
The University introduces handsome scholarships Year on Year, which often have proven to be the trend setters for private Universities in India. This document provides clarity on the Types of Scholarships and Waivers that students have the possibility of availing depending on their candidatures


Types of Scholarships

Academic Scholarship

  • The Fee Structure at Graphic Era , clearly mentions the Academic Scholarships provided in all courses defined in various categories based on the merit of the candidate obtained in the qualifying examination considered for admission into that specific course.
  • The Academic Scholarships provided in the Fee Structure has been defined for the entire course duration. The Scholarship bracket availed by the candidate at the time of the admission is frozen for the entire duration of the course. There is no change in the scholarship amount during the course, however the candidate will have to score a minimum aggregate of 7 SGPA, in order for the scholarship to applied in each semester. For candidates who fail to score 7 SGPA or above in any of the semesters, the scholarship will not be applicable for that particular semester. If the candidate is able to score 7 SGPA or above in the subsequent semester(s), the scholarship will be reinstated. In addition to the aforementioned 7 SGPA clause, the same terms are applicable on the student obtaining a backlog (failing to pass a subject) in a semester. If the student scores 7 SGPA or above but has still scored a backlog in a subject, the scholarship for that semester will be discontinued.
  • The fee structure clearly mentions the amount of the Academic Scholarship available to candidates or the entire course duration. This amount remains fixed for the entire course duration.
  • There are a number of other scholarships/concessions that the candidates might be eligible for – please do not confuse this with the Academic Scholarship – the amounts for this are mentioned clearly under the head “Academic Scholarship” in the Fee Structures corresponding to all courses.

Fee Concession For Female Candidates (10% On Net Tuition Fee)

  • An integral part of our Scholarship structure is the vision to empower females in various disciplines across the country, and as a part of this effort, Graphic Era has been running a special scholarship scheme for all Female Candidates in the University
  • An additional 10% Scholarship is provided to all female candidates (across all courses) on the Net Tuition Fee. This Scholarship is termed additional, as it will be applicable to candidates regardless of whether they are availing Academic Scholarship or not.

Fee Concession For Wards Of Defence Personnel (5% On Net Tuition Fee)

  • Graphic Era has a rich legacy of respecting the service of the Personnel of the brave defence forces of India, and as a no questions asked benefit being passed on to the community, the University has a blanket Fee Concession of 5% on the Net Tuition Fee for all candidates who are wards of Defence Personnel.
  • This category covers Current and Ex-Servicemen from the Indian Armed Forces (Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy and all Paramilitary Forces) across all levels.
  • The candidate will be required to provide proof of employment for their parent(s) in the categories mentioned above.

Loyalty Concession: 10% (On Net Tuition Fee)

  • Graphic Era values it’s Alumni, and wishes to assist them in attaining Higher Education to the extent that they aspire to. In order to ease out the process of attaining degrees higher than graduation, the University provides a Loyalty Concession of 10% on the Net Tuition Fee for all candidates who have attained a UG Degree from any of the institutions falling under the purview of Graphic Era Group of Institutions.
  • The difference between Year of Passing out and the Year of enrolling in a PG Course bear no importance in this concession. Any and every one falling into the aforementioned criterion will be provided this benefit.

Sibling Concession: (7.5% - Current Student and 5% - Alumni on NET TUITION FEE)

The University, its students and its Alumni are one big family and with this clear understanding, we aspire to provide financial assistance to candidates who are immediate siblings of a current student of Graphic Era or an Alumni of any of the institutions under Graphic Era Group of Institutions.

There are two sub-categories of concessions in this category:

  • Current Student: Immediate Siblings of a student who is currently a student of Graphic Era will be eligible for a Fee Concession of 7.5% on the NET TUITION FEE.
  • Alumni: Immediate Siblings of a student who is an Alumni of Graphic Era, will be eligible for a Fee Concession of 5% on the NET TUITION FEE.
  • IMPORTANT CONDITIONS:1. The concession is applicable only for immediate siblings and not for cousins or any other distant sibling relation. 2. If two candidates (real siblings) are seeking admission at the same time, with no sibling already studying at Graphic Era or passed out from Graphic Era, only one of the two students will be eligible for the Sibling Concession (7.5%) – which of the two candidates wishes to receive the Concession is up to the candidate and their family. 3. If the status of the a current student of Graphic Era, who’s sibling has just taken admission at the University, changes from Current Student to Alumni, during the course of the younger sibling – the concession will be revised from 7.5% to 5% as soon as the elder sibling passes out of the University

Download Full Scholarship Policy Graphic Era University 2023 Policy

Policy For The Application Of The Scholarships/concessions

Since there are a number of scholarships that a candidate may be eligible for, there is a formal rule that defines the maximum number of scholarships a candidate may avail. The rule is defined as below, along with a use case that clarifies all scenarios:

Mandatory Scholarship (For Candidates eligible as per the different criterions defined in the corresponding section) –


All other scholarships are additional scholarships that are added on top of the Academic Scholarship.
As a formal rule, a maximum of 3 Scholarships/Concessions can be availed by a candidate in addition
to the Academic Scholarship (Academic Scholarship + 3 Additional Scholarships/Concessions). These
scholarships are applied in descending order, in order to provide the maximum benefit to the

USE CASE for clear understanding:

Candidate A is seeking admission at Graphic Era – He is eligible for ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP, Female
Candidate Scholarship, Ward of Defence Personnel, Loyalty Concession and Sibling Concession
(7.5%). The order of the Scholarship/Concession granted will be as below:

Academic Scholarship → Female Candidate (10%) → Loyalty Concession (10%) → Sibling Concession

So, as per the rule – Academic Scholarship + 3 – the aforementioned discounts were provided –
Defence Scholarship wasn’t included as it carries a lower value (5%) as compared to the other
concessions that the candidate was eligible for, and since there are only a maximum of 3
Scholarships that can be applied on top of the Academic Scholarship, the aforementioned scenario
was the one that provided the highest concession possible.


An additional 5% Concession on Net Tuition Fee is applicable for candidates who choose to pay their
Course Fees in Annual Mode i.e. Depositing their Course Fee for an entire year together. This
concession is only applicable to yearly payment mode and candidates paying their fees in half-yearly
mode will not be provided any concession.

It is important to note that this concession is applied after all of the above scholarships have been
calculated – this is not a part of the Mandatory Scholarships + 3 rule.

All scholarships are provided on the condition of the candidates providing valid documents
concerning the criterion. Failure to provide the same will result in immediate cancellation of the
scholarship allotted, and in cases of fake documentation provided – the candidate will be liable to
have his/her admission cancelled, in addition to recovery of dues and legal proceedings that may

Admissions Open 2025

The application process at Graphic Era is strictly based on the Merit of the qualifying examination with the entire Admission Process available for completion online