Hi-tech classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, and subject-specific instructional farms play a very significant role in effective curricula delivery aiming at enhancing practical skills among the students. The undergraduate programme has dedicated and earmarked 11 classrooms and 9 laboratories that are sufficient to cater to the needs of the students.
Classrooms and Library
Instructional Farm
The school has three farm sites with a specific area provided to the respective domain for practical training of students regarding various agricultural operations such as land preparation, plant protection measures, sowing methods, cultivation, harvesting, etc.
The School has created infrastructure in the form of Hi-Tech poly houses and naturally ventilated poly houses, which are utilized for the conduct of practical, hands-on training, experiential learning and project work, etc Two Hi-tech poly houses with an area of 200 m2 and 100 m2 respectively equipped with fan pad system for cooling and thermoregulation and misting facilities for maintaining humidity inside chamber exist. One of the two poly houses is designed as hydroponic unit. In addition, a naturally ventilated poly house with dimension of 800 ft2 is also used for conducting projects, practical and hands-on training by students.
The workshop is utilized by students and trainees to develop a wide range of skills with the use of tools during practical classes and project work. Equipment includes a drilling machine, grinding machine, harrow, etc. In addition to this, the space is also used for putting up any exhibition and model farm machinery equipment.
Instructional Dairy Unit
A dairy unit ‘Kamdhenu Dairy’ with the capacity to cater to 200 cows is available for the conduct of practical and hands-on training. The milk (800-1000 liters) in dairy is supplied to hostels and also utilized to make dairy products (paneer, curd, buttermilk etc.).
Crop Cafeteria
The School has developed a crop cafeteria, where rabi and kharif crops vegetables and MAPs are grown for a demonstration to the students. The crop cafeteria serves as a model for crop identification.
Bee Keeping Unit
The School has established an instructional bee-keeping unit for student training and practicals. Apart from honey production, the bees also play a vital role in the pollination of numerous fruits and vegetables, thus, contributing to the enhancement of yield. The students get hands-on-training activities in various aspects of honeybee management, i.e., the establishment of honeybee colonies, beehives management, honey collection and extraction, and processing and marketing of honey.
Crop Museum
To facilitate practical learning, a crop museum is established where seeds of different varieties of crops and their improved cultivars are placed for identification. In addition, model charts/specimens are also made available as study material. The Crop Museum provides immense support for the conduct of training and skill teaching.
Fruit Orchard
Orchards offer a space to learn from each other and nature, and a place in which training of traditional skills can occur, such as pruning and grafting. The fruit orchards, though in the establishment phase, offer opportunities to the students for familiarization with fruit trees and their diseases and pests.
Mushroom Production
An instructional mushroom production unit is available where students are exposed to the production, harvesting, and marketing practices of mushrooms. A separate area has been allocated for providing practical skill and hands-on experience on the production of mushrooms.
Oil Extraction Plant
The cultivation of aromatic plants for essential oil extraction is widely popular in hilly regions. Lemongrass which is becoming popular oil in aromatherapy is cultivated on university farms. Also, an oil extraction unit exists at the farm for a demonstration to the students.
Vermi Composting Unit
There is a growing realization that vermin-composting vermicomposting provides the nutrients and growth-enhancing hormones necessary for plant growth. The fruits, flowers and vegetables, and other plant products grown using vermicompost are reported to have better keeping quality. School of Agriculture promotes the maximum utilization of vermicompost evidenced by student trials and research activities perform on various crops.
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