Dr. Gaurav Chopra
Associate Professor
Business Analytics, Marketing Analytics, E-Learning
Dr. Gaurav Chopra is an Associate Professor at the School of Management, Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. He holds an MBA, an M.Com., an MA (Eco.) and a Ph.D. qualification. He has over eight years of varied experience in teaching and research. He has various publications in Scopus indexed and ABDC listed journals. Four research scholars have completed their Ph.D. under his supervision. He has also participated and presented research papers in various national and international conferences. Dr. Chopra served as a resource person in several data analysis workshops viz. SPSS, Financial Econometrics through R and Structural Equation Modelling. His areas of interest are Business Analytics, Financial Econometrics and Marketing analytics.
Dr. Chopra has made significant contributions to the academic community through his role as a co-supervisor for several Ph.D. scholars in diverse research areas. Mr. Ajay Ambildhok completed his Ph.D. under his guidance with the research titled “The Impact of Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) on the Beneficiaries through Anganwadi Workers in Solapur District of Maharashtra, India.” Dr. Chopra also co-supervised Mr. Ajay Purohit’s research on “Promotion of Financial Wellness Amongst the Rural Households in the Hilly Districts of Uttarakhand: An Empirical PMIS Study,” which was successfully completed. Additionally, Mr. Sachin Luthra’s research on “A Study on Online Budget Hotel Aggregators in India with Special Reference to Uttarakhand” and Ms. Gargi Sabbharwal’s research on “A Study on Regulating Legal Mechanism and Enforcement of Insider Trading Laws in India” were also successfully completed under Dr. Chopra’s supervision.
As a resource person, Dr. Chopra has contributed to various Faculty Development Programs (FDPs). He was a resource person for a one-week FDP on “Research Methods in Social Sciences and Humanities using SPSS Software,” held from 13th to 15th February 2023, organized by the School of Liberal Arts at IMS Unison University. He also conducted a six-day FDP from 18th to 22nd July 2022, where he provided insights on “Introduction to SPSS in Legal Research,” hosted by the School of Law at IMS Unison University.
In addition to his supervisory and teaching roles, Dr. Chopra has consistently participated in a variety of FDPs and workshops to enhance his academic expertise. He completed a one-week workshop on “Data Analysis using R Studio” in July 2023. Furthermore, he has completed several online courses through NPTEL-AICTE, including an eight-week course on “Econometric Modelling” (Aug-Oct 2021), a 12-week course on “Business Analytics and Data Mining Modelling through R” (Jan-Apr 2021), and another 12-week course on “Marketing Analytics (through R)” (Jan-Apr 2021). Additionally, he undertook two 16-week courses: “Data Analysis for Social Science Teachers” (Oct 2019-Jan 2020) and “Annual Refresher Course in Economics” (Oct 2019-Jan 2020), which have significantly contributed to his professional development.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1238-6831
Scopus ID: 57207833668
Vidwan ID: 304479
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=embeG_sAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&gmla=AFix5MZCtIjj5WFYmu0AUyAfgly8u5v8JO_bhOPmU6GRuSoNu9fIdd4D62be0lJaXn5Ec9K5Mlwc1lTUNoOH3XtrVR9aUFKerLcvcLfU2v2Jj1GPKv-1UaSktMVXh52l3Gxn--rG986S5h-roJTgM7nUleENpg
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