Books and Chapters Published

S.N. Date Title Source title Link Author
1 1/14/2025 Application of modern tools for the real-time monitoring of bioremediation approach and its advantages Biotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery: Current Trends and Future Scope Click Here Avnish Chauhan
S.N. Date Title Source title Link Author
1 28-Mar-24 Tribology of Spray Formed Aluminium-Based Materials Springer Proceedings in Materials Click Here Gaurav Gautam
2 28-Mar-24 Investigation of Dielectric and Electrical Behaviour of Y2Ti2O7 Pyrochlore Springer Proceedings in Materials Click Here Gaurav Gautam
3 8-Apr-24 Optimizing supply chain management indicators for sustainable supply chain integration and customer loyalty: Potential role of environmentally responsible practices Strategies for Environmentally Responsible Supply Chain and Production Management Click Here Raj Kumar Singh
4 12-Apr-24 Electrochemical methods for determination of fertilizers in soil Nanofertilizer Delivery, Effects and Application Methods Click Here Naveen chandra Talniya
5 22-Apr-24 Effective Use of Nanomaterials to Maintain Soil Fertility and Reduce Heavy Metal Toxicity in Soil The Nanotechnology Driven Agriculture: The Future Ahead Click Here Shiv vendra Singh
6 5/4/2024 Effect of reinforcement materials on the glass transient temperature and viscoelastic properties of polymer composites Dynamic Mechanical and Creep-Recovery Behavior of Polymer-Based Composites: Mechanical and Mathematical Modeling Click Here Vaishally Dogra
7 5/8/2024 Precision drug delivery to tackle antibiotic resistance Frontiers in Combating Antibacterial Resistance: Current Perspectives and Future Horizons Click Here Archana Dhyani
8 5/8/2024 Digitalization in Indian Higher Education: Are Students Ready? Digitalization of Higher Education: Opportunities and Threats Click Here Megha Sharma
9 5/15/2024 Generative AI-enabled iot applications for smart cities: Unleashing innovation and paving the way for the future Secure and Intelligent IoT-Enabled Smart Cities Click Here Anupriya sharma Ghai
10 5/15/2024 Zinc-based composites with enhanced mechanical and tribological properties by in-situ formed ceramic particles Sustainability in Smart Manufacturing: Trends, Scope, and Challenges Click Here Gaurav Gautam
11 5/18/2024 Technology-enabled integrated fusion teaching for university 4.0 Innovation in the University 4.0 System based on Smart Technologies Click Here Himanshu Kargeti
12 5/27/2024 Emotion-infused multimodal biometric fusion for elevating user authentication and interaction Applications of Parallel Data Processing for Biomedical Imaging Click Here Rahul Chauhan
13 5/27/2024 Applications of parallel data processing for biomedical imaging Applications of Parallel Data Processing for Biomedical Imaging Click Here Indrajeet Kumar
14 5/27/2024 Analysis of convolutional neural networks with and without attention mechanisms for pneumonia and COVID-19 disease prediction Applications of Parallel Data Processing for Biomedical Imaging Click Here Sandeep kumar
15 5/27/2024 Advancements in big data analytics for human biology and healthcare services Applications of Parallel Data Processing for Biomedical Imaging Click Here Chandradeep Bhatt
16 5/27/2024 Application of AI in big data processing Applications of Parallel Data Processing for Biomedical Imaging Click Here Chandradeep Bhatt
17 5/27/2024 Adopting NFTs for customer engagements: A critical overview Adoption of NFTs and Cryptocurrency in Marketing Click Here Suruchi Sharma
18 5/27/2024 A novel study on IoT and machine learning-based transportation Machine Learning Techniques and Industry Applications Click Here Mohit Payal
19 5/27/2024 Ways of using computational thinking to improve students’ ability to think critically Infrastructure Possibilities and Human-Centered Approaches With Industry 5.0 Click Here Indrajeet Kumar
20 5/27/2024 Occurrence of emerging contaminants in soils and impacts on rhizosphere Emerging Contaminants: Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment Click Here Sayantika Bhattacharya
21 5/27/2024 Production of secondary metabolites from medicinal plants through tissue culture Secondary Metabolites and Biotherapeutics Click Here Balwant Rawat
22 5/29/2024 ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND FRUGAL INNOVATION FOR REALISING SDGs IN GLOBAL CONTEXT Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis Click Here Namrata Prakash
23 6/3/2024 Emerging technologies and future directions Reshaping Healthcare with Cutting-Edge Biomedical Advancements Click Here Parul Chaudhary
24 6/3/2024 Impact of revenge tourism in Uttarakhand state post COVID-19 outbreak Managing Tourism and Hospitality Sectors for Sustainable Global Transformation Click Here Archana Dhyani
25 7/8/2024 Nanomaterials for inorganic pollutants removal from contaminated water Nano-Bioremediation for Water and Soil Treatment: An Eco-Friendly Approach Click Here Shiv vendra Singh
26 7/8/2024 New dimensions into the removal of pesticides using an innovative ecofriendly technique: Nanoremediation Nano-Bioremediation for Water and Soil Treatment: An Eco-Friendly Approach Click Here Shiv vendra Singh
27 8/5/2024 Sentiments and opinions shared on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning techniques Hybrid Information Systems: Non-Linear Optimization Strategies with Artificial Intelligence Click Here Mahesh Manchanda
28 8/29/2024 Drugs, drug-biomolecule interactions, and drugs delivery systems: Quantum chemical approaches Computational Studies: From Molecules to Materials Click Here Soni Mishra
29 8/31/2024 Role of nanomaterials on soil microbial community and functionality: Nanomaterial impact-unraveling the dynamics of soil microbial communities and functions Nanotechnology Applications and Innovations for Improved Soil Health Click Here Parul Chaudhary
30 8/31/2024 Enhancing Transparency and Efficiency in the Fruits and Vegetables Cold Chain Through Blockchain Integration Energy, Environment, and Sustainability Click Here Rakesh Chandmal Sharma
31 8/31/2024 Revolutionizing Transportation: The Future Impact of Green Energy Energy, Environment, and Sustainability Click Here Rakesh Chandmal Sharma
32 8/31/2024 Improving On-Time Performance: Predicting Train Delays with Machine Learning Techniques Energy, Environment, and Sustainability Click Here Rakesh Chandmal Sharma
33 8/31/2024 Deterministic and Probabilistic Forced Response Analysis of a Railway Coach Energy, Environment, and Sustainability Click Here Rakesh Chandmal Sharma
34 9/5/2024 Blockchain Solutions for Cost-Efficiency and Traceability in Indian Food Distribution Energy, Environment, and Sustainability Click Here Rakesh chnadmal sharma
35 9/7/2024 Biochar application in sustainable production of horticultural crops in the new era of soilless cultivation Biochar Production for Green Economy: Agricultural and Environmental Perspectives Click Here Ashish Kaushal
36 9/7/2024 Biochar-led methanogenic and methanotrophic microbial community shift: mitigating methane emissions Biochar Production for Green Economy: Agricultural and Environmental Perspectives Click Here Rashmi Sharma
37 9/7/2024 Role of biochar in acidic soils amelioration Biochar Production for Green Economy: Agricultural and Environmental Perspectives Click Here Rashmi Sharma
38 9/7/2024 Biochar as climate-smart strategy to address climate change mitigation and adoption in 21st century Biochar Production for Green Economy: Agricultural and Environmental Perspectives Click Here Sayantika Bhattacharya
39 9/17/2024 Influencer marketing: Its notable growth in brands valuation and consumer behavior Navigating the World of Deepfake Technology Click Here Harish Kumar
40 9/17/2024 Neuro marketing: Harnessing the power of cognitive analysis Sensible Selling Through Sensory Neuromarketing Click Here Namrata Prakash
41 9/26/2024 Creating digital learning environments: Tools and technologies for success Transdisciplinary Teaching and Technological Integration for Improved Learning: Case Studies and Practical Approaches Click Here Naina malhotra
42 9/30/2024 Managing gig economy workers through artificial intelligence: Applications and challenges Fostering Industry-Academia Partnerships for Innovation-Driven Trade Click Here Shweta arora
43 10/7/2024 Security issues and challenges for IIoT in Industry 4.0 paradigm Embedded Devices and Internet of Things: Technologies and Applications Click Here Piyush bagla
44 10/7/2024 Pathophysiology of Allergic Airways Disease Understanding Allergic Airway Diseases Contemporary Treatment Paradigm Click Here Karuna Dhaundhiyal
45 10/7/2024 Remote Vibration Control Systems for Rotating Machinery Units Fault Detection Studies in Systems, Decision and Control Click Here Mohit Bajaj
46 10/11/2024 Lightweight secure key authentication scheme for industrial internet of things Industrial Internet of Things Security: Protecting AI-Enabled Engineering Systems in Cloud and Edge Environments Click Here Vrince Vimal
47 11/8/2024 Implication of Plant Functional Traits in Crop Improvement Plant Functional Traits for Improving Productivity Click Here Rajneesh Bhardwaj
48 11/8/2024 Polymer Based Composite Coatings in Engineering Applications Hybrid Composite Materials: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis Click Here Vaishally Dogra
49 11/12/2024 Application of artificial intelligence techniques in healthcare AI in the Social and Business World: A Comprehensive Approach Click Here Deepika Joshi
50 11/25/2024 Exploring the Indian solid waste regime in 2024: A policy and infrastructure review from a Tier 2 city of India Municipal Solid Waste Management and Recycling Technologies Click Here Deepak kholiya
51 11/25/2024 K-means clustering over distributed environment: A review Uncertainty in Computational Intelligence-Based Decision Making: A volume in Advanced Studies in Complex Systems Click Here Satvik Vats
52 11/25/2024 Marine biopolymers as insulating/coating agents and self-cleaning materials Marine Biopolymers: Processing, Functionality and Applications Click Here Arun Kumar Gupta
53 11/25/2024 Advanced frequent itemset mining algorithm (AFIM) Uncertainty in Computational Intelligence-Based Decision Making: A volume in Advanced Studies in Complex Systems Click Here Satvik Vats
54 12/9/2024 Role of energy-efficient technology to build sustainable cities Advanced Technologies for Realizing Sustainable Development Goals: 5G, AI, Big Data, Blockchain, and Industry 4.0 Application Click Here Namrata Prakash
55 12/9/2024 Developing Explainable AI Models to Identify Perimenopause Symptoms: Identification of Symptoms for Perimenopause Utilizing AI Techniques for the Perimenopause to Menopause Transition Click Here Prachi mall
56 12/9/2024 The Basics of Perimenopause: Menopause and Pre- Menopause Utilizing AI Techniques for the Perimenopause to Menopause Transition Click Here Deepika Raina
57 12/9/2024 Nutraceutical Potential of Staple Food Crops Herbal Nutraceuticals: Products and Processes Click Here Arun Kumar Gupta
58 12/9/2024 Deep Learning for Dynamic Security Assessment of Power Systems with Adaptive Synthetic Sampling-Based Imbalanced Database: A Case Study Power Systems Click Here Mohit Bajaj
S.N. Title Source title Link Author
1 Implication of drug repurposing in the identification of drugs as antiviral agents Drug Repurposing Click Here Priyank Purohit
2 Apriori-based algorithms with a decentralized approach for mining frequent itemsets: A review Advanced Computer Science Applications: Recent Trends in AI, Machine Learning, and Network Security Click Here Satvik Vats
3 The genus Ramaria (basidiomycota, agaricales): Diversity, edibility, and bioactivity Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms of the Himalayas: Climate Change, Critically Endangered Species, and the Call for Sustainable Development Click Here Avnish Chauhan
4 Identification of tomato plant disease using faster R-CNN and RetinaNet Convergence of Cloud Computing, AI, and Agricultural Science Click Here Indrajeet Kumar
5 Introduction to High-Fat diets Everything You Need to Know About High-Fat Diets Click Here P.S Bairy
6 A PV energy harvesting system using MPPT algorithms Recent Advances in Energy Harvesting Technologies Click Here Jyoti Joshi
7 Digital marketing in the metaverse: Beginning of a new era in product promotion Applications of Neuromarketing in the Metaverse Click Here Ajay Sharma
8 Enhancing life skills in learners of the new age economy Life Skills in Contemporary Education Systems: Critical Perspectives Click Here Suruchi Sharma
9 Application of multi-criteria decision-making in sustainable resource planning Advances in Soft Computing Applications Click Here Akshay Kumar
10 Prioritizing the barriers of manufacturing during COVID-19 using fuzzy AHP Advances in Soft Computing Applications Click Here Shwetank Avikal
11 Applications of watermarking in different emerging areas: A survey Advancements in Bio-Medical Image Processing and Authentication in Telemedicine Click Here Indrajeet Kumar
12 Advancements in Bio-Medical Image Processing and Authentication in Telemedicine Advancements in Bio-Medical Image Processing and Authentication in Telemedicine Click Here Indrajeet Kumar
13 AIoT-based e-commerce AIoT Technologies and Applications for Smart Environments Click Here Arun Kumar Rai
14 Collaborative logistics, tools of machine and supply chain services in the world wide industry 4.0 framework Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security: Volume 2 Click Here Anil Baburao Desai
15 Genetically Modified Microbes in E-waste Management: A Perspective Microbial Technology for Sustainable E-waste Management Click Here Balwant Rawat
16 E-waste and Its Management by Using Algae Microbial Technology for Sustainable E-waste Management Click Here Balwant Rawat
17 Bioremediation of E-waste Through Microbial Exopolysaccharides: A Perspective Microbial Technology for Sustainable E-waste Management Click Here Balwant Rawat
18 Antibiotics role in past and present: A challenge to find new possibilites in development Antibiotics – Therapeutic Spectrum and Limitations Click Here Deepika Raina
19 Security Implementation in Internet of Medical Things Security Implementation in Internet of Medical Things Click Here Luxmi Sapra
20 Revolutionizing Healthcare Through Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Applications Revolutionizing Healthcare Through Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Applications Click Here Sushila Dhaiya
21 Coatings: Types and Synthesis Techniques Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials Click Here Vaishally Dogra
22 Exploration of polymers in drug delivery: The structural and functional considerations Polymer-Drug Conjugates: Click Hereer Chemistry, Protocols and Applications Click Here Jyoti Joshi
23 Challenges and Opportunities in Secure Smart Cities for Enhancing the Security and Privacy Enabling Technologies for Effective Planning and Management in Sustainable Smart Cities Click Here Luxmi Sapra
24 Role of Nanobiosensors in Agriculture Advancement Advances in Nanotechnology for Smart Agriculture: Techniques and Applications Click Here Parul Chaudhary
25 Role of Nanoparticles in Agriculture Advances in Nanotechnology for Smart Agriculture: Techniques and Applications Click Here Parul Chaudhary
26 Nanotechnology in Climate Smart Agriculture: Need of the Hour Advances in Nanotechnology for Smart Agriculture: Techniques and Applications Click Here Parul Chaudhary
27 Advances in Nanotechnology for Smart Agriculture: Techniques and Applications Advances in Nanotechnology for Smart Agriculture: Techniques and Applications Click Here Parul Chaudhary
28 Nanoparticles and Their Effect on Plant Health and Productivity Advances in Nanotechnology for Smart Agriculture: Techniques and Applications Click Here Parul Chaudhary
29 Environmental-Friendly Nanoparticles in Agriculture Advances in Nanotechnology for Smart Agriculture: Techniques and Applications Click Here Parul Chaudhary
30 Computational Modeling in the Development of Antiviral Agents Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics Click Here Priyank Purohit
31 Bioleaching: A Sustainable Resource Recovery Strategy for Urban Mining of E-waste Microbial Technology for Sustainable E-waste Management Click Here saurabh Gangola
32 Systemic and topical antifungal drugs Medicinal Chemistry of Chemotherapeutic Agents: a Comprehensive Resource of Anti-infective and Anti-cancer Drugs Click Here Probita Borah
33 Antiviral drugs and vaccines Medicinal Chemistry of Chemotherapeutic Agents: a Comprehensive Resource of Anti-infective and Anti-cancer Drugs Click Here Probita Borah
34 Automated Kinship Recognition through Facial Feature Matching Research Advances in Intelligent Computing Click Here Gunjan Chhabra
35 A Reliable Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Multivariate Demand under Time-Dependent Deterioration Industrial Reliability and Safety Engineering: Applications and Practices Click Here Richa Pandey
36 Microbial consortia and their application for environmental sustainability Advanced Microbial Techniques in Agriculture, Environment, and Health Management Click Here Debbarma, P
37 Role of quorum sensing in plant–microbe interactions Advanced Microbial Techniques in Agriculture, Environment, and Health Management Click Here Debbarma, P
38 Resonance in water pipeline due to transient Advances in Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Engineering Systems Click Here Bhadula, R.C
39 Computation Signature Reliability of Computer Numerical Control System Using Universal Generating Function Springer Series in Reliability Engineering Click Here Pandey, T
40 Mathematical Modeling for Evaluation Reliability of a Bleaching System Springer Series in Reliability Engineering Click Here Akshay Kumar
41 PCL-based composites and their utilizations in the medical sector Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development Click Here Vaishally Dogra, Deepak Verma
42 Molecular modeling of polymers for efficient drug-carrier applications Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development Click Here Dinesh Puri
43 Bioresorbable polymers/HNT blend composite wound dressings Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development Click Here Deepak Verma
44 Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development Click Here Deepak Verma
45 Bioresorbable polymers for wound healing Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development Click Here Dinesh Puri
46 Introduction to bioresorbable polymers: Types and biomedical applications Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development Click Here Deepak Verma
47 Modeling of drug release from a bioresorbable polymer matrix system Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development Click Here Dinesh Puri
48 A prospective utilization of biodegradable polymers for controlled drug-delivery applications Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development Click Here Dinesh Puri
49 Polymeric (PLGA-based) nanocomposites for application in drug delivery: Current state of the art and forthcoming perspectives Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development Click Here Dinesh Puri
50 Processing of PLA/PLLA-based composites for medical device applications Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development Click Here Vaishally Dogra
51 Production technology of underutilized vegetable crops Production Technology of Underutilized Vegetable Crops Click Here Savita
52 Protected cultivation of underutilized vegetables Production Technology of Underutilized Vegetable Crops Click Here Savita
53 Underutilized vegetables introduction and identifcation Production Technology of Underutilized Vegetable Crops Click Here Savita
54 Production technology of underutilized vegetables of Leguminosae family Production Technology of Underutilized Vegetable Crops Click Here Savita
55 Production technology of underutilized vegetables of Brassicaceae family Production Technology of Underutilized Vegetable Crops Click Here Savita
56 Sustainable production of underutilized vegetables Production Technology of Underutilized Vegetable Crops Click Here Vrince Vimal
57 Cultivation of underutilized vegetables in a hydroponic and aeroponic system Production Technology of Underutilized Vegetable Crops Click Here Savita
58 Transition from Conventional FETs to Novel FETs, SOI, Double Gate, Triple Gate, and GAA FETS Nanoscale Field Effect Transistors: Emerging Applications Click Here Jyoti Kandpal
59 Role of Nanotechnology in Nanoelectronics Nanoelectronics Devices: Design, Materials, and Applications (Part I) Click Here Jyoti Kandpal

Number of books and chapters in edited volumes published per teacher during the last five years (10) Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes / books published, and papers in national/international conference-proceedings year- wise during the last five years

Sl. No Name of the teacher Title of the book/chapters published Title of the paper Title of the proceedings of the conference ISBN number of the proceeding Whether at the time of publication Affiliating Institution Was same Yes/NO Name of the publisher Document Type
1 Kumar Manish Promoting Consumer Engagement Through Emotional Branding and Sensory Marketing Normative concerns in neuromarketing Promoting Consumer Engagement Through Emotional Branding and Sensory Marketing 9781668458990; 1668458977; 9781668458976 Yes IGI Global Book Chapter
2 Juyal Amit Autonomous Vehicles Anomalous activity detection using deep learning techniques in autonomous vehicles Autonomous Vehicles 9781119871989; 9781119871958 Yes Wiley Book Chapter
3 Jain Shreya, Prajapati Jyoti, Sharma Nitin, Saxena Ankur, Avasthi Anupama, Jadaun Ranjana Artificial Intelligence and Computational Dynamics for Biomedical Research Prediction of cardiovascular diseases using random forest and naive Bayes algorithm Artificial Intelligence and Computational Dynamics for Biomedical Research 9783110762044; 9783110762082 Yes De Gruyter Book Chapter
4 Kumar Shobhit Cognitive Intelligence and Big Data in Healthcare Era of computational cognitive techniques in healthcare systems Cognitive Intelligence and Big Data in Healthcare 9781119771982; 9781119768883 Yes Wiley Book Chapter
5 Joshi Gaurav Wild Mushrooms: Characteristics, Nutrition, and Processing Application of mushrooms in the degradation of xenobiotic components and the reduction of pesticides Wild Mushrooms: Characteristics, Nutrition, and Processing 9781000602500; 9780367692513 Yes CRC Press Book Chapter
6 Goswami Rekha Pesticides Bioremediation Role of metal nanomaterials in bioremediation of pesticides Pesticides Bioremediation 9783030970000; 9783030969998 Yes Springer International Publishing Book Chapter
7 Goswami Rekha Pesticides Bioremediation The environmental implication and microbial remediation of pesticide pollution: A critical assessment of the concept, strategies, and future perspective Pesticides Bioremediation 9783030970000; 9783030969998 Yes Springer International Publishing Book Chapter
8 Chugh Priya Commercial Scale Tissue Culture for Horticulture and Plantation Crops Novel Plant Growth Regulators in In Vitro Establishment of Horticulture and Plantation Crops Commercial Scale Tissue Culture for Horticulture and Plantation Crops 9789811900556; 9789811900549 Yes Springer Singapore Book Chapter
9 Lila Manish Kumar Handbook of Epoxy/Fiber Composites Impact Behaviors of Epoxy/Synthetic Fiber Composites Handbook of Epoxy/Fiber Composites 9789811936036; 9789811936029 Yes Springer Nature Book Chapter
10 Joshi Gaurav Fused Pyrimidine-Based Drug Discovery Eight-membered fused pyrimidine derivatives and their biological properties Fused Pyrimidine-Based Drug Discovery 9780443186165; 9780443186172 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
11 Verma Deepak Coir Fiber and its Composites: Processing, Properties and Applications Matrix materials for coir fibers: Mechanical and morphological properties Coir Fiber and its Composites: Processing, Properties and Applications 9780443151866; 9780443151873 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
12 Joshi Gaurav Fused Pyrimidine-Based Drug Discovery FDA approved fused pyrimidine-based drugs Fused Pyrimidine-Based Drug Discovery 9780443186165; 9780443186172 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
13 Borah Pobitra, Hazarika Sangeeta, Chettri Ashna, Sharma Dikshya Viral, Parasitic, Bacterial, and Fungal Infections: Antimicrobial, Host Defense, and Therapeutic Strategies Heterocyclic compounds as antimicrobial agents Viral, Parasitic, Bacterial, and Fungal Infections: Antimicrobial, Host Defense, and Therapeutic Strategies 9780323857307; 9780323898003 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
14 Dhyani Bijesh, Kumar Manish, Verma Poonam, Barthwal Anurag Computational Intelligence-based Time Series Analysis Analysis and Prediction of Daily Closing Price of Commodity Index Using Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Averages Computational Intelligence-based Time Series Analysis 9788770224161; 9788770224178 Yes River Publishers Book Chapter
15 Taranath N.L Predictive Modeling in Biomedical Data Mining and Analysis Medical decision support system using data mining Predictive Modeling in Biomedical Data Mining and Analysis 9780323998642; 9780323914451 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
16 Dogra Vaishali, Verma Deepak Sulfide and Selenide Based Materials for Emerging Applications: Sustainable Energy Harvesting and Storage Technology Special focus on 3D printing of sulfides/selenides for energy conversion and storage Sulfide and Selenide Based Materials for Emerging Applications: Sustainable Energy Harvesting and Storage Technology 9780323998604; 9780323998826 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
17 Patni Kiran Antioxidants Effects in Health: The Bright and the Dark Side Sterols: Beneficial or detrimental for human health Antioxidants Effects in Health: The Bright and the Dark Side 9780128190968; 9780128190975 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
18 Petwal Aditi Pharmacokinetics and Toxicokinetic Considerations – Vol II Toxicological assessment of risk of medical devices Pharmacokinetics and Toxicokinetic Considerations – Vol II 9780323983679; 9780323913164 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
19 Negi Monika, Shah Megha, Kumar Akshay Springer Series in Reliability Engineering Assessment of Reliability Function and Signature of Energy Plant Complex System Springer Series in Reliability Engineering Yes Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH Book Chapter
20 Bhandari Ashok Singh, Kumar Akshay Springer Series in Reliability Engineering Reliability Evaluation and Cost Optimization of Solar Air-Conditioner Springer Series in Reliability Engineering Yes Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH Book Chapter
21 Kohli Priya, Kumar Indrajeet, Vimal Vrince Studies in Computational Intelligence Plant Leaf Disease Identification Using Unsupervised Fuzzy C-Means Clustering and Supervised Classifiers Studies in Computational Intelligence Yes Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH Book Chapter
22 Tewari Naveen, Budhani Sandeep Kumar Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies Analysis of Risk and Security Within Fog Computing-Enabled e-Healthcare System in Uttarakhand Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies Yes Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH Book Chapter
23 Borah Pobitra Advanced Drug Delivery Strategies for Targeting Chronic Inflammatory Lung Diseases Advancements in Translational Respiratory Research Using Nanotechnology Advanced Drug Delivery Strategies for Targeting Chronic Inflammatory Lung Diseases 9789811643927; 9789811643910 Yes Springer Nature Book Chapter

Number of books and chapters in edited volumes published per teacher during the last five years (10) Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes / books published, and papers in national/international
conference-proceedings year- wise during the last five years

Sl. No. Author(s) Book Title Chapter Title Publication ISBN No. Whether at the time of publication Affiliating Institution Was same? Publisher Type
1 Kumar Akshay Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory 9781799875666; 9781799875642 Yes IGI Global Book
2 Gangola Saurabh Microbial Technology for Sustainable Environment Microbial Technology for Sustainable Environment Microbial Technology for Sustainable Environment 9789811638404; 9789811638398 Yes Springer Nature Book
3 Kumar Akshay Advanced Applications of Computational Mathematics Advanced Applications of Computational Mathematics Advanced Applications of Computational Mathematics 9788770226059; 9788770226042 Yes River Publishers Book
4 Verma Deepak Sustainable Biopolymer Composites Sustainable Biopolymer Composites Sustainable Biopolymer Composites 9780128222911 Yes Elsevier Book
5 Dogra Vaishally, Verma Deepak Nanotechnology-Based Sustainable Alternatives for the Management of Plant Diseases Biopolymers and nanomaterials in food packaging and applications Nanotechnology-Based Sustainable Alternatives for the Management of Plant Diseases 9780128225882; 9780128233948 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
6 Bhadula R.C. Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Utilization of puzzles for protection against DDoS attacks Distributed Denial of Service Attacks 9783110619751; 9783110616750 Yes De Gruyter Book Chapter
7 Khantwal Deepak Fixed Point Theory and its Applications to Real World Problems Fixed Point Theorems for Multivalued Suzuki Type ZR-Contraction in Relational Metric Spaces Fixed Point Theory and its Applications to Real World Problems 9781536194791; 9781536193367 Yes Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Book Chapter
8 Akshay Kumar Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory Fuzzy reliability assessment of consecutive r out of k from n G system using UGF Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory 9781799875666; 9781799875642 Yes IGI Global Book Chapter
9 Akshay Kumar Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory Fuzzy reliability evaluation of complex systems using intuitionistic fuzzy sets Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory 9781799875666; 9781799875642 Yes IGI Global Book Chapter
10 Verma Deepak, Joshi Gaurav, Singh Teekam Handbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications: Volumes 1-4 Cellulose Nanofibers for Development of Green Composites: Mechanical Properties and Morphological
Handbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications: Volumes 1-4 9783030362683; 9783030362676 Yes Springer International Publishing Book Chapter
11 Debbarma Prasenjit Survival Strategies in Coldadapted Microorganisms Cold-Adapted Microorganisms: Survival Strategies and Biotechnological Significance Survival Strategies in Coldadapted Microorganisms 9789811626258; 9789811626241 Yes Springer Nature Book Chapter
12 Debbarma Prasenjit Survival Strategies in Coldadapted Microorganisms Structure and Functions of Rice and Wheat Microbiome Survival Strategies in Coldadapted Microorganisms 9789811626258; 9789811626241 Yes Springer Nature Book Chapter
13 Chaudhary Parul Microbial Technology for Sustainable Environment Recent Advancements and Mechanism of Microbial Enzymes in Sustainable Agriculture Microbial Technology for Sustainable Environment 9789811638404; 9789811638398 Yes Springer Nature Book Chapter
14 Chaudhary Parul Microbial Technology for Sustainable Environment Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria and Their Application in Sustainable Crop Production Microbial Technology for Sustainable Environment 9789811638404; 9789811638398 Yes Springer Nature Book Chapter
15 Gangola Saurabh, Patni Kiran Bioremediation of Environmental Pollutants: Emerging Trends and Strategies Spectroscopy and Its Advancements for Environmental Sustainability Bioremediation of Environmental Pollutants: Emerging Trends and Strategies 9783030861698; 9783030861681 Yes Springer International Publishing Book Chapter
16 Debbarma Prasenjit Bioremediation of Environmental Pollutants: Emerging Trends and Strategies Aerobic Granular Technology: Current Perspective and Developments Bioremediation of Environmental Pollutants: Emerging Trends and Strategies 9783030861698; 9783030861681 Yes Springer International Publishing Book Chapter
17 Gangola Saurabh Bioremediation of Environmental Pollutants: Emerging Trends and Strategies Advanced Molecular Technologies for Environmental Restoration and Sustainability Bioremediation of Environmental Pollutants: Emerging Trends and Strategies 9783030861698; 9783030861681 Yes Springer International Publishing Book Chapter
18 Gangola Saurabh Phytomicrobiome Interactions and Sustainable Agriculture Combating the Abiotic Stress Through Phytomicrobiome Studies Phytomicrobiome Interactions and Sustainable Agriculture 9781119644798; 9781119644620 Yes Wiley Book Chapter
19 Verma Deepak Handbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications: Volumes 1-4 Agro Wastes/Natural Fibers Reinforcement in Concrete and Their Applications Handbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications: Volumes 1-4 9783030362683; 9783030362676 Yes Springer International Publishing Book Chapter
20 Borah Pobitra Advanced Drug Delivery Systems in the Management of Cancer Current strategies in targeted anticancer drug delivery systems to brain Advanced Drug Delivery Systems in the Management of Cancer 9780323855037; 9780323900799 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
21 Maurya Sudhanshu Big Data Analysis for Green Computing: Concepts and Applications Performance Analysis for Provisioning and Energy Efficiency Distributed in Cloud Computing Big Data Analysis for Green Computing: Concepts and Applications 9781000481778; 9780367442309 Yes CRC Press Book Chapter
22 Harbola Aditya Bioinformatics: Methods and Applications Bioinformatics and biological data mining Bioinformatics: Methods and Applications 9780323897754; 9780323903790 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
23 Debbarma Prasenjit Removal of Refractory Pollutants from Wastewater Treatment Plants Sustainable Bioremediation Strategies to Manage Environmental Pollutants Removal of Refractory Pollutants from Wastewater Treatment Plants 9781000435269; 9780367758127 Yes CRC Press Book Chapter
24 Kumar Iindrajeet Bioinformatics: Methods and Applications Machine learning in bioinformatics Bioinformatics: Methods and Applications 9780323897754; 9780323903790 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
25 Gangola Saurabh, Debborma Prasenjit Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention of Leishmaniasis DNA microarray analysis of Leishmania parasite: strengths and limitations Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention of Leishmaniasis 9780128228005; 9780128227985 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
26 Dogra Vaishally, Verma Deepak Inorganic Anticorrosive Materials: Past, Present and Future Perspectives A prospective utilization of metal oxides for self-cleaning and antireflective coatings Inorganic Anticorrosive Materials: Past, Present and Future Perspectives 9780323904100; 9780323904117 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
27 Singh Teekam Advanced Applications of Computational Mathematics Locating ROI in Iris Using Randomized Hough Transform Advanced Applications of Computational Mathematics 9788770226059; 9788770226042 Yes River Publishers Book Chapter
28 Kumar Akshay Safety and Reliability Modeling and Its Applications Assessment of fuzzy reliability and signature of series-parallel multistate system Safety and Reliability Modeling and Its Applications 9780128233238 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
29 Verma Deepak Sustainable Biopolymer Composites Sustainable biocomposite development using halloysite nanotubes and polylactic acid Sustainable Biopolymer Composites 9780128222911 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
30 Verma Deepak Sustainable Biopolymer Composites Roadmap for materials selection, processing, and utilization of biocompatible composites in
biomedical sectors
Sustainable Biopolymer Composites 9780128222911 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
31 Verma Deepak Sustainable Biopolymer Composites An introduction to self-healing of polymer composite materials and conventional repairing process Sustainable Biopolymer Composites 9780128222911 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
32 Kumar Akshay The Handbook of Reliability, Maintenance, and System Safety through Mathematical Modeling Reliability, MTTF, and sensitivity evaluation of a computer network system connected in star
The Handbook of Reliability, Maintenance, and System Safety through Mathematical Modeling 9780128195826 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
29 Verma Deepak Sustainable Biopolymer Composites Sustainable biocomposite development using halloysite nanotubes and polylactic acid Sustainable Biopolymer Composites 9780128222911 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
30 Verma Deepak Sustainable Biopolymer Composites Roadmap for materials selection, processing, and utilization of biocompatible composites in
biomedical sectors
Sustainable Biopolymer Composites 9780128222911 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
31 Verma Deepak Sustainable Biopolymer Composites An introduction to self-healing of polymer composite materials and conventional repairing process Sustainable Biopolymer Composites 9780128222911 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
32 Kumar Akshay The Handbook of Reliability, Maintenance, and System Safety through Mathematical Modeling Reliability, MTTF, and sensitivity evaluation of a computer network system connected in star
The Handbook of Reliability, Maintenance, and System Safety through Mathematical Modeling 9780128195826 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
33 Verma Deepak Sustainable Biopolymer Composites: Biocompatibility, Self-Healing, Modeling, Repair and
An introduction to high-performance advanced polymers composites, their types, processing, and
applications in automotive industries
Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering 9780128222911 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
34 Verma Deepak Sustainable Biopolymer Composites: Biocompatibility, Self-Healing, Modeling, Repair and
Advanced biopolymer-based composites: Construction and structural applications Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering 9780128222911 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
35 Kumar Akshay EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing Signature Reliability of Consecutive k-out-of-n: F System using Universal Generating Function EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing ISSN25228595 Yes Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH Book Chapter
36 Garg Navin EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing AR and VR and AI allied technologies and depression detection and control mechanism EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing ISSN25228595 Yes Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH Book Chapter
37 Singh Devendra, Pant Pawan Kumar, Pant Himanhsu, Dobhal Dinesh Chandra Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies Robust Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) System for Early Stage Hepatic Disease Detection Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies ISSN23674512 Yes Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH Book Chapter
38 Sengupta Santoshi Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Growth Fostering Business Growth and Innovation Through Internationalization: The Interesting Illustration
of the Indian IT Industry
Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Growth ISSN26623641 Yes Palgrave Macmillan Book Chapter
39 Bisht Vimal Singh, Joshi Navneet, Jethi Govind Singh, Bhakuni Abhijit Singh Studies in Computational Intelligence A review on genetic algorithm and its application in power system engineering Studies in Computational Intelligence ISSN1860949X Yes Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH Book Chapter
40 Pandey C., Juyal A., Dumka A. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Vehicle number extraction using open source tools Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ISSN23673370 Yes Springer Book Chapter
41 Gupta A., Dubey B.P., Sivaraman H., Lohani M.C. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Big data analytics—analysis and comparison of various tools Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ISSN23673370 Yes Springer Book Chapter
42 Kumar A., Ram M., Yadav O.P. Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory Preface Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory 9781799875666; 9781799875642 Yes IGI Global Editorial
43 Bhatt P., Gangola S., Udayanga D., Kumar G. Microbial Technology for Sustainable Environment Preface Microbial Technology for Sustainable Environment 9789811638404; 9789811638398 Yes Springer Nature Editorial
44 Verma D., Sharma M., Goh K.L., Jain S., Sharma H. Sustainable Biopolymer Composites Preface Sustainable Biopolymer Composites 9780128222911 Yes Elsevier Editorial

Number of books and chapters in edited volumes published per teacher during the last five years (10) Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes / books published, and papers in national/international conference-proceedings year- wise during the last five years

Sl. No. Author(s) Book Title Chapter Title Publication ISBN No. Whether at the time of publication Affiliating Institution Was same? Publisher Type
1 Negi Pushpa Bhakuni Natural Products and Their Utilization Pattern Role of natural products in herbal medication for novel drug delivery applications Natural Products and Their Utilization Pattern 9781536182118 Yes Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Book
2 Kandari L.S. Ethnomedicinal Plant Use and Practice in Traditional Medicine Ethnobotanical assessment of endangered Allium stracheyi (Baker): A lesser known species of the Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, Central Himalaya, India Ethnomedicinal Plant Use and Practice in Traditional Medicine 9781799813217; 1799813207; 9781799813200 Yes IGI Global Book Chapter
3 Pandey Shweta Microbe Mediated Remediation of Environmental Contaminants Microbial biofilms for the remediation of contaminated water Microbe Mediated Remediation of Environmental Contaminants 9780128211991 Yes Elsevier Book Chapter
4 Gangola Saurabh Recent Advancements in Microbial Diversity Toward an enhanced understanding of plant growth promoting microbes for sustainable agriculture Recent Advancements in Microbial Diversity 9780128212653; 9780128212660 Yes Elsevier Applied Science Book Chapter
5 Chauhan Rahul Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems RFID-Based Smart Shopping in IoT Environment: A Way to Become a Smart Shopper Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #REF! Yes Springer Book Chapter
6 Verma Dikendra K. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation, ICATMRI 2020 A filter based genetic algorithm and neural network technique for Image Classification Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation, ICATMRI 2020 9781728177342 Yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
7 Tewari Isha Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation, ICATMRI 2020 Artificial Intelligence Reshaping Human Resource Management: A Review Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation, ICATMRI 2020 9781728177342 Yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
8 Sunori S. Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 Investigation of Robustness of IMC Controller for a Paper Mill Sub-Process Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 9781728183374 Yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
9 Kumar Sunori Sandeep Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 Control System Optimization for Sugar Crystallization Process Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 9781728183374 Yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
10 Kumar Sunori Sandeep Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 Delayed Complex Multivariable Constrained Process Control-A Review Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 9781728183374 Yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
11 Kumar Sunori Sandeep IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 Process Identification and Model Order Reduction of Industrial Lime Kiln Process Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 9781728183374 Yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
12 Kumar Sunori Sandeep IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 Generation, Optimization and Control of Electric Power in Sugar Mill Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 9781728183374 Yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
13 Bhakuni Abhijit Singh IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 Fuzzy Clustering of Paper Mill Data Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 9781728183374 Yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
14 Singh Bisht Vimal IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 Filter Design for Noisy ECG Signal Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 9781728183374 Yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
15 Taluja Resham AIP Conference Proceedings Ss/Ti-twin-S shape CMFS performance modal analysis based on finite element analysis AIP Conference Proceedings 9780735440494 Yes American Institute of Physics Inc. Conference Paper
16 Joshi Mukesh Proceedings of the 2020 9th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2020 Security challenges in implementing a secured hybrid cloud model for e-health services Proceedings of the 2020 9th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2020 9781728189086 Yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
17 Tewari Naveen Proceedings of the 2020 9th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2020 Water Quality Prediction System (WQPS) and Method using Fog of Thing (FoT) Proceedings of the 2020 9th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2020 9781728189086 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
18 Bedi Pradeep Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2020 Basic structure on artificial intelligence: A revolution in risk management and compliance Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2020 9781728170893 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
19 Kohli Priya Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2020 Future trends of security and privacy in next generation VANET Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2020 9781728170893 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
20 Bedi Pradeep Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2020 The role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in supply chain management and its task model Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2020 9781728170893 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
21 Painuly Sakshi Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2020 Advance applications and future challenges of 5G IoT Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2020 9781728170893 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
22 Jethi Govind Singh 2020 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation, ICCCA 2020 Investigating the Impact of Doppler Shift Performance of Multipath Rayleigh Fading Channel 2020 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation, ICCCA 2020 9781728163246 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
23 Bedi Pradeep Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud, ISMAC 2020 Detection of sleep apnea cancer mutual symptoms using deep learning techniques Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud, ISMAC 2020 9781728154640 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
24 Bedi Pradeep Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud, ISMAC 2020 FDLM: Fusion deep learning model for classifying obstructive sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud, ISMAC 2020 9781728154640 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
25 Mohan Lalit Proceedings – 2020 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, CICN 2020 Data mining Classification Techniques for Intrusion Detection System Proceedings – 2020 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, CICN 2020 9781728193939 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
26 Mohan Lalit Proceedings – 2020 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, CICN 2020 Support Vector Machine Accuracy Improvement with Classification Proceedings – 2020 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, CICN 2020 9781728193939 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
27 Sunori Sandeep Proceedings – 2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials, ICACCM 2020 Modeling, Control and Instrumentation of Lime Kiln Process: A Review Proceedings – 2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials, ICACCM 2020 9781728197852 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
28 Garg Umang Proceedings – 2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials, ICACCM 2020 SDNFV 5G-IoT: A Framework for the Next Generation 5G enabled IoT Proceedings – 2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials, ICACCM 2020 9781728197852 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
29 Sunori Sandeep Proceedings – 2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials, ICACCM 2020 Prediction based Control Strategy in Industrial Applications-A Review Proceedings – 2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials, ICACCM 2020 9781728197852 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
30 Pargaien Saurabh Proceedings – 2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials, ICACCM 2020 Energy Audit of an Institute-Cost Mitigation and Energy Conservation Using Renewable Energy Proceedings – 2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials, ICACCM 2020 9781728197852 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
31 Singh Devendra Proceedings – 2020 Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for High Performance Applications, ACCTHPA 2020 Decision Tree approach to Identify Vision Disorder for lazy Eye Proceedings – 2020 Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for High Performance Applications, ACCTHPA 2020 9781728164533 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
32 Harbola Aditya Proceedings of CONECCT 2020 – 6th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies Privacy and Security of IoT based Skin Monitoring System using Blockchain Approach Proceedings of CONECCT 2020 – 6th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies 9781728168289 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
33 Kumar Ajay IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Optimization of process parameters of A-359 aluminium alloy in EPS-assisted-investment casting process using Taguchi method IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 17578981 yes Institute of Physics Publishing Conference Paper
34 Kumar Akshay ICRITO 2020 – IEEE 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) Reliability Function Evaluation for Binary Switching System ICRITO 2020 – IEEE 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) 9781728170169 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
35 Sahoo Ashok Kumar ICRITO 2020 – IEEE 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) Predictive Analytics: A Comparative Study of Expert Modeler Vs ANN Models in Econometric Analysis ICRITO 2020 – IEEE 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) 9781728170169 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
36 Kumar Akshay ICRITO 2020 – IEEE 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) Reliability Characteristics of Industrial System Using Copula in Repair ICRITO 2020 – IEEE 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) 9781728170169 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
37 Pant Pawan Kumar Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020 The Impact of SGI and RTS/CTS in WLAN Throughput Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020 9781728140971 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
38 Budhani Sandeep Kumar Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020 A Model for prediction of consumer conduct using machine learning algorithm Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020 9781728140971 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
39 Tewari Naveen Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020 Towards FoT (Fog-of-Things) enabled Architecture in Governance: Transforming e-Governance to Smart Governance Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020 9781728140971 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
40 Joshi Mukesh Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020 A Review on Various Data Encryption Techniques used in Cloud Enabled Data Centre Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020 9781728140971 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
41 Maurya Sudhanshu Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, INDIACom 2020 Cloud of Things (CoT) based Smart Cities Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, INDIACom 2020 9789380544366 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
42 Verma Poonam Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2019 An Overview of Fog Computing in the Present Scenario Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2019 9781728132457 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
43 Negi Charu Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2019 An Approach for Solving the Graph Coloring Problem using Adjacency Matrix Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2019 9781728132457 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
44 Sahoo Ashok Kumar Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2019 Performance Analysis of Interior Gateway Protocols (IGPs) using GNS-3 Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2019 9781728132457 yes Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Conference Paper
45 Saumitra Chattopadhyaya Materials Today: Proceedings Software defined networks: Current problems and future solutions Materials Today: Proceedings 22147853 yes Elsevier Ltd Conference Paper
46 Sahoo Ashok Kumar Materials Today: Proceedings Deep learning enhancement on mammogram images for breast cancer detection Materials Today: Proceedings 22147853 yes Elsevier Ltd Conference Paper
47 Sahoo Ashok Kumar Materials Today: Proceedings Automatic recognition of Indian vehicles license plates using machine learning approaches Materials Today: Proceedings 22147853 yes Elsevier Ltd Conference Paper
48 Sahoo Ashok Kumar Materials Today: Proceedings A comprehensive analysis and experimental evaluation of routing information protocol: An elucidation Materials Today: Proceedings 22147853 yes Elsevier Ltd Conference Paper
49 Negi Pankaj Materials Today: Proceedings Absorbability analysis of CY-230 epoxy resin and chicken feather fiber based hybrid biocomposite material Materials Today: Proceedings 22147853 yes Elsevier Ltd Conference Paper
50 Singh Amit Kumar Materials Today: Proceedings Performance, energy, emission and cost analysis of Jatropha (Jatropha Curcas) oil as a biofuel for compression ignition engine Materials Today: Proceedings 22147853 yes Elsevier Ltd Conference Paper
51 Arya Chandrakala Materials Today: Proceedings A comparative study on shells in Linux: A review Materials Today: Proceedings 22147853 yes Elsevier Ltd Conference Paper
52 Taluja Resham Materials Today: Proceedings Optimisation of sensor position for maximum phase shift of CU TWIN-S shape CMFS Materials Today: Proceedings 22147853 yes Elsevier Ltd Conference Paper
53 Maurya Sudhanshu Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Improving Security Concerns of Mobile Cloud Computing Environment with Quantum Cryptographic Techniques Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 9789811570308 yes Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH Conference Paper
54 Kumar Indrajeet Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Development of IDS Using Supervised Machine Learning Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 9789811540318 yes Springer Conference Paper
55 Mittal Ankush Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Object Classification from Shape Detection Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 9789811501838 yes Springer Conference Paper
56 Sharma Tarun Kumar Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Preface Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 9789811540318 yes Springer Editorial
57 Patni Kiran Groundwater for Sustainable Development A positive perspective during COVID-19 related to groundwater crisis Groundwater for Sustainable Development 2352801X yes Elsevier B.V. Note
58 Kumar Vijay International Journal of Current Research and Review Health monitoring of people during lockdown due to corona virus (Covid-19) International Journal of Current Research and Review 22312196 yes Radiance Research Academy Review
59 Pandey Kanak International Journal of Current Research and Review Technology transfer: An overview of process transfer from development to commercialization International Journal of Current Research and Review 22312196 yes Radiance Research Academy Review
60 Paliwal Sonia Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences A review on carbon nanotubes: As a nano carrier drug delivery system Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 0250474X yes Indian Pharmaceutical Association Review
61 Joshi Himanshu International Journal of Current Research and Review A recent report on ‘plants with anti-candida properties’ International Journal of Current Research and Review 22312196 yes Radiance Research Academy Review
62 Bhatt Jyotsana International Journal of Current Research and Review Challenges and edge of tuberculosis diagnostic techniques International Journal of Current Research and Review 22312196 yes Radiance Research Academy Review
63 Joshi Kamal Kant Journal of Applied and Natural Science A review on distribution and importance of wetlands in the perspective of India Journal of Applied and Natural Science 9749411 yes Applied and Natural Science Foundation Review
64 Mishra Anup Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs Metal nanoparticles in treatment of respiratory viral infections: A review Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs 9711198 yes Society for Biomaterials and Artificial Organs – India Review
Chapter Name Book Name Publication ISBN Faculty Name
Biomass, biopolymer-based materials, and bioenergy: Construction, biomedical, and other industrial applications Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications Elsevier 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0 Deepak Verma
Natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites: Application in marine environments Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications Elsevier 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0 Deepak Verma
Characteristics of johorean elaeis guineensis oil palm kernel shells: Elasticity, Thermal stability, and biochemical composition Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications Elsevier 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0 Deepak Verma
Characteristics of johorean elaeis guineensis oil palm kernel shells: Elasticity, Thermal stability, and biochemical composition Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications Elsevier 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0 Deepak Verma
Biobased and biodegradable plastics Handbook of Ecomaterials Springer International Publishing 978-331968255-6; 978-331968254-9 Deepak Verma
Novel nanoscaled materials from lignocellulosic sources: Potential applications in the agricultural sector Handbook of Ecomaterials Springer International Publishing 978-331968255-6; 978-331968254-9 Deepak Verma
The consideration of economics during the processing of biofuels Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications Elsevier 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0 Deepak Verma
Natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications Elsevier 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0 Deepak Verma
Biopolymer processing and its composites: An introduction Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications Elsevier 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0 Deepak Verma
Construction materials reinforced with natural products Handbook of Ecomaterials Springer International Publishing 978-331968255-6; 978-331968254-9 Deepak Verma
Chapter Name Book/Publication Name ISBN Faculty Name
A MCDM based approach for selection of a sedan car from Indian Car Market Springer publications, SCOPUS Indexed N/A N/A
A MCDM based approach for selection of a sedan car from Indian Car Market Springer publications, SCOPUS Indexed N/A N/A
A MCDM Based Approach for Selection the Best State for Tourism in India Springer publications, SCOPUS Indexed N/A N/A
Procedure of E-filing (based on Income Tax Return through JAVA Utility) University Science Press (An Imprint of Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi) 9789386202505 Dr Kamal Pant
Chapter Name Book Name Year of Publication Faculty Name Reference Name of Publication
Starch-Based Biocomposites Handbook of Bionanacomposites: Green and Sustainable Materials Online Print April, 2017 (accepted) Deepak Verma, Sanjay Sharma Deepak Verma, Sanjay Sharma, “Starch-Based Biocomposites”, Handbook of Bionanacomposites: Green and Sustainable Materials. CRC PRESS. Indexed by Thomson ISI book index and Elsevier Scopus. (Accepted and online in April 2017) Springer
Novel nanoscaled materials from lignocellulosic sources with potential applications in agricultural sector Handbook of Ecomaterials Online Print April, 2017 (accepted) Deepak Verma N/A Springer
Recent Developments in Green Composites based on Plant Fibers- Preparation, Structure and Properties Handbook of Ecomaterials Online Print April, 2017 (accepted) Deepak Verma N/A Springer
Construction Materials reinforced with Natural Products Green Biocomposites: Design and Applications Online Print 2017 (accepted) Deepak Verma, Sanjay Sharma Deepak Verma, Sanjay Sharma, “Green Biocomposites: A prospective utilization in Automobile Industry”, Book Chapter, Green Biocomposites: Design and Applications University Putra Malaysia, Springer
Chapter Name Book Name Faculty Name Name of Publication
Processing Techniques of Nanoclay Based Natural Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites Nanoclay Reinforced Polymer Composites Deepak Verma University Putra Malaysia, Springer
N/A Basic Manufacturing Processes (Theory and Practice) Dr R C S Mehta, Mr. Nagendra Gaira Viva Books Private Limited, New Delhi
N/A Verbal Ability and Reasoning for Competitive Examinations P A Anand Wiley Publications
N/A The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT Nishit K Sinha Pearson Publications
Book/Chapter Name Faculty Name Reference Name of Publication
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations P A Anand ISBN 13- 9788126549306; ISBN 10- 8126549300 Wiley Publications
C# Programming with Net Framework Kamlesh K. PAdaliya (Co-author) ISBN: 9789385000324 Bharti Publications, New Delhi
Green Approaches to Bio composite Materials Science and Engineering Deepak Verma ISBN13: 9781522504245 | ISBN10: 1522504249 | EISBN13: 9781522504252 | DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0424-5 IGI Global
The Manufacturing of Natural Fibre-Reinforced Composites by Resin-Transfer Molding Process Deepak Verma Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015; DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-07944-8_13 Universiti Putra Malaysia with Springer
Composites from Bagasse Fibers, Its Characterization and Applications Deepak Verma Springer International Publishing; Print ISBN no. 978-3-319-13846-6 ; Online ISBN: 978-3-319-13847-3 Springer International Publishing
Introduction to Visual Basic Mahesh Manchanda ISBN:978-93-259-8795-1 School of Distance Education, Mahatma Gandhi University
Variables and Decision Constructs Mahesh Manchanda ISBN:978-93-259-8795-1 School of Distance Education, Mahatma Gandhi University
Selecting and Using Controls Mahesh Manchanda ISBN:978-93-259-8795-1 School of Distance Education, Mahatma Gandhi University
Book/Chapter Name Faculty Name Reference Name of Publication
Ecology Of Some Medicinal Herbs Of Shiwalik Forests Uttarakhand(INDIA) C. S. Bohra Lambert Academic Publications, Germany (ISBN no. 978-3-8484-8986-2) Lambert Academic Publications, Germany
Ecology Of Some Medicinal Herbs Of Shiwalik Forests Uttarakhand(INDIA) C. S. Bohra Lambert Academic Publications, Germany (ISBN no. 978-3-8484-8986-2) Lambert Academic Publications, Germany
Programming Techniques Mr. Mahesh Manchanda Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida, Dec. 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-259-7037-3)
Front End Technology Using Visual Basic Mr. Mahesh Manchanda Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida, Dec. 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-259-6973-5)
Diploma in Computer Applications Mr. Mahesh Manchanda Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida, 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-259-6848-6)
Textbook Of Reasoning First Edition Mr. P A Anand Savera Publication, New Delhi Textbook Of Reasoning First Edition: 2013
Grammar For Success Volume 1 Mrs. Shreejata Dey Savera Publication, New Delhi Grammar For Success Volume 1, 2013
The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT Mr. Nishit Kumar Sinha Pearson Publication Not Provided
The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT Mr. Nishit Kumar Sinha Pearson Publication Not Provided
Adverse Impacts of Oil Pollution on Environment Dr. Kamal Kant Joshi Agriculture, Ecology and Environment Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-5056-480-6) PP.126-135.
The Significance Of Forest Councils For Carbon Trading In Indian Central Himalaya B. S. Jina, P. Sah, K. Jina, C. S. Bohra & S. Sah Climate change, and Carbon Sequestration ANCIENT Publishing House, New Delhi ANCIENT Publishing House, New Delhi (ISBN no. 978-93-81385-96-8)
Carbon sequestration by Uttarakhand forests: A tangible ecosystem service C. S. Bohra, B. S. Jina and Narayan Singh Climate change, Biodiversity and Carbon Sequestration ANCIENT Publishing House, New Delhi ISBN no. 978-93-81385-96-8 (page no. 181-188)
Book/Chapter Name Faculty Name Reference Name of Publication
Ecology Of Some Medicinal Herbs Of Shiwalik Forests Uttarakhand(INDIA) C. S. Bohra Lambert Academic Publications, Germany (ISBN no. 978-3-8484-8986-2) Lambert Academic Publications, Germany
Ecology Of Some Medicinal Herbs Of Shiwalik Forests Uttarakhand(INDIA) C. S. Bohra Lambert Academic Publications, Germany (ISBN no. 978-3-8484-8986-2) Lambert Academic Publications, Germany
Programming Techniques Mr. Mahesh Manchanda Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida, Dec. 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-259-7037-3)
Front End Technology Using Visual Basic Mr. Mahesh Manchanda Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida, Dec. 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-259-6973-5)
Diploma in Computer Applications Mr. Mahesh Manchanda Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida, 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-259-6848-6)
Textbook Of Reasoning First Edition Mr. P A Anand Savera Publication, New Delhi Textbook Of Reasoning First Edition: 2013
Grammar For Success Volume 1 Mrs. Shreejata Dey Savera Publication, New Delhi Grammar For Success Volume 1, 2013
The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT Mr. Nishit Kumar Sinha Pearson Publication Not Provided
The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT Mr. Nishit Kumar Sinha Pearson Publication Not Provided
Mathematical Model for Heat and Mass Transfer Problems Dr. Navneet Joshi LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012) Germany ISBN-10: 3659156647, ISBN-13: 978-3659156649
Mobile Telephony Dangerous For Adults And Children Both Dr. Vijay Kumar Lambert Academic Publication (LAP), Germany ISBN: 978-3-659-20542-2 (July 2012)
Data interpretation Mr. Nishit Kumar Sinha Pearson Publication
Engineering Physics Volume 1 Dr. Vijay Kumar Savera Publication, New Delhi ISBN: 978-93-81771-14-3 (September 2012)
Engineering Physics Volume 2 Dr. Vijay Kumar Savera Publication, New Delhi ISBN: 978-93-81771-14-4 (September 2012)
Synthesis and structural characterization of multiwalled carbon nanotube doped barium titanate ceramics for capacitor applications Dr. Vijay Kumar & Vijay Bijalwan LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany ISBN-10: 3659220000; ISBN-13: 978-3659220005

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