The Department of Media and Mass Communication has state-of-the-art facilities, which include Mac lab equipped with editing softwares like Final Cut Pro (FCP), Photoshop and Illustrator. Students use these softwares to learn the skills of cutting and editing the videos. The department has a state-of-the-art studio with a newsroom equipped with teleprompter, high end cameras, lighting equipment, so as to render flow less news broadcasting. The school has its own community radio, radio zindagi, 90.8 fm, which is run by its own faculty members and students. The department has latest lecture theatres, conference halls equipped with modern facilities for conducive learning.
Key Highlights:
The department offers an intensive hands on training which includes workshops, seminar, conferences and industrial visits. We have a rich industry interface that allows students to understand the latest trends and technologies used in the media industry. The department regularly organises guest lectures of prominent media professionals who augment the vaious subjects taught to the students. The department gives special emphasis on “Back to the Classroom” sessions where well placed Alumni interact with students. The last semester of BA(JMC) and MA(JMC) gives an opportunity to the students to specialize in the area of their interest through internships and dissertations. The department keeps revising its curriculum regularly as per the industry demands so that the students become industry-ready media professionals who are ready to take on new challenges of the media industry. Special Personality Development Program (PDP) classes are held in every semester to groom communication/reasoning skills and overall personality of the students.
The application process at Graphic Era is strictly based on the Merit of the qualifying examination with the entire Admission Process available for completion online