Dr. Amar Singh
Assistant Professor
Time Series Econometrics and Empirical Finance
Dr. Singh is an ANSE Certified Market Professional, who received his doctorate in Management from Graphic Era Deemed to be University and has previously worked as a Branch head / Business head/ Finance officer at the renowned companies like Indiabulls Securities/ Unicon Solution Pvt Ltd/ Idea cellular. His teaching & research and corporate experience of over 18 years involves studies on various aspects of Financial Market. Dr. Singh has organized Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) workshop on “Technical Analysis and fundamental analysis on stock market” and one day workshop on “Investment Management”. He has published research paper in various Scopus and ABDC indexed national and international journals, edited books indexed conference proceedings, and three published patent and one granted patent to his credit. He has been supervising Ph.D., Undergraduate, and postgraduate students in their research work primarily on Financial Market studies. He has successfully completed the Fundamental Analysis Module, Capital Market Dealers Module, Derivatives Market Dealers Module, AMFI-Mutual Fund Advisors Module and NSDL-Depository Operation Module of the NCFM/NISM.
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4798-3617
Scopus ID: 57212847065
Vidwan ID: 403436
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=eVaVXYsAAAAJ&hl=en
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