Dr. Sweta Chauhan | Faculty Management


Dr. Sweta Chauhan
Assistant Professor

Mediating effect of employee engagement in the relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and Organization Commitment with specific reference to higher education Institutions.


  • Ph.D. Human Resource Management Graphic Era Hill University, India (2019-23)
  • M.B.A. Gurukul Kangari University, Dehradun. (2007-09)
  • M. A. ( Economic) , Dehradun (2005)
  • B.Com HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar-Garhwal, India (2005)

Dr. Sweta Chauhan is an Assistant Professor in School of Management Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun. She has more than 13 years of academic experience. She has completed her Ph.D from Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun. Her key areas are Employee Engagement, Organization Commitment and Perceived Organizational Support. Over the years she has published research papers in Scopus journals and attended various workshops, national and international conferences for career advancements. She is an enthusiastic key organizers of various extra circular activities which focus on personality development of students.

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The application process at Graphic Era is strictly based on the Merit of the qualifying examination with the entire Admission Process available for completion online