Dr. Gaurav Gautam
Assistant Professor
Synthesis and Characterization of Metal Matrix Composites
Dr. Gautam successfully finished his Ph.D from Department of Physics, IIT (BHU), Varanasi. He received the NPDF Fellowship from the DST, New Delhi, India after receiving his Ph.D. and worked as a Postdoc Fellow at IIT Roorkee. There are 63 publications overall in the well reputed publishers like ASM (American Society of Metals), ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) AFS (American Foundry Society), ASC (American Society for Composites), IOP (Institute of Physics) Science, Taylor and Francies, etc. Dr. Gautam has 37 SCI/SCIE published papers, 3 Scopus published paper, 15 Conference proceedings, 8 Book Chapters to his credit.
Scopus ID: 56742997300
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=Dj1EcIYAAAAJ&hl=en.
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