Journal/Book | Paper Title | ISSN Number | Links |
Journal of Molecular Liquids | Exploring a solid polymorphism and phase transitions in 4-cyano-4′-pentylbiphenyl (5CB) and rGO-doped 5CB using temperature dependent Raman spectroscopy | 1873-3166 | Click Here |
Journal of Electronic Materials | Fabrication of Granular‑Ni/MgO/Ni‑Based TMR Devices Exhibiting Oscillatory Tunneling Magnetoresistance with Increasing Magnetic Field at Room Temperature | 0361-5235 | Click Here |
Journal/Book | Paper Title | ISSN Number | Links |
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advance Computing and Information Science, 11-12th August 2023. SciTePress. | Ionospheric layers and their probing methods: A short review | (In Press) | |
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Advance Computing and Information Science, 11-12th August 2023. SciTePress. | Effectiveness of the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model in predicting total electron content | (In Press) | |
Geodessy and Geodynamics | The dynamic effects of solar eclipses of October 25, 2022, and October 14, 2023, on GPS-derived total electron content | Click Here | |
In Edited book ‘Futuristic Trends in Chemical Material Sciences & Nano Technology’, Volume 3, Book 18, Page no. 352-361. Published in IIP Series, e-ISBN No.: 978-93-5747-640-9 | Preparation of Mixed Metal Oxide (Zn and Cuo) Nanoparticles Doped Polymer (PMMA) Composite Films Using Solution Cast Method | 978-93-5747-640-9 | Click Here |
Engineering Research Express | Advancing efficiency: comprehensive strategies for minimizing optical and electrical losses in group III-V compound tandem solar cells for future photovoltaic technology | 2631-8695 | Click Here |
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids | Investigating the Effect of Mo doping on Structural and Ferroelectric Properties of BaTiO3 using electron microscopy | 1879-2553 | Click Here |
AIP Conference Proceedings, 3111, 060010 (7pp) | Development of CdSe films as an active channel layer for applications in thin film transistors | 1551-7616 | Click Here |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds | Ultra-selective hydrogen sensors based on CuO – ZnO hetero-structures grown by surface conversion | 1873-4669 | Click Here |
International Journal of Metal Casting | Microstructural and mechanical properties of in-situ ZrB2/Al7068 nanocomposites synthesized by ultrasonic-assisted stir casting technique | 431-444 | Click Here |
Editors: S.B. Krupanidhi, A. Sharma, A.K. Singh, V. Tuli, In: Recent Advances in Functional Materials and Devices, Springer Nature, Singapore, ISBN: 978-981-99-6766-7, 2024. | Investigation of Dielectric and Electrical Behaviour of Y2Ti2O7 Pyrochlore | 235-244 | Click Here |
Editors: S.B. Krupanidhi, A. Sharma, A.K. Singh, V. Tuli, In: Recent Advances in Functional Materials and Devices, Springer Nature, Singapore, ISBN: 978-981-99-6766-7, 2024. | Tribology of Spray Formed Aluminium-Based Materials | 173-182 | Click Here |
Materials Letters | Microstructural and mechanical analysis of heat-treated Zn-Al alloy and Zn-Al/ZrB2 composites | 136573 | Click Here |
Results in Engineering | Erosive wear and topographical study of zinc-aluminum based composite reinforced with in-situ formed ZrB2 particles | 102346 | Click Here |
IEEE Sensors Journal | Tailoring LRSPR Penetration Depth Employing 2-D Material at Visible and IR Range | 1530-437X | |
Biosensors | Optical Devices for the Diagnosis and Management of Spinal Cord Injuries: A Review | 2079-6374 | Click Here |
International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering | NH3 gas sensing over 2D phosphorene sheet: A first-principles study | 2047-685X | Click Here |
Computational Studies: From Molecules to Materials | Drugs, drug-biomolecule interactions, and drugs delivery systems: Quantum chemical approaches | ISBN-9781003441328 | Click Here |
Journal/Book | Paper Title | ISSN Number | Links |
Materials Chemistry and Physics | Structural, optical, and electrical properties of e-beam deposited metamaterials of granular CdSe thin films on glass substrates with a thin buffer layer of HfO2 dielectric | 0254-0584 | Click Here |
Journal of Engineering Science | Thin Films Of Copper Oxide Nanostructured Via Rapid Thermal Processing | 2587-3474 | Click Here |
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics | Structural dynamics of chlorpromazine (CPZ) drug with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) lipid: a potential drug for SARS-CoV-2 | 7595-7602 | Click Here |
METSZET JOURNAL | Development of Silver Nanoparticles using Green Synthesis Techniques | 2061-2710 | 10.27896/METSZET8.1/09 |
(CICTN 2023, 114) | Biological Impacts of electromagnetic radiation of dermis layer of birds | IEEE, accepted | |
(CICTN 2023, 113 | Electromagnetic waves effects on biological materials | IEEE, accepted | |
Accepted (DICCT 2023, 93) | A study on intensity of sound for variable frequency (165Hz to 210Hz) | IEEE, accepted | |
Accepted (DICCT 2023, 92) | Disorientation of path of birds due to electromagnetic waves | IEEE, accepted | |
Materials Today: Proceedings | Assessment of environmental impact on the ecosystem of Doon-valley by auto workshop effluents | ||
Pure and Applied Geophysics | Imprint of Diurnal and Semidiurnal Cyclicity in Radon Time Series of MPGO, Ghuttu Garhwal Himalaya: Evidence Based on Singular Spectrum Analysis | ||
Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. E: J. Process Mech. Eng., | Influence of sintering temperature on mechanical and tribological characteristics of copper based composite reinforced by 2D hybrid material | ||
Material Today: Proceedings | Characteristics of Ni-P-CNF electroless nanocomposite platings | ||
Chemical Engineering Journal | Computational fluid dynamics modelling of primary sludge classification in an activated sludge process based wastewater treatment plant: Simulating the hydrodynamic behaviour and experimental verification of the classification efficiency | 1385-8947 | Click Here |
physica status solidi (b) – basic solid state physics | Understanding Carbon Nanotubes Functionalization and Their Interactions with Lipids Towards Drug Delivery Systems: A Combined Experimental and Computational Spectroscopic Investigation | 1521-3951 | Click Here |
Optics Letters | Optical and electrical characteristics of perovskite solar cells incorporating MoO3 as an active layer | 1539-4794 | Click Here |
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling | Molecular Structure, Spectral Analysis and Chemical Activity of Sabizabulin: A Computational Study | 108618 | Click Here |
Proceedings of the 2023 2nd International Conference on Augmented Intelligence and Sustainable Systems, ICAISS 2023 | Soft Computing based Implementation of Autonomous Drone Vehicle using Fuzzy Logic based Control Systems | Click Here | |
Physical Review E | Force-induced melting of DNA hairpin: Unfolding pathways and phase diagrams | 107(5), 054501 | Click Here |
Proceedings of the 2023 2nd International Conference on Augmented Intelligence and Sustainable Systems, ICAISS | Improved Pattern Recognition Techniques for Monitoring Human Activity Recognition in Digital Platforms through Image Processing Techniques | pp. 866–871 | Click Here |
In Edited book ‘Recent Research in Physical & Chemical Sciences and Engineering’, 233-39 | Advances in AI Techniques for Earth Science Research and Development: A Comprehensive Review | ||
Journal of Alloys and Compounds | Hot working and microstructural response of ultrasonically fabricated 2 wt% ZrB2/AA7068 composite | 171412 | Click Here |
Silicon | Microstructure-Mechanical Property Correlation in Cooling Slope Cast Al-Si/Mg2Si-xwt.% TiB2 (x= 0, 1, 3 and 5) insitu Hybrid Composites | 7431-7440 | Click Here |
Physica Scripta | Prediction of tribology in (Mg2Si+ TiB2)/A356 composites based on RSM method and correlative with topographical characteristics | 115918 | Click Here |
Physica Scripta | Prediction of tribological performance of Cu-Gr-TiC composites based on response surface methodology and worn surface analysis. | 115971 | Click Here |
Chemosensors | Exploiting the Advantages of Ag/ITO/Enzyme Trapped Gel Layers to Develop a Highly Sensitive and Selective Fiber Optic Plasmonic Urea Sensor | 2227-9040 | |
7th International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud), I-SMAC 2023 – Proceedings, 2023 | Recognition of Weed Detection in Smart Agricultural Farm using Image Processing with IoT | 2768-0673 |
Journal/Book | Paper Title | ISSN Number | Links |
JMPAS | A Study on Natural Immunity Booster Plants for Human Health | 2320-7418 | Click Here |
JCP | Can one detect intermediate denaturation states of DNA sequences by following the equilibrium open-close dynamic fluctuations of a single base-pair? | 0021-9606 | Click Here |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research | Influence of Layer Thickness on the Power Conversion Efficiency of Tin Halide-Based Planar Heterojunction Solar Cells | 1614-7499 | Click Here |
AIP Conference Proceedings | Glacial lake outburst floods(GLOFs) and the requisite of wireless sensor based early warning system | 2481, 020046 |
Journal/Book | Paper Title | ISSN Number | Links |
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | Design Optimisation of Solar Thermal Energy Storage Tank: Using the Stratification Coefficient | 1876-1100 | Click Here |
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | Electrochemical Studies of Structural Materials in Acidic Peroxide Media | 1757-899X | Click Here |
Ecology, Environment and Conservation | Solid Waste Management in Metro cities | 0971-765X | Click Here |
International Journal of Current Research and Review | A Survey on Coronavirus vaccination | 0975-5241 | Click Here |
International Journal of Current Research and Review | An Overview of Immunological Response, Anti-Viral Therapy and Vaccine Development Against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV)-2 | 0975-5241 | Click Here |
Material Today: Proceedings | FEA based frequency analysis of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), | 2214-7853 | Click Here |
Material Today: Preceedings | Mechanical analysis of conductive polymer nanocomposite | 2214-7853 | Click Here |
Material Today: Preceedings | Design and modal analysis of a quadcopter propeller through finite element analysis, Material | 2214-7853 | Click Here |
Material Today: Preceedings | Improvement in Quality of Handmade Paper Materials by Recycling of Waste Papers and PPE Kits | 2214-7853 | Click Here |
IJSESD (IGI Global), | The waste paper management in educational institute and improvement in quality of hand made papers2021 | Click Here | |
International Journal of Current Research and Review | Health Monitoring of People During Lockdown Due to Corona Virus ( COVID-19) | 0975-5241 | Click Here |
International Journal of Current Research and Review | Children Coping with Stress During Lockdown | 0975-5241 | Click Here |
Journal of Critical Reviews | Contribution in environment and revenue generation by recycling of educational institution’s waste papers | 2394-5125 | Click Here |
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry | Effects of chlorpromazine drug on DPPC lipid: Density functional theory study | 1029-0397 | Click Here |
Vibrational Spectroscopy | Raman Microspectroscopic and Quantum Chemical Investigations of Neuroleptic Drugs interactions with DPPC Lipid | 0924-2031 | Click Here |
Materials Chemistry and Physics | Highly Fluorescent Water-Soluble PTCA Incorporated Silver Nano-cluster for Sensing of Dopamine | 0254-0584 | Click Here |
Current Science | Multiple linear regression analysis to estimate hydrological effects in soil Rn-222 at Ghuttu, Garhwal Himalaya, India: a prerequisite to identify earthquake precursors |
0011-3891 | Click Here |
JMPAS | Dengue fever: A worldwide study | 2320-7418 | Click Here |
JMPAS | Immunomodulation via phytoactive compounds a promising therapy for future medical system | 2320-7418 | Click Here |
Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry | Facile in-situ synthesis of reduced graphene oxide/ TiO2 nanocomposite:a promising material for the degradation of methyl Orange | 2470-1556 | Click Here |
Journal/Book | Paper Title | ISSN Number | Links |
International Journal of Current Research and Review | Overview on Virus Like Particles from Plants Used as Vaccine Antigen | 0975-5241 | Click Here |
International Journal of Current Research and Review | Green Tea Enhances Nutritional and Antioxidant Potential of Pearl Millet Based Cookies: A Healthy Approach | 0975-5241 | Click Here |
International Journal of Current Research and Review | Applications of 3 Dimensional (3D) Printing in Biomedical Field | 0975-5241 | Click Here |
Journal of Critical Reviews | structural analysis of polymer tensile test specimen | 2394-5125 | Click Here |
Eastern Journal of Medicine | Analysis on Worldwide Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases | 1301 – 0883 | Click Here |
Journal of Critical Reviews | A Review on worldwide coronavirus (COVID-19) | 2394-5125 | Click Here |
Mukt Shabd Journal | A Solution to Prevent from Pandemic Condition | 2347-3150 | Click Here |
Shodh Sarita | Manufacturing of COVID-19 vaccine will not end the pandemic: Impact of preparedness for its supply chain and logistics | 2348-2397 | Click Here |
Shodh Sarita | Bringing Innovation Through environment change in an organization | 2348-2397 | Click Here |
Journal of Critical Reviews | A retrospective cohort study on fresh embryo transfer verses frozen Embryo transfer | 2394-5125 | Click Here |
Journal of Critical Reviews | Surveillance and ethnopharmacological activities of medicinal plants of Pithoragarh district | 2394-5125 | Click Here |
Emergent Materials | Synthesis, characterizations, and magnetic properties of FeCoNiTi-based high-entropy Alloys | 2522-5731 | Click Here |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds | Magnetization properties of Co incorporated ZnS nanocrystals synthesized at low temperature via chemical route | 0925-8388 | Click Here |
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