Dr. Aditi Bains
Assistant Professor
Organization behavior with a focus on counterproductive work behaviors
A gold medallist in MBA from Gurukul Kangri deemed to be University, Dr. Bains received her doctorate in organization Behavior from Gurukul Kangri deemed to be University and has received ICSSR Doctoral fellowship as a funding by Govt. of India . Her research and teaching experience of over 4 years involves studies on various aspects of employee behavior in organizations. Besides being actively involved in writing research work , Dr. Bains is reviewer of few UGC Care journal like American Journal of Business and Scopus listed journal like EuroMed Journal of Business.
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4562-5568
Scopus ID: 58188850300
Vidwan ID: 443231
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=6gEj6vUAAAAJ&hl=en
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