Dr. Devesh Tiwari
Assistant Professor
Microstrip antenna for modern wireless applications
Dr. Devesh Tiwari has completed my B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering from UPTU (now known as AKTU) Lucknow in 2012. He has completed M. Tech (GATE) in Electronics Engineering in 2015 and PhD (UGC- JRF/ SRF) in RF and Microwave Antenna from the Department of Electronics and Communication, Central University of Allahabad, Prayagraj India. Dr. Tiwari has qualified GATE exam six times in 2013, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 20 and has qualified six times UGC NET/JRF exam in sessions Dec 14, Dec 15, Dec 16, Nov 17, Jul 18, and June 19 with up to 100 percentiles in Electronics Science subject. His major research works is in the field of microstrip patch antennae for wireless communications like 5G & IoT applications, Satellite and RADAR applications, etc. He has published almost 30 research papers and Granted 4 patents in international journals & conferences Like AEU, PIER, IEEE, Springer etc.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3896-8450
Scopus ID: 57200945409
Vidwan ID: 413379
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kScOh7sAAAAJ&hl=en
Web of Science ID: U-3008-2019
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