chemicalapproaches

Name of Book: Computational Studies: From Molecules to Materials

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Soni Mishra

Name of Chapter: Role of nanomaterials on soil microbial community and functionality: Nanomaterialimpact-unraveling the dynamics of soil microbial communities and functions

Name of Book: Nanotechnology Applications and Innovations for Improved Soil Health

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Parul Chaudhary

Name of Chapter: Enhancing Transparency and Efficiency in the Fruits and Vegetables Cold Chain ThroughBlockchain Integration

Name of Book: Energy, Environment, and Sustainability

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Rakesh Chandmal Sharma

Name of Chapter: Revolutionizing Transportation: The Future Impact of Green Energy

Name of Book: Energy, Environment, and Sustainability

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Rakesh Chandmal Sharma

Name of Chapter: Improving On-Time Performance: Predicting Train Delays with Machine Learning Techniques

Name of Book: Energy, Environment, and Sustainability

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Rakesh Chandmal Sharma

Name of Chapter: Deterministic and Probabilistic Forced Response Analysis of a Railway Coach

Name of Book: Energy, Environment, and Sustainability

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Rakesh Chandmal Sharma

Name of Chapter: Blockchain Solutions for Cost-Efficiency and Traceability in Indian Food Distribution

Name of Book: Energy, Environment, and Sustainability

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Rakesh chnadmal sharma

Name of Chapter: Biochar application in sustainable production of horticultural crops in the new era ofsoilless cultivation

Name of Book: Biochar Production for Green Economy: Agricultural and Environmental Perspectives

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Ashish Kaushal

Name of Chapter: Biochar-led methanogenic and methanotrophic microbial community shift: mitigating methaneemissions

Name of Book: Biochar Production for Green Economy: Agricultural and Environmental Perspectives

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Rashmi Sharma

Name of Chapter: Role of biochar in acidic soils amelioration

Name of Book: Biochar Production for Green Economy: Agricultural and Environmental Perspectives

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Rashmi Sharma

Name of Chapter: Biochar as climate-smart strategy to address climate change mitigation and adoption in 21stcentury

Name of Book: Biochar Production for Green Economy: Agricultural and Environmental Perspectives

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Sayantika Bhattacharya

Name of Chapter: Influencer marketing: Its notable growth in brands valuation and consumer behavior

Name of Book: Navigating the World of Deepfake Technology

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Harish Kumar

Name of Chapter: Neuro marketing: Harnessing the power of cognitive analysis

Name of Book: Sensible Selling Through Sensory Neuromarketing

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Namrata Prakash

Name of Chapter: Creating digital learning environments: Tools and technologies for success

Name of Book: Transdisciplinary Teaching and Technological Integration for Improved Learning: Case Studiesand Practical Approaches

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Naina malhotra

Name of Chapter: Managing gig economy workers through artificial intelligence: Applications and challenges

Name of Book: Fostering Industry-Academia Partnerships for Innovation-Driven Trade

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Shweta arora

Name of Chapter: Security issues and challenges for IIoT in Industry 4.0 paradigm

Name of Book: Embedded Devices and Internet of Things: Technologies and Applications

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Piyush bagla

Name of Chapter: Pathophysiology of Allergic Airways Disease

Name of Book: Understanding Allergic Airway Diseases Contemporary Treatment Paradigm

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Karuna Dhaundhiyal

Name of Chapter: Remote Vibration Control Systems for Rotating Machinery Units Fault Detection

Name of Book: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Mohit Bajaj

Name of Chapter: Lightweight secure key authentication scheme for industrial internet of things

Name of Book: Industrial Internet of Things Security: Protecting AI-Enabled Engineering Systems in Cloud andEdge Environments

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Vrince Vimal

Name of Chapter: Implication of Plant Functional Traits in Crop Improvement

Name of Book: Plant Functional Traits for Improving Productivity

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Rajneesh Bhardwaj

Name of Chapter: Polymer Based Composite Coatings in Engineering Applications

Name of Book: Hybrid Composite Materials: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Vaishally Dogra

Name of Chapter: Application of artificial intelligence techniques in healthcare

Name of Book: AI in the Social and Business World: A Comprehensive Approach

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Deepika Joshi

Name of Chapter: Exploring the Indian solid waste regime in 2024: A policy and infrastructure review from aTier 2 city of India

Name of Book: Municipal Solid Waste Management and Recycling Technologies

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Deepak kholiya

Name of Chapter: K-means clustering over distributed environment: A review

Name of Book: Uncertainty in Computational Intelligence-Based Decision Making: A volume in Advanced Studiesin Complex Systems

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Satvik Vats

Name of Chapter: Marine biopolymers as insulating/coating agents and self-cleaning materials

Name of Book: Marine Biopolymers: Processing, Functionality and Applications

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Arun Kumar Gupta

Name of Chapter: Advanced frequent itemset mining algorithm (AFIM)

Name of Book: Uncertainty in Computational Intelligence-Based Decision Making: A volume in Advanced Studiesin Complex Systems

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Satvik Vats

Name of Chapter: Role of energy-efficient technology to build sustainable cities

Name of Book: Advanced Technologies for Realizing Sustainable Development Goals: 5G, AI, Big Data,Blockchain, and Industry 4.0 Application

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Namrata Prakash

Name of Chapter: Developing Explainable AI Models to Identify Perimenopause Symptoms: Identification ofSymptoms for Perimenopause

Name of Book: Utilizing AI Techniques for the Perimenopause to Menopause Transition

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Prachi mall

Name of Chapter: The Basics of Perimenopause: Menopause and Pre- Menopause

Name of Book: Utilizing AI Techniques for the Perimenopause to Menopause Transition

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Deepika Raina

Name of Chapter: Nutraceutical Potential of Staple Food Crops

Name of Book: Herbal Nutraceuticals: Products and Processes

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Arun Kumar Gupta

Name of Chapter: Deep Learning for Dynamic Security Assessment of Power Systems with Adaptive SyntheticSampling-Based Imbalanced Database: A Case Study

Name of Book: Power Systems

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Mohit Bajaj

Name of Chapter: Application of modern tools for the real-time monitoring of bioremediation approach and itsadvantages

Name of Book: Biotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery: Current Trends and FutureScope

Publication Link: Click Here

Faculty Name: Avnish Chauhan

Name of Chapter:  Biomass, biopolymer-based materials, and bioenergy: Construction, biomedical, and otherindustrial applications

Name of Book:   Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and otherIndustrial Applications

Name of Publication:  Elsevier

Published Year:  2019

ISBN:  978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0

Faculty Name:  Deepak Verma

Name of Chapter:  Natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites: Application in marine environments

Name of Book:   Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and otherIndustrial Applications

Name of Publication:  Elsevier

Published Year:  2019

ISBN:  978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0

Faculty Name:  Deepak Verma

Name of Chapter:  Characteristics of johorean elaeis guineensis oil palm kernel shells: Elasticity, Thermalstability, and biochemical composition

Name of Book:   Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and otherIndustrial Applications

Name of Publication:  Elsevier

Published Year:  2019

ISBN:  978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0

Faculty Name:  Deepak Verma

Name of Chapter:  Characteristics of johorean elaeis guineensis oil palm kernel shells: Elasticity, Thermalstability, and biochemical composition

Name of Book:   Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and otherIndustrial Applications

Name of Publication:  Elsevier

Published Year:  2019

ISBN:  978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0

Faculty Name:  Deepak Verma

Name of Chapter:  Biobased and biodegradable plastics

Name of Book:   Handbook of Ecomaterials

Name of Publication:  Springer International Publishing

Published Year:  2019

ISBN:  978-331968255-6; 978-331968254-9

Faculty Name:  Deepak Verma

Name of Chapter:  Novel nanoscaled materials from lignocellulosic sources: Potential applications in theagricultural sector

Name of Book:   Handbook of Ecomaterials

Name of Publication:  Springer International Publishing

Published Year:  2019

ISBN:  978-331968255-6; 978-331968254-9

Faculty Name:  Deepak Verma

Name of Chapter:  The consideration of economics during the processing of biofuels

Name of Book:   Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and otherIndustrial Applications

Name of Publication:  Elsevier

Published Year:  2019

ISBN:  978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0

Faculty Name:  Deepak Verma

Name of Chapter:  Natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites

Name of Book:   Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and otherIndustrial Applications

Name of Publication:  Elsevier

Published Year:  2019

ISBN:  978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0

Faculty Name:  Deepak Verma

Name of Chapter:  Biopolymer processing and its composites: An introduction

Name of Book:   Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and otherIndustrial Applications

Name of Publication:  Elsevier

Published Year:  2019

ISBN:  978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0

Faculty Name:  Deepak Verma

Name of Chapter:  Construction materials reinforced with natural products

Name of Book:   Handbook of Ecomaterials

Name of Publication:  Springer International Publishing

Published Year:  2019

ISBN:  978-331968255-6; 978-331968254-9

Faculty Name:  Deepak Verma

Name of Chapter:  A MCDM based approach for selection of a sedan car from Indian Car Market

Name of Publication:  Springer publications, SCOPUS Indexed

Published Year:  2018

Name of Chapter:  A MCDM Based Approach for Selection the Best State for Tourism in India

Name of Publication:  Springer publications, SCOPUS Indexed

Published Year:  2018

Name of Book:  Procedure of E-filing (based on Income Tax Return through JAVA Utility)

ISBN:  9789386202505

Faculty Name:  Dr Kamal Pant

Year of Publication:  2018

Name of Publication:  University Science Press (An Imprint of Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi)

Name of Chapter:  Starch-Based Biocomposites

Name of Book:  Handbook of Bionanacomposites: Green and Sustainable Materials

Year of Publication:  Online Print April, 2017 (accepted)

Faculty Name:  Deepak Verma, Sanjay Sharma

Reference:  Deepak Verma, Sanjay Sharma, “Starch-Based Biocomposites”, Handbook of Bionanacomposites: Greenand Sustainable Materials. CRC PRESS. Indexed by Thomson ISI book index andElseveir Scopus. (Accepted and online inApril 2017)

Name of Publication:  Springer

Name of Chapter:  Novel nanoscaled materials from lignocellulosic sources with potential applicationsin agricultural sector

Name of Book:  Handbook of Ecomaterials

Year of Publication:  Online Print April, 2017 (accepted)

Faculty Name:  Deepak Verma

Name of Publication:  Springer

Name of Chapter:  Recent Developments in Green Composites based on Plant Fibers- Preparation,Structure and Properties

Name of Book:  Handbook of Ecomaterials

Year of Publication:  Online Print April, 2017 (accepted)

Faculty Name:  Deepak Verma

Name of Publication:  Springer

Name of Chapter:  Construction Materials reinforced with Natural Products

Name of Book: Green Biocomposites: Design and Applications

Year of Publication: Online Print 2017 (accepted)

Faculty Name:  Deepak Verma, Sanjay Sharma

Reference:  Deepak Verma, Sanjay Sharma, “Green Biocomposites: A prospective utilization in AutomobileIndustry”, Book Chapter, Green Biocomposites: Design and Applications

Name of Publication:  University Putra Malaysia, Springer

Name of Chapter:  Processing Techniques of Nanoclay Based Natural Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites

Name of Book: Nanoclay Reinforced Polymer Composites

Year of Publication:  2016

Faculty Name:  Deepak Verma

Name of Publication:  University Putra Malaysia, Springer

Name of Book:  Basic Manufacturing Processes (Theory and Practice)

Year of Publication:  2016

Faculty Name:  Dr R C S Mehta, Mr. Nagendra Gaira

Name of Publication:  Viva Books Private Limited, New Delhi

Name of Book:  Verbal Ability and Reasoning for Competitive Examinations

Year of Publication:  2016

Faculty Name:  P A Anand

Name of Publication:  Wiley Publications

Name of Book:  The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT

Year of Publication:  2016

Faculty Name:  Nishit K Sinha

Name of Publication:  Pearson Publications

Name of Book:  Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations

Year of Publication:  2015

Faculty Name:  P A Anand

Reference:  ISBN 13- 9788126549306; ISBN 10- 8126549300

Name of Publication:  Wiley Publications

Name of Book:  C# Programming with Net Framework

Faculty Name:  Kamlesh K. PAdaliya (Co-author)

Reference:  ISBN: 9789385000324

Name of Publication:  Bharti Publications, New Delhi

Name of Book:  Green Approaches to Bio composite Materials Science and Engineering

Year of Acceptance: 2015 (to be published in a January 2016)

Faculty Name:  Deepak Verma

Name of Publication:  IGI Global, an international publisher of progressive academic research

Reference: 1. Deepak Verma (Editor in Chief), Xiaolei Zhang, Siddharth Jain, P.C.Gope, “Green Approaches toBiocomposite Material Science and Engineering”, IGI Global USA. ISBN13: 9781522504245 |ISBN10: 1522504249| EISBN13:9781522504252| DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0424-5

Name of Chapter:  The Manufacturing of Natural Fibre-Reinforced Composites by Resin-Transfer Molding Process

Year of Publication:  2015

Faculty Name:  Deepak Verma

Faculty Book:  Manufacturing of Natural Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite

Name of Publisher:   Universiti Putra Malaysia with Springer

Reference:  Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015; DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-07944-8_13

Name of Chapter:  Composites from Bagasse Fibers, Its Characterization and Applications

Year of Publication:  2015

Faculty Name:  Deepak Verma

Faculty Book:  Agriculture Biomass Based Potential Materials

Name of Publisher:   Springer International Publishing

Reference:  Springer International Publishing; Print ISBN no. 978-3-319-13846-6 ; Online ISBN:978-3-319-13847-3

Name of Chapter:  Introduction to Visual Basic

Year of Publication:  2015

Faculty Name:  Mahesh Manchanda

Faculty Book:  Programming in Visual Basic and Computerized Accounting

Name of Publisher:  School of Distnace Education, Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference:  Programming in Visual Basic and Computerized Accounting;Bachelor of Tourism Studies, FifthSemester, School of Distnace Education, Mahatma Gandhi University, ISBN:978-93-259-8795-1

Name of Chapter:  Variables and Decision Constructs

Year of Publication:  2015

Faculty Name:  Mahesh Manchanda

Faculty Book:  Programming in Visual Basic and Computerized Accounting

Name of Publisher:  School of Distnace Education, Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference:  Programming in Visual Basic and Computerized Accounting;Bachelor of Tourism Studies, FifthSemester, School of Distnace Education, Mahatma Gandhi University, ISBN:978-93-259-8795-1

Name of Chapter:  Selecting and Using Controls

Year of Publication:  2015

Faculty Name:  Mahesh Manchanda

Faculty Book:  Programming in Visual Basic and Computerized Accounting

Name of Publisher:  School of Distnace Education, Mahatma Gandhi University

Reference:  Programming in Visual Basic and Computerized Accounting;Bachelor of Tourism Studies, FifthSemester, School of Distnace Education, Mahatma Gandhi University, ISBN:978-93-259-8795-1

Name of Book:  Ecology Of Some Medicinal Herbs Of Shiwalik Forests Uttarakhand(INDIA)

Year of Publication:  2013-14

Faculty Name:  C. S. Bohra

Name of Publisher:   Lambert Academic Publications, Germany

Reference:  Lambert Academic Publications, Germany (ISBN no. 978-3-8484-8986-2) ; 2013-14

Name of Book:  Environment And Ecology

Year of Print:  2011

Faculty Name:  Kamal Kant Joshi

ISBN:  9789381141427

Name of Publication:  IK International, New Delhi

Name of Book:  Programming  Techniques

Year of Publication:  December,  2013

Faculty Name:  Mr. Mahesh Manchanda

Name of Publisher:  Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd,Noida

Reference:  Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd,Noida, Dec. 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-259-7037-3)

Name of Book:  Front End Technology Using Visual Basic

Year of Publication:  December,  2013

Faculty Name:  Mr. Mahesh Manchanda

Name of Publisher:  Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd,Noida

Reference:  Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd,Noida, Dec. 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-259-6973-5)

Name of Book:  Diploma in Computer Applications

Year of Publication:  2013

Faculty Name:  Mr. Mahesh Manchanda

Name of Publisher:  Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd,Noida

Reference:  Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd,Noida, 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-259-6848-6)

Name of Book:  Textbook Of Reasoning First Edition: 2013

Year of Print:  2013

Faculty Name:  Mr. P A Anand

Name of Publication:  Savera Publication, New Delhi

Name of Book:  Grammar For Success Volume 1

Year of Print:  2013

Faculty Name:  Mrs. Shreejata Dey

Name of Publication:  Savera Publication, New Delhi

Name of Book:   Mathematical Model for Heat and Mass Transfer Problems

Year of Publication:  June, 2012

Faculty Name:  Dr. Navneet Joshi

Name of Publisher:  LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012) Germany

Reference:  ISBN-10: 3659156647, ISBN-13: 978-3659156649

Name of Book:  Mobile Telephony Dangerous For Adults And Children Both

Year of Print:  July, 2012

Faculty Name:  Dr. Vijay Kumar

Name of Publication:  Lambert Academic Publication (LAP), GermanyReference: ISBN: 978-3-659-20542-2 (July 2012)

Name of Book:  Data interpretation

Year of Print:  2012

Faculty Name:  Mr. Nishit Kumar Sinha

Name of Publication:  Pearson Publication


Name of Book:  The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT

Year of Re-print:  2014

Faculty Name:  Mr. Nishit Kumar Sinha

Name of Publication:  Pearson Publication


Name of Book:  Engineering Physics Volume 1

Year of Print:  September, 2012

Faculty Name:  Dr. Vijay Kumar

Name of Publication:  Savera Publication, New Delhi

Reference:  ISBN: 978-93-81771-14-3 (September 2012)

Name of Book:  Engineering Physics Volume 2

Year of Print:  September, 2012

Faculty Name:  Dr. Vijay Kumar

Name of Publication:  Savera Publication, New Delhi

Reference:  ISBN: 978-93-81771-14-4 (September 2012)

Name of Book:  Synthesis and structural characterization of multiwalled carbon nanotube doped barium titanateceramics for capacitor applications

Year of Print:  August, 2012

Faculty Name:  Dr. Vijay Kumar & Vijay Bijalwan

Name of Publication:  LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany

Reference:  ISBN-10: 3659220000; ISBN-13: 978-3659220005

Name of Chapter:  Adverse Impacts of Oil Pollution on Environment

Year of Publication:  2013

Faculty Name:  Dr. Kamal Kant Joshi

Name of Book:  Agriculture, Ecology and Environment

Name of Publisher:  Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

Reference:  Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-5056-480-6) PP.126-135.

Name of Chapter:  Eradication of Lantana by under Planting with Bamboo

Year of Publication:  2013

Faculty Name:  Dr. Deepak Kholiya

Name of Book:  Agriculture and Environmental Biotechnology

Name of Publisher:  Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

Reference:  Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-5056-479-0.pp. 106-126)

Name of Chapter:  The Significance Of Forest Councils For Carbon Trading In Indian Central Himalaya

Year of Publication:  2013

Faculty Name:  B. S. Jina, P. Sah, K. Jina, C. S. Bohra& S. Sah,

Name of Book:  Climate change, and Carbon Sequestration

Name of Publisher:  ANCIENT Publishing House, New Delhi

Reference:  ANCIENT Publishing House, New Delhi (ISBN no. 978-93-81385-96-8)

Name of Chapter:  Carbon sequestration by Uttarakhand forests: A tangible ecosystem service

Year of Publication:  2013

Faculty Name:  C. S. Bohra , B. S. Jina and Narayan Singh

Name of Book:  Climate change, Biodiversity and Carbon Sequestration

Name of Publisher:  ANCIENT Publishing House, New Delhi

Reference:  ISBN no. 978-93-81385-96-8 (page no. 181-188).

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