S.N. | Date | Title | Source title | Link | Author |
1 | 1/14/2025 | Application of modern tools for the real-time monitoring of bioremediation approach and its advantages | Biotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery: Current Trends and Future Scope | Click Here | Avnish Chauhan |
S.N. | Date | Title | Source title | Link | Author |
1 | 28-Mar-24 | Tribology of Spray Formed Aluminium-Based Materials | Springer Proceedings in Materials | Click Here | Gaurav Gautam |
2 | 28-Mar-24 | Investigation of Dielectric and Electrical Behaviour of Y2Ti2O7 Pyrochlore | Springer Proceedings in Materials | Click Here | Gaurav Gautam |
3 | 8-Apr-24 | Optimizing supply chain management indicators for sustainable supply chain integration and customer loyalty: Potential role of environmentally responsible practices | Strategies for Environmentally Responsible Supply Chain and Production Management | Click Here | Raj Kumar Singh |
4 | 12-Apr-24 | Electrochemical methods for determination of fertilizers in soil | Nanofertilizer Delivery, Effects and Application Methods | Click Here | Naveen chandra Talniya |
5 | 22-Apr-24 | Effective Use of Nanomaterials to Maintain Soil Fertility and Reduce Heavy Metal Toxicity in Soil | The Nanotechnology Driven Agriculture: The Future Ahead | Click Here | Shiv vendra Singh |
6 | 5/4/2024 | Effect of reinforcement materials on the glass transient temperature and viscoelastic properties of polymer composites | Dynamic Mechanical and Creep-Recovery Behavior of Polymer-Based Composites: Mechanical and Mathematical Modeling | Click Here | Vaishally Dogra |
7 | 5/8/2024 | Precision drug delivery to tackle antibiotic resistance | Frontiers in Combating Antibacterial Resistance: Current Perspectives and Future Horizons | Click Here | Archana Dhyani |
8 | 5/8/2024 | Digitalization in Indian Higher Education: Are Students Ready? | Digitalization of Higher Education: Opportunities and Threats | Click Here | Megha Sharma |
9 | 5/15/2024 | Generative AI-enabled iot applications for smart cities: Unleashing innovation and paving the way for the future | Secure and Intelligent IoT-Enabled Smart Cities | Click Here | Anupriya sharma Ghai |
10 | 5/15/2024 | Zinc-based composites with enhanced mechanical and tribological properties by in-situ formed ceramic particles | Sustainability in Smart Manufacturing: Trends, Scope, and Challenges | Click Here | Gaurav Gautam |
11 | 5/18/2024 | Technology-enabled integrated fusion teaching for university 4.0 | Innovation in the University 4.0 System based on Smart Technologies | Click Here | Himanshu Kargeti |
12 | 5/27/2024 | Emotion-infused multimodal biometric fusion for elevating user authentication and interaction | Applications of Parallel Data Processing for Biomedical Imaging | Click Here | Rahul Chauhan |
13 | 5/27/2024 | Applications of parallel data processing for biomedical imaging | Applications of Parallel Data Processing for Biomedical Imaging | Click Here | Indrajeet Kumar |
14 | 5/27/2024 | Analysis of convolutional neural networks with and without attention mechanisms for pneumonia and COVID-19 disease prediction | Applications of Parallel Data Processing for Biomedical Imaging | Click Here | Sandeep kumar |
15 | 5/27/2024 | Advancements in big data analytics for human biology and healthcare services | Applications of Parallel Data Processing for Biomedical Imaging | Click Here | Chandradeep Bhatt |
16 | 5/27/2024 | Application of AI in big data processing | Applications of Parallel Data Processing for Biomedical Imaging | Click Here | Chandradeep Bhatt |
17 | 5/27/2024 | Adopting NFTs for customer engagements: A critical overview | Adoption of NFTs and Cryptocurrency in Marketing | Click Here | Suruchi Sharma |
18 | 5/27/2024 | A novel study on IoT and machine learning-based transportation | Machine Learning Techniques and Industry Applications | Click Here | Mohit Payal |
19 | 5/27/2024 | Ways of using computational thinking to improve students’ ability to think critically | Infrastructure Possibilities and Human-Centered Approaches With Industry 5.0 | Click Here | Indrajeet Kumar |
20 | 5/27/2024 | Occurrence of emerging contaminants in soils and impacts on rhizosphere | Emerging Contaminants: Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment | Click Here | Sayantika Bhattacharya |
21 | 5/27/2024 | Production of secondary metabolites from medicinal plants through tissue culture | Secondary Metabolites and Biotherapeutics | Click Here | Balwant Rawat |
22 | 5/29/2024 | ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND FRUGAL INNOVATION FOR REALISING SDGs IN GLOBAL CONTEXT | Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis | Click Here | Namrata Prakash |
23 | 6/3/2024 | Emerging technologies and future directions | Reshaping Healthcare with Cutting-Edge Biomedical Advancements | Click Here | Parul Chaudhary |
24 | 6/3/2024 | Impact of revenge tourism in Uttarakhand state post COVID-19 outbreak | Managing Tourism and Hospitality Sectors for Sustainable Global Transformation | Click Here | Archana Dhyani |
25 | 7/8/2024 | Nanomaterials for inorganic pollutants removal from contaminated water | Nano-Bioremediation for Water and Soil Treatment: An Eco-Friendly Approach | Click Here | Shiv vendra Singh |
26 | 7/8/2024 | New dimensions into the removal of pesticides using an innovative ecofriendly technique: Nanoremediation | Nano-Bioremediation for Water and Soil Treatment: An Eco-Friendly Approach | Click Here | Shiv vendra Singh |
27 | 8/5/2024 | Sentiments and opinions shared on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning techniques | Hybrid Information Systems: Non-Linear Optimization Strategies with Artificial Intelligence | Click Here | Mahesh Manchanda |
28 | 8/29/2024 | Drugs, drug-biomolecule interactions, and drugs delivery systems: Quantum chemical approaches | Computational Studies: From Molecules to Materials | Click Here | Soni Mishra |
29 | 8/31/2024 | Role of nanomaterials on soil microbial community and functionality: Nanomaterial impact-unraveling the dynamics of soil microbial communities and functions | Nanotechnology Applications and Innovations for Improved Soil Health | Click Here | Parul Chaudhary |
30 | 8/31/2024 | Enhancing Transparency and Efficiency in the Fruits and Vegetables Cold Chain Through Blockchain Integration | Energy, Environment, and Sustainability | Click Here | Rakesh Chandmal Sharma |
31 | 8/31/2024 | Revolutionizing Transportation: The Future Impact of Green Energy | Energy, Environment, and Sustainability | Click Here | Rakesh Chandmal Sharma |
32 | 8/31/2024 | Improving On-Time Performance: Predicting Train Delays with Machine Learning Techniques | Energy, Environment, and Sustainability | Click Here | Rakesh Chandmal Sharma |
33 | 8/31/2024 | Deterministic and Probabilistic Forced Response Analysis of a Railway Coach | Energy, Environment, and Sustainability | Click Here | Rakesh Chandmal Sharma |
34 | 9/5/2024 | Blockchain Solutions for Cost-Efficiency and Traceability in Indian Food Distribution | Energy, Environment, and Sustainability | Click Here | Rakesh chnadmal sharma |
35 | 9/7/2024 | Biochar application in sustainable production of horticultural crops in the new era of soilless cultivation | Biochar Production for Green Economy: Agricultural and Environmental Perspectives | Click Here | Ashish Kaushal |
36 | 9/7/2024 | Biochar-led methanogenic and methanotrophic microbial community shift: mitigating methane emissions | Biochar Production for Green Economy: Agricultural and Environmental Perspectives | Click Here | Rashmi Sharma |
37 | 9/7/2024 | Role of biochar in acidic soils amelioration | Biochar Production for Green Economy: Agricultural and Environmental Perspectives | Click Here | Rashmi Sharma |
38 | 9/7/2024 | Biochar as climate-smart strategy to address climate change mitigation and adoption in 21st century | Biochar Production for Green Economy: Agricultural and Environmental Perspectives | Click Here | Sayantika Bhattacharya |
39 | 9/17/2024 | Influencer marketing: Its notable growth in brands valuation and consumer behavior | Navigating the World of Deepfake Technology | Click Here | Harish Kumar |
40 | 9/17/2024 | Neuro marketing: Harnessing the power of cognitive analysis | Sensible Selling Through Sensory Neuromarketing | Click Here | Namrata Prakash |
41 | 9/26/2024 | Creating digital learning environments: Tools and technologies for success | Transdisciplinary Teaching and Technological Integration for Improved Learning: Case Studies and Practical Approaches | Click Here | Naina malhotra |
42 | 9/30/2024 | Managing gig economy workers through artificial intelligence: Applications and challenges | Fostering Industry-Academia Partnerships for Innovation-Driven Trade | Click Here | Shweta arora |
43 | 10/7/2024 | Security issues and challenges for IIoT in Industry 4.0 paradigm | Embedded Devices and Internet of Things: Technologies and Applications | Click Here | Piyush bagla |
44 | 10/7/2024 | Pathophysiology of Allergic Airways Disease | Understanding Allergic Airway Diseases Contemporary Treatment Paradigm | Click Here | Karuna Dhaundhiyal |
45 | 10/7/2024 | Remote Vibration Control Systems for Rotating Machinery Units Fault Detection | Studies in Systems, Decision and Control | Click Here | Mohit Bajaj |
46 | 10/11/2024 | Lightweight secure key authentication scheme for industrial internet of things | Industrial Internet of Things Security: Protecting AI-Enabled Engineering Systems in Cloud and Edge Environments | Click Here | Vrince Vimal |
47 | 11/8/2024 | Implication of Plant Functional Traits in Crop Improvement | Plant Functional Traits for Improving Productivity | Click Here | Rajneesh Bhardwaj |
48 | 11/8/2024 | Polymer Based Composite Coatings in Engineering Applications | Hybrid Composite Materials: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis | Click Here | Vaishally Dogra |
49 | 11/12/2024 | Application of artificial intelligence techniques in healthcare | AI in the Social and Business World: A Comprehensive Approach | Click Here | Deepika Joshi |
50 | 11/25/2024 | Exploring the Indian solid waste regime in 2024: A policy and infrastructure review from a Tier 2 city of India | Municipal Solid Waste Management and Recycling Technologies | Click Here | Deepak kholiya |
51 | 11/25/2024 | K-means clustering over distributed environment: A review | Uncertainty in Computational Intelligence-Based Decision Making: A volume in Advanced Studies in Complex Systems | Click Here | Satvik Vats |
52 | 11/25/2024 | Marine biopolymers as insulating/coating agents and self-cleaning materials | Marine Biopolymers: Processing, Functionality and Applications | Click Here | Arun Kumar Gupta |
53 | 11/25/2024 | Advanced frequent itemset mining algorithm (AFIM) | Uncertainty in Computational Intelligence-Based Decision Making: A volume in Advanced Studies in Complex Systems | Click Here | Satvik Vats |
54 | 12/9/2024 | Role of energy-efficient technology to build sustainable cities | Advanced Technologies for Realizing Sustainable Development Goals: 5G, AI, Big Data, Blockchain, and Industry 4.0 Application | Click Here | Namrata Prakash |
55 | 12/9/2024 | Developing Explainable AI Models to Identify Perimenopause Symptoms: Identification of Symptoms for Perimenopause | Utilizing AI Techniques for the Perimenopause to Menopause Transition | Click Here | Prachi mall |
56 | 12/9/2024 | The Basics of Perimenopause: Menopause and Pre- Menopause | Utilizing AI Techniques for the Perimenopause to Menopause Transition | Click Here | Deepika Raina |
57 | 12/9/2024 | Nutraceutical Potential of Staple Food Crops | Herbal Nutraceuticals: Products and Processes | Click Here | Arun Kumar Gupta |
58 | 12/9/2024 | Deep Learning for Dynamic Security Assessment of Power Systems with Adaptive Synthetic Sampling-Based Imbalanced Database: A Case Study | Power Systems | Click Here | Mohit Bajaj |
S.N. | Title | Source title | Link | Author |
1 | Implication of drug repurposing in the identification of drugs as antiviral agents | Drug Repurposing | Click Here | Priyank Purohit |
2 | Apriori-based algorithms with a decentralized approach for mining frequent itemsets: A review | Advanced Computer Science Applications: Recent Trends in AI, Machine Learning, and Network Security | Click Here | Satvik Vats |
3 | The genus Ramaria (basidiomycota, agaricales): Diversity, edibility, and bioactivity | Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms of the Himalayas: Climate Change, Critically Endangered Species, and the Call for Sustainable Development | Click Here | Avnish Chauhan |
4 | Identification of tomato plant disease using faster R-CNN and RetinaNet | Convergence of Cloud Computing, AI, and Agricultural Science | Click Here | Indrajeet Kumar |
5 | Introduction to High-Fat diets | Everything You Need to Know About High-Fat Diets | Click Here | P.S Bairy |
6 | A PV energy harvesting system using MPPT algorithms | Recent Advances in Energy Harvesting Technologies | Click Here | Jyoti Joshi |
7 | Digital marketing in the metaverse: Beginning of a new era in product promotion | Applications of Neuromarketing in the Metaverse | Click Here | Ajay Sharma |
8 | Enhancing life skills in learners of the new age economy | Life Skills in Contemporary Education Systems: Critical Perspectives | Click Here | Suruchi Sharma |
9 | Application of multi-criteria decision-making in sustainable resource planning | Advances in Soft Computing Applications | Click Here | Akshay Kumar |
10 | Prioritizing the barriers of manufacturing during COVID-19 using fuzzy AHP | Advances in Soft Computing Applications | Click Here | Shwetank Avikal |
11 | Applications of watermarking in different emerging areas: A survey | Advancements in Bio-Medical Image Processing and Authentication in Telemedicine | Click Here | Indrajeet Kumar |
12 | Advancements in Bio-Medical Image Processing and Authentication in Telemedicine | Advancements in Bio-Medical Image Processing and Authentication in Telemedicine | Click Here | Indrajeet Kumar |
13 | AIoT-based e-commerce | AIoT Technologies and Applications for Smart Environments | Click Here | Arun Kumar Rai |
14 | Collaborative logistics, tools of machine and supply chain services in the world wide industry 4.0 framework | Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security: Volume 2 | Click Here | Anil Baburao Desai |
15 | Genetically Modified Microbes in E-waste Management: A Perspective | Microbial Technology for Sustainable E-waste Management | Click Here | Balwant Rawat |
16 | E-waste and Its Management by Using Algae | Microbial Technology for Sustainable E-waste Management | Click Here | Balwant Rawat |
17 | Bioremediation of E-waste Through Microbial Exopolysaccharides: A Perspective | Microbial Technology for Sustainable E-waste Management | Click Here | Balwant Rawat |
18 | Antibiotics role in past and present: A challenge to find new possibilites in development | Antibiotics – Therapeutic Spectrum and Limitations | Click Here | Deepika Raina |
19 | Security Implementation in Internet of Medical Things | Security Implementation in Internet of Medical Things | Click Here | Luxmi Sapra |
20 | Revolutionizing Healthcare Through Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Applications | Revolutionizing Healthcare Through Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Applications | Click Here | Sushila Dhaiya |
21 | Coatings: Types and Synthesis Techniques | Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials | Click Here | Vaishally Dogra |
22 | Exploration of polymers in drug delivery: The structural and functional considerations | Polymer-Drug Conjugates: Click Hereer Chemistry, Protocols and Applications | Click Here | Jyoti Joshi |
23 | Challenges and Opportunities in Secure Smart Cities for Enhancing the Security and Privacy | Enabling Technologies for Effective Planning and Management in Sustainable Smart Cities | Click Here | Luxmi Sapra |
24 | Role of Nanobiosensors in Agriculture Advancement | Advances in Nanotechnology for Smart Agriculture: Techniques and Applications | Click Here | Parul Chaudhary |
25 | Role of Nanoparticles in Agriculture | Advances in Nanotechnology for Smart Agriculture: Techniques and Applications | Click Here | Parul Chaudhary |
26 | Nanotechnology in Climate Smart Agriculture: Need of the Hour | Advances in Nanotechnology for Smart Agriculture: Techniques and Applications | Click Here | Parul Chaudhary |
27 | Advances in Nanotechnology for Smart Agriculture: Techniques and Applications | Advances in Nanotechnology for Smart Agriculture: Techniques and Applications | Click Here | Parul Chaudhary |
28 | Nanoparticles and Their Effect on Plant Health and Productivity | Advances in Nanotechnology for Smart Agriculture: Techniques and Applications | Click Here | Parul Chaudhary |
29 | Environmental-Friendly Nanoparticles in Agriculture | Advances in Nanotechnology for Smart Agriculture: Techniques and Applications | Click Here | Parul Chaudhary |
30 | Computational Modeling in the Development of Antiviral Agents | Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics | Click Here | Priyank Purohit |
31 | Bioleaching: A Sustainable Resource Recovery Strategy for Urban Mining of E-waste | Microbial Technology for Sustainable E-waste Management | Click Here | saurabh Gangola |
32 | Systemic and topical antifungal drugs | Medicinal Chemistry of Chemotherapeutic Agents: a Comprehensive Resource of Anti-infective and Anti-cancer Drugs | Click Here | Probita Borah |
33 | Antiviral drugs and vaccines | Medicinal Chemistry of Chemotherapeutic Agents: a Comprehensive Resource of Anti-infective and Anti-cancer Drugs | Click Here | Probita Borah |
34 | Automated Kinship Recognition through Facial Feature Matching | Research Advances in Intelligent Computing | Click Here | Gunjan Chhabra |
35 | A Reliable Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Multivariate Demand under Time-Dependent Deterioration | Industrial Reliability and Safety Engineering: Applications and Practices | Click Here | Richa Pandey |
36 | Microbial consortia and their application for environmental sustainability | Advanced Microbial Techniques in Agriculture, Environment, and Health Management | Click Here | Debbarma, P |
37 | Role of quorum sensing in plant–microbe interactions | Advanced Microbial Techniques in Agriculture, Environment, and Health Management | Click Here | Debbarma, P |
38 | Resonance in water pipeline due to transient | Advances in Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Engineering Systems | Click Here | Bhadula, R.C |
39 | Computation Signature Reliability of Computer Numerical Control System Using Universal Generating Function | Springer Series in Reliability Engineering | Click Here | Pandey, T |
40 | Mathematical Modeling for Evaluation Reliability of a Bleaching System | Springer Series in Reliability Engineering | Click Here | Akshay Kumar |
41 | PCL-based composites and their utilizations in the medical sector | Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development | Click Here | Vaishally Dogra, Deepak Verma |
42 | Molecular modeling of polymers for efficient drug-carrier applications | Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development | Click Here | Dinesh Puri |
43 | Bioresorbable polymers/HNT blend composite wound dressings | Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development | Click Here | Deepak Verma |
44 | Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development | Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development | Click Here | Deepak Verma |
45 | Bioresorbable polymers for wound healing | Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development | Click Here | Dinesh Puri |
46 | Introduction to bioresorbable polymers: Types and biomedical applications | Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development | Click Here | Deepak Verma |
47 | Modeling of drug release from a bioresorbable polymer matrix system | Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development | Click Here | Dinesh Puri |
48 | A prospective utilization of biodegradable polymers for controlled drug-delivery applications | Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development | Click Here | Dinesh Puri |
49 | Polymeric (PLGA-based) nanocomposites for application in drug delivery: Current state of the art and forthcoming perspectives | Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development | Click Here | Dinesh Puri |
50 | Processing of PLA/PLLA-based composites for medical device applications | Bioresorbable Polymers and their Composites: Characterization and Fundamental Processing for Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Development | Click Here | Vaishally Dogra |
51 | Production technology of underutilized vegetable crops | Production Technology of Underutilized Vegetable Crops | Click Here | Savita |
52 | Protected cultivation of underutilized vegetables | Production Technology of Underutilized Vegetable Crops | Click Here | Savita |
53 | Underutilized vegetables introduction and identifcation | Production Technology of Underutilized Vegetable Crops | Click Here | Savita |
54 | Production technology of underutilized vegetables of Leguminosae family | Production Technology of Underutilized Vegetable Crops | Click Here | Savita |
55 | Production technology of underutilized vegetables of Brassicaceae family | Production Technology of Underutilized Vegetable Crops | Click Here | Savita |
56 | Sustainable production of underutilized vegetables | Production Technology of Underutilized Vegetable Crops | Click Here | Vrince Vimal |
57 | Cultivation of underutilized vegetables in a hydroponic and aeroponic system | Production Technology of Underutilized Vegetable Crops | Click Here | Savita |
58 | Transition from Conventional FETs to Novel FETs, SOI, Double Gate, Triple Gate, and GAA FETS | Nanoscale Field Effect Transistors: Emerging Applications | Click Here | Jyoti Kandpal |
59 | Role of Nanotechnology in Nanoelectronics | Nanoelectronics Devices: Design, Materials, and Applications (Part I) | Click Here | Jyoti Kandpal | Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes / books published, and papers in national/international conference-proceedings year- wise during the last five years
Sl. No | Name of the teacher | Title of the book/chapters published | Title of the paper | Title of the proceedings of the conference | ISBN number of the proceeding | Whether at the time of publication Affiliating Institution Was same Yes/NO | Name of the publisher | Document Type |
1 | Kumar Manish | Promoting Consumer Engagement Through Emotional Branding and Sensory Marketing | Normative concerns in neuromarketing | Promoting Consumer Engagement Through Emotional Branding and Sensory Marketing | 9781668458990; 1668458977; 9781668458976 | Yes | IGI Global | Book Chapter |
2 | Juyal Amit | Autonomous Vehicles | Anomalous activity detection using deep learning techniques in autonomous vehicles | Autonomous Vehicles | 9781119871989; 9781119871958 | Yes | Wiley | Book Chapter |
3 | Jain Shreya, Prajapati Jyoti, Sharma Nitin, Saxena Ankur, Avasthi Anupama, Jadaun Ranjana | Artificial Intelligence and Computational Dynamics for Biomedical Research | Prediction of cardiovascular diseases using random forest and naive Bayes algorithm | Artificial Intelligence and Computational Dynamics for Biomedical Research | 9783110762044; 9783110762082 | Yes | De Gruyter | Book Chapter |
4 | Kumar Shobhit | Cognitive Intelligence and Big Data in Healthcare | Era of computational cognitive techniques in healthcare systems | Cognitive Intelligence and Big Data in Healthcare | 9781119771982; 9781119768883 | Yes | Wiley | Book Chapter |
5 | Joshi Gaurav | Wild Mushrooms: Characteristics, Nutrition, and Processing | Application of mushrooms in the degradation of xenobiotic components and the reduction of pesticides | Wild Mushrooms: Characteristics, Nutrition, and Processing | 9781000602500; 9780367692513 | Yes | CRC Press | Book Chapter |
6 | Goswami Rekha | Pesticides Bioremediation | Role of metal nanomaterials in bioremediation of pesticides | Pesticides Bioremediation | 9783030970000; 9783030969998 | Yes | Springer International Publishing | Book Chapter |
7 | Goswami Rekha | Pesticides Bioremediation | The environmental implication and microbial remediation of pesticide pollution: A critical assessment of the concept, strategies, and future perspective | Pesticides Bioremediation | 9783030970000; 9783030969998 | Yes | Springer International Publishing | Book Chapter |
8 | Chugh Priya | Commercial Scale Tissue Culture for Horticulture and Plantation Crops | Novel Plant Growth Regulators in In Vitro Establishment of Horticulture and Plantation Crops | Commercial Scale Tissue Culture for Horticulture and Plantation Crops | 9789811900556; 9789811900549 | Yes | Springer Singapore | Book Chapter |
9 | Lila Manish Kumar | Handbook of Epoxy/Fiber Composites | Impact Behaviors of Epoxy/Synthetic Fiber Composites | Handbook of Epoxy/Fiber Composites | 9789811936036; 9789811936029 | Yes | Springer Nature | Book Chapter |
10 | Joshi Gaurav | Fused Pyrimidine-Based Drug Discovery | Eight-membered fused pyrimidine derivatives and their biological properties | Fused Pyrimidine-Based Drug Discovery | 9780443186165; 9780443186172 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
11 | Verma Deepak | Coir Fiber and its Composites: Processing, Properties and Applications | Matrix materials for coir fibers: Mechanical and morphological properties | Coir Fiber and its Composites: Processing, Properties and Applications | 9780443151866; 9780443151873 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
12 | Joshi Gaurav | Fused Pyrimidine-Based Drug Discovery | FDA approved fused pyrimidine-based drugs | Fused Pyrimidine-Based Drug Discovery | 9780443186165; 9780443186172 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
13 | Borah Pobitra, Hazarika Sangeeta, Chettri Ashna, Sharma Dikshya | Viral, Parasitic, Bacterial, and Fungal Infections: Antimicrobial, Host Defense, and Therapeutic Strategies | Heterocyclic compounds as antimicrobial agents | Viral, Parasitic, Bacterial, and Fungal Infections: Antimicrobial, Host Defense, and Therapeutic Strategies | 9780323857307; 9780323898003 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
14 | Dhyani Bijesh, Kumar Manish, Verma Poonam, Barthwal Anurag | Computational Intelligence-based Time Series Analysis | Analysis and Prediction of Daily Closing Price of Commodity Index Using Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Averages | Computational Intelligence-based Time Series Analysis | 9788770224161; 9788770224178 | Yes | River Publishers | Book Chapter |
15 | Taranath N.L | Predictive Modeling in Biomedical Data Mining and Analysis | Medical decision support system using data mining | Predictive Modeling in Biomedical Data Mining and Analysis | 9780323998642; 9780323914451 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
16 | Dogra Vaishali, Verma Deepak | Sulfide and Selenide Based Materials for Emerging Applications: Sustainable Energy Harvesting and Storage Technology | Special focus on 3D printing of sulfides/selenides for energy conversion and storage | Sulfide and Selenide Based Materials for Emerging Applications: Sustainable Energy Harvesting and Storage Technology | 9780323998604; 9780323998826 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
17 | Patni Kiran | Antioxidants Effects in Health: The Bright and the Dark Side | Sterols: Beneficial or detrimental for human health | Antioxidants Effects in Health: The Bright and the Dark Side | 9780128190968; 9780128190975 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
18 | Petwal Aditi | Pharmacokinetics and Toxicokinetic Considerations – Vol II | Toxicological assessment of risk of medical devices | Pharmacokinetics and Toxicokinetic Considerations – Vol II | 9780323983679; 9780323913164 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
19 | Negi Monika, Shah Megha, Kumar Akshay | Springer Series in Reliability Engineering | Assessment of Reliability Function and Signature of Energy Plant Complex System | Springer Series in Reliability Engineering | Yes | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH | Book Chapter | |
20 | Bhandari Ashok Singh, Kumar Akshay | Springer Series in Reliability Engineering | Reliability Evaluation and Cost Optimization of Solar Air-Conditioner | Springer Series in Reliability Engineering | Yes | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH | Book Chapter | |
21 | Kohli Priya, Kumar Indrajeet, Vimal Vrince | Studies in Computational Intelligence | Plant Leaf Disease Identification Using Unsupervised Fuzzy C-Means Clustering and Supervised Classifiers | Studies in Computational Intelligence | Yes | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH | Book Chapter | |
22 | Tewari Naveen, Budhani Sandeep Kumar | Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies | Analysis of Risk and Security Within Fog Computing-Enabled e-Healthcare System in Uttarakhand | Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies | Yes | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH | Book Chapter | |
23 | Borah Pobitra | Advanced Drug Delivery Strategies for Targeting Chronic Inflammatory Lung Diseases | Advancements in Translational Respiratory Research Using Nanotechnology | Advanced Drug Delivery Strategies for Targeting Chronic Inflammatory Lung Diseases | 9789811643927; 9789811643910 | Yes | Springer Nature | Book Chapter | Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes / books published, and papers in national/international
conference-proceedings year- wise during the last five years
Sl. No. | Author(s) | Book Title | Chapter Title | Publication | ISBN No. | Whether at the time of publication Affiliating Institution Was same? | Publisher | Type |
1 | Kumar Akshay | Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory | Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory | Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory | 9781799875666; 9781799875642 | Yes | IGI Global | Book |
2 | Gangola Saurabh | Microbial Technology for Sustainable Environment | Microbial Technology for Sustainable Environment | Microbial Technology for Sustainable Environment | 9789811638404; 9789811638398 | Yes | Springer Nature | Book |
3 | Kumar Akshay | Advanced Applications of Computational Mathematics | Advanced Applications of Computational Mathematics | Advanced Applications of Computational Mathematics | 9788770226059; 9788770226042 | Yes | River Publishers | Book |
4 | Verma Deepak | Sustainable Biopolymer Composites | Sustainable Biopolymer Composites | Sustainable Biopolymer Composites | 9780128222911 | Yes | Elsevier | Book |
5 | Dogra Vaishally, Verma Deepak | Nanotechnology-Based Sustainable Alternatives for the Management of Plant Diseases | Biopolymers and nanomaterials in food packaging and applications | Nanotechnology-Based Sustainable Alternatives for the Management of Plant Diseases | 9780128225882; 9780128233948 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
6 | Bhadula R.C. | Distributed Denial of Service Attacks | Utilization of puzzles for protection against DDoS attacks | Distributed Denial of Service Attacks | 9783110619751; 9783110616750 | Yes | De Gruyter | Book Chapter |
7 | Khantwal Deepak | Fixed Point Theory and its Applications to Real World Problems | Fixed Point Theorems for Multivalued Suzuki Type ZR-Contraction in Relational Metric Spaces | Fixed Point Theory and its Applications to Real World Problems | 9781536194791; 9781536193367 | Yes | Nova Science Publishers, Inc. | Book Chapter |
8 | Akshay Kumar | Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory | Fuzzy reliability assessment of consecutive r out of k from n G system using UGF | Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory | 9781799875666; 9781799875642 | Yes | IGI Global | Book Chapter |
9 | Akshay Kumar | Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory | Fuzzy reliability evaluation of complex systems using intuitionistic fuzzy sets | Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory | 9781799875666; 9781799875642 | Yes | IGI Global | Book Chapter |
10 | Verma Deepak, Joshi Gaurav, Singh Teekam | Handbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications: Volumes 1-4 | Cellulose Nanofibers for Development of Green Composites: Mechanical Properties and Morphological Studies |
Handbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications: Volumes 1-4 | 9783030362683; 9783030362676 | Yes | Springer International Publishing | Book Chapter |
11 | Debbarma Prasenjit | Survival Strategies in Coldadapted Microorganisms | Cold-Adapted Microorganisms: Survival Strategies and Biotechnological Significance | Survival Strategies in Coldadapted Microorganisms | 9789811626258; 9789811626241 | Yes | Springer Nature | Book Chapter |
12 | Debbarma Prasenjit | Survival Strategies in Coldadapted Microorganisms | Structure and Functions of Rice and Wheat Microbiome | Survival Strategies in Coldadapted Microorganisms | 9789811626258; 9789811626241 | Yes | Springer Nature | Book Chapter |
13 | Chaudhary Parul | Microbial Technology for Sustainable Environment | Recent Advancements and Mechanism of Microbial Enzymes in Sustainable Agriculture | Microbial Technology for Sustainable Environment | 9789811638404; 9789811638398 | Yes | Springer Nature | Book Chapter |
14 | Chaudhary Parul | Microbial Technology for Sustainable Environment | Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria and Their Application in Sustainable Crop Production | Microbial Technology for Sustainable Environment | 9789811638404; 9789811638398 | Yes | Springer Nature | Book Chapter |
15 | Gangola Saurabh, Patni Kiran | Bioremediation of Environmental Pollutants: Emerging Trends and Strategies | Spectroscopy and Its Advancements for Environmental Sustainability | Bioremediation of Environmental Pollutants: Emerging Trends and Strategies | 9783030861698; 9783030861681 | Yes | Springer International Publishing | Book Chapter |
16 | Debbarma Prasenjit | Bioremediation of Environmental Pollutants: Emerging Trends and Strategies | Aerobic Granular Technology: Current Perspective and Developments | Bioremediation of Environmental Pollutants: Emerging Trends and Strategies | 9783030861698; 9783030861681 | Yes | Springer International Publishing | Book Chapter |
17 | Gangola Saurabh | Bioremediation of Environmental Pollutants: Emerging Trends and Strategies | Advanced Molecular Technologies for Environmental Restoration and Sustainability | Bioremediation of Environmental Pollutants: Emerging Trends and Strategies | 9783030861698; 9783030861681 | Yes | Springer International Publishing | Book Chapter |
18 | Gangola Saurabh | Phytomicrobiome Interactions and Sustainable Agriculture | Combating the Abiotic Stress Through Phytomicrobiome Studies | Phytomicrobiome Interactions and Sustainable Agriculture | 9781119644798; 9781119644620 | Yes | Wiley | Book Chapter |
19 | Verma Deepak | Handbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications: Volumes 1-4 | Agro Wastes/Natural Fibers Reinforcement in Concrete and Their Applications | Handbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications: Volumes 1-4 | 9783030362683; 9783030362676 | Yes | Springer International Publishing | Book Chapter |
20 | Borah Pobitra | Advanced Drug Delivery Systems in the Management of Cancer | Current strategies in targeted anticancer drug delivery systems to brain | Advanced Drug Delivery Systems in the Management of Cancer | 9780323855037; 9780323900799 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
21 | Maurya Sudhanshu | Big Data Analysis for Green Computing: Concepts and Applications | Performance Analysis for Provisioning and Energy Efficiency Distributed in Cloud Computing | Big Data Analysis for Green Computing: Concepts and Applications | 9781000481778; 9780367442309 | Yes | CRC Press | Book Chapter |
22 | Harbola Aditya | Bioinformatics: Methods and Applications | Bioinformatics and biological data mining | Bioinformatics: Methods and Applications | 9780323897754; 9780323903790 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
23 | Debbarma Prasenjit | Removal of Refractory Pollutants from Wastewater Treatment Plants | Sustainable Bioremediation Strategies to Manage Environmental Pollutants | Removal of Refractory Pollutants from Wastewater Treatment Plants | 9781000435269; 9780367758127 | Yes | CRC Press | Book Chapter |
24 | Kumar Iindrajeet | Bioinformatics: Methods and Applications | Machine learning in bioinformatics | Bioinformatics: Methods and Applications | 9780323897754; 9780323903790 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
25 | Gangola Saurabh, Debborma Prasenjit | Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention of Leishmaniasis | DNA microarray analysis of Leishmania parasite: strengths and limitations | Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention of Leishmaniasis | 9780128228005; 9780128227985 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
26 | Dogra Vaishally, Verma Deepak | Inorganic Anticorrosive Materials: Past, Present and Future Perspectives | A prospective utilization of metal oxides for self-cleaning and antireflective coatings | Inorganic Anticorrosive Materials: Past, Present and Future Perspectives | 9780323904100; 9780323904117 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
27 | Singh Teekam | Advanced Applications of Computational Mathematics | Locating ROI in Iris Using Randomized Hough Transform | Advanced Applications of Computational Mathematics | 9788770226059; 9788770226042 | Yes | River Publishers | Book Chapter |
28 | Kumar Akshay | Safety and Reliability Modeling and Its Applications | Assessment of fuzzy reliability and signature of series-parallel multistate system | Safety and Reliability Modeling and Its Applications | 9780128233238 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
29 | Verma Deepak | Sustainable Biopolymer Composites | Sustainable biocomposite development using halloysite nanotubes and polylactic acid | Sustainable Biopolymer Composites | 9780128222911 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
30 | Verma Deepak | Sustainable Biopolymer Composites | Roadmap for materials selection, processing, and utilization of biocompatible composites in biomedical sectors |
Sustainable Biopolymer Composites | 9780128222911 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
31 | Verma Deepak | Sustainable Biopolymer Composites | An introduction to self-healing of polymer composite materials and conventional repairing process | Sustainable Biopolymer Composites | 9780128222911 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
32 | Kumar Akshay | The Handbook of Reliability, Maintenance, and System Safety through Mathematical Modeling | Reliability, MTTF, and sensitivity evaluation of a computer network system connected in star topology |
The Handbook of Reliability, Maintenance, and System Safety through Mathematical Modeling | 9780128195826 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
29 | Verma Deepak | Sustainable Biopolymer Composites | Sustainable biocomposite development using halloysite nanotubes and polylactic acid | Sustainable Biopolymer Composites | 9780128222911 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
30 | Verma Deepak | Sustainable Biopolymer Composites | Roadmap for materials selection, processing, and utilization of biocompatible composites in biomedical sectors |
Sustainable Biopolymer Composites | 9780128222911 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
31 | Verma Deepak | Sustainable Biopolymer Composites | An introduction to self-healing of polymer composite materials and conventional repairing process | Sustainable Biopolymer Composites | 9780128222911 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
32 | Kumar Akshay | The Handbook of Reliability, Maintenance, and System Safety through Mathematical Modeling | Reliability, MTTF, and sensitivity evaluation of a computer network system connected in star topology |
The Handbook of Reliability, Maintenance, and System Safety through Mathematical Modeling | 9780128195826 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
33 | Verma Deepak | Sustainable Biopolymer Composites: Biocompatibility, Self-Healing, Modeling, Repair and Recyclability |
An introduction to high-performance advanced polymers composites, their types, processing, and applications in automotive industries |
Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering | 9780128222911 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
34 | Verma Deepak | Sustainable Biopolymer Composites: Biocompatibility, Self-Healing, Modeling, Repair and Recyclability |
Advanced biopolymer-based composites: Construction and structural applications | Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering | 9780128222911 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
35 | Kumar Akshay | EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing | Signature Reliability of Consecutive k-out-of-n: F System using Universal Generating Function | EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing | ISSN25228595 | Yes | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH | Book Chapter |
36 | Garg Navin | EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing | AR and VR and AI allied technologies and depression detection and control mechanism | EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing | ISSN25228595 | Yes | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH | Book Chapter |
37 | Singh Devendra, Pant Pawan Kumar, Pant Himanhsu, Dobhal Dinesh Chandra | Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies | Robust Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) System for Early Stage Hepatic Disease Detection | Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies | ISSN23674512 | Yes | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH | Book Chapter |
38 | Sengupta Santoshi | Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Growth | Fostering Business Growth and Innovation Through Internationalization: The Interesting Illustration of the Indian IT Industry |
Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Growth | ISSN26623641 | Yes | Palgrave Macmillan | Book Chapter |
39 | Bisht Vimal Singh, Joshi Navneet, Jethi Govind Singh, Bhakuni Abhijit Singh | Studies in Computational Intelligence | A review on genetic algorithm and its application in power system engineering | Studies in Computational Intelligence | ISSN1860949X | Yes | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH | Book Chapter |
40 | Pandey C., Juyal A., Dumka A. | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | Vehicle number extraction using open source tools | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | ISSN23673370 | Yes | Springer | Book Chapter |
41 | Gupta A., Dubey B.P., Sivaraman H., Lohani M.C. | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | Big data analytics—analysis and comparison of various tools | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | ISSN23673370 | Yes | Springer | Book Chapter |
42 | Kumar A., Ram M., Yadav O.P. | Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory | Preface | Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory | 9781799875666; 9781799875642 | Yes | IGI Global | Editorial |
43 | Bhatt P., Gangola S., Udayanga D., Kumar G. | Microbial Technology for Sustainable Environment | Preface | Microbial Technology for Sustainable Environment | 9789811638404; 9789811638398 | Yes | Springer Nature | Editorial |
44 | Verma D., Sharma M., Goh K.L., Jain S., Sharma H. | Sustainable Biopolymer Composites | Preface | Sustainable Biopolymer Composites | 9780128222911 | Yes | Elsevier | Editorial | Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes / books published, and papers in national/international conference-proceedings year- wise during the last five years
Sl. No. | Author(s) | Book Title | Chapter Title | Publication | ISBN No. | Whether at the time of publication Affiliating Institution Was same? | Publisher | Type |
1 | Negi Pushpa Bhakuni | Natural Products and Their Utilization Pattern | Role of natural products in herbal medication for novel drug delivery applications | Natural Products and Their Utilization Pattern | 9781536182118 | Yes | Nova Science Publishers, Inc. | Book |
2 | Kandari L.S. | Ethnomedicinal Plant Use and Practice in Traditional Medicine | Ethnobotanical assessment of endangered Allium stracheyi (Baker): A lesser known species of the Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, Central Himalaya, India | Ethnomedicinal Plant Use and Practice in Traditional Medicine | 9781799813217; 1799813207; 9781799813200 | Yes | IGI Global | Book Chapter |
3 | Pandey Shweta | Microbe Mediated Remediation of Environmental Contaminants | Microbial biofilms for the remediation of contaminated water | Microbe Mediated Remediation of Environmental Contaminants | 9780128211991 | Yes | Elsevier | Book Chapter |
4 | Gangola Saurabh | Recent Advancements in Microbial Diversity | Toward an enhanced understanding of plant growth promoting microbes for sustainable agriculture | Recent Advancements in Microbial Diversity | 9780128212653; 9780128212660 | Yes | Elsevier Applied Science | Book Chapter |
5 | Chauhan Rahul | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | RFID-Based Smart Shopping in IoT Environment: A Way to Become a Smart Shopper | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | #REF! | Yes | Springer | Book Chapter |
6 | Verma Dikendra K. | Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation, ICATMRI 2020 | A filter based genetic algorithm and neural network technique for Image Classification | Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation, ICATMRI 2020 | 9781728177342 | Yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
7 | Tewari Isha | Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation, ICATMRI 2020 | Artificial Intelligence Reshaping Human Resource Management: A Review | Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation, ICATMRI 2020 | 9781728177342 | Yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
8 | Sunori S. | Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 | Investigation of Robustness of IMC Controller for a Paper Mill Sub-Process | Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 | 9781728183374 | Yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
9 | Kumar Sunori Sandeep | Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 | Control System Optimization for Sugar Crystallization Process | Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 | 9781728183374 | Yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
10 | Kumar Sunori Sandeep | Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 | Delayed Complex Multivariable Constrained Process Control-A Review | Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 | 9781728183374 | Yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
11 | Kumar Sunori Sandeep | IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 | Process Identification and Model Order Reduction of Industrial Lime Kiln Process | Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 | 9781728183374 | Yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
12 | Kumar Sunori Sandeep | IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 | Generation, Optimization and Control of Electric Power in Sugar Mill | Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 | 9781728183374 | Yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
13 | Bhakuni Abhijit Singh | IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 | Fuzzy Clustering of Paper Mill Data | Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 | 9781728183374 | Yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
14 | Singh Bisht Vimal | IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 | Filter Design for Noisy ECG Signal | Proceedings – IEEE 2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICACCCN 2020 | 9781728183374 | Yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
15 | Taluja Resham | AIP Conference Proceedings | Ss/Ti-twin-S shape CMFS performance modal analysis based on finite element analysis | AIP Conference Proceedings | 9780735440494 | Yes | American Institute of Physics Inc. | Conference Paper |
16 | Joshi Mukesh | Proceedings of the 2020 9th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2020 | Security challenges in implementing a secured hybrid cloud model for e-health services | Proceedings of the 2020 9th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2020 | 9781728189086 | Yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
17 | Tewari Naveen | Proceedings of the 2020 9th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2020 | Water Quality Prediction System (WQPS) and Method using Fog of Thing (FoT) | Proceedings of the 2020 9th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2020 | 9781728189086 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
18 | Bedi Pradeep | Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2020 | Basic structure on artificial intelligence: A revolution in risk management and compliance | Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2020 | 9781728170893 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
19 | Kohli Priya | Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2020 | Future trends of security and privacy in next generation VANET | Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2020 | 9781728170893 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
20 | Bedi Pradeep | Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2020 | The role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in supply chain management and its task model | Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2020 | 9781728170893 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
21 | Painuly Sakshi | Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2020 | Advance applications and future challenges of 5G IoT | Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2020 | 9781728170893 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
22 | Jethi Govind Singh | 2020 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation, ICCCA 2020 | Investigating the Impact of Doppler Shift Performance of Multipath Rayleigh Fading Channel | 2020 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation, ICCCA 2020 | 9781728163246 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
23 | Bedi Pradeep | Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud, ISMAC 2020 | Detection of sleep apnea cancer mutual symptoms using deep learning techniques | Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud, ISMAC 2020 | 9781728154640 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
24 | Bedi Pradeep | Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud, ISMAC 2020 | FDLM: Fusion deep learning model for classifying obstructive sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes | Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud, ISMAC 2020 | 9781728154640 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
25 | Mohan Lalit | Proceedings – 2020 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, CICN 2020 | Data mining Classification Techniques for Intrusion Detection System | Proceedings – 2020 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, CICN 2020 | 9781728193939 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
26 | Mohan Lalit | Proceedings – 2020 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, CICN 2020 | Support Vector Machine Accuracy Improvement with Classification | Proceedings – 2020 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, CICN 2020 | 9781728193939 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
27 | Sunori Sandeep | Proceedings – 2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials, ICACCM 2020 | Modeling, Control and Instrumentation of Lime Kiln Process: A Review | Proceedings – 2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials, ICACCM 2020 | 9781728197852 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
28 | Garg Umang | Proceedings – 2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials, ICACCM 2020 | SDNFV 5G-IoT: A Framework for the Next Generation 5G enabled IoT | Proceedings – 2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials, ICACCM 2020 | 9781728197852 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
29 | Sunori Sandeep | Proceedings – 2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials, ICACCM 2020 | Prediction based Control Strategy in Industrial Applications-A Review | Proceedings – 2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials, ICACCM 2020 | 9781728197852 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
30 | Pargaien Saurabh | Proceedings – 2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials, ICACCM 2020 | Energy Audit of an Institute-Cost Mitigation and Energy Conservation Using Renewable Energy | Proceedings – 2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Materials, ICACCM 2020 | 9781728197852 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
31 | Singh Devendra | Proceedings – 2020 Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for High Performance Applications, ACCTHPA 2020 | Decision Tree approach to Identify Vision Disorder for lazy Eye | Proceedings – 2020 Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies for High Performance Applications, ACCTHPA 2020 | 9781728164533 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
32 | Harbola Aditya | Proceedings of CONECCT 2020 – 6th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies | Privacy and Security of IoT based Skin Monitoring System using Blockchain Approach | Proceedings of CONECCT 2020 – 6th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies | 9781728168289 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
33 | Kumar Ajay | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | Optimization of process parameters of A-359 aluminium alloy in EPS-assisted-investment casting process using Taguchi method | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 17578981 | yes | Institute of Physics Publishing | Conference Paper |
34 | Kumar Akshay | ICRITO 2020 – IEEE 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) | Reliability Function Evaluation for Binary Switching System | ICRITO 2020 – IEEE 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) | 9781728170169 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
35 | Sahoo Ashok Kumar | ICRITO 2020 – IEEE 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) | Predictive Analytics: A Comparative Study of Expert Modeler Vs ANN Models in Econometric Analysis | ICRITO 2020 – IEEE 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) | 9781728170169 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
36 | Kumar Akshay | ICRITO 2020 – IEEE 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) | Reliability Characteristics of Industrial System Using Copula in Repair | ICRITO 2020 – IEEE 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) | 9781728170169 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
37 | Pant Pawan Kumar | Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020 | The Impact of SGI and RTS/CTS in WLAN Throughput | Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020 | 9781728140971 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
38 | Budhani Sandeep Kumar | Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020 | A Model for prediction of consumer conduct using machine learning algorithm | Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020 | 9781728140971 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
39 | Tewari Naveen | Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020 | Towards FoT (Fog-of-Things) enabled Architecture in Governance: Transforming e-Governance to Smart Governance | Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020 | 9781728140971 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
40 | Joshi Mukesh | Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020 | A Review on Various Data Encryption Techniques used in Cloud Enabled Data Centre | Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2020 | 9781728140971 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
41 | Maurya Sudhanshu | Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, INDIACom 2020 | Cloud of Things (CoT) based Smart Cities | Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, INDIACom 2020 | 9789380544366 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
42 | Verma Poonam | Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2019 | An Overview of Fog Computing in the Present Scenario | Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2019 | 9781728132457 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
43 | Negi Charu | Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2019 | An Approach for Solving the Graph Coloring Problem using Adjacency Matrix | Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2019 | 9781728132457 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
44 | Sahoo Ashok Kumar | Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2019 | Performance Analysis of Interior Gateway Protocols (IGPs) using GNS-3 | Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on System Modeling and Advancement in Research Trends, SMART 2019 | 9781728132457 | yes | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. | Conference Paper |
45 | Saumitra Chattopadhyaya | Materials Today: Proceedings | Software defined networks: Current problems and future solutions | Materials Today: Proceedings | 22147853 | yes | Elsevier Ltd | Conference Paper |
46 | Sahoo Ashok Kumar | Materials Today: Proceedings | Deep learning enhancement on mammogram images for breast cancer detection | Materials Today: Proceedings | 22147853 | yes | Elsevier Ltd | Conference Paper |
47 | Sahoo Ashok Kumar | Materials Today: Proceedings | Automatic recognition of Indian vehicles license plates using machine learning approaches | Materials Today: Proceedings | 22147853 | yes | Elsevier Ltd | Conference Paper |
48 | Sahoo Ashok Kumar | Materials Today: Proceedings | A comprehensive analysis and experimental evaluation of routing information protocol: An elucidation | Materials Today: Proceedings | 22147853 | yes | Elsevier Ltd | Conference Paper |
49 | Negi Pankaj | Materials Today: Proceedings | Absorbability analysis of CY-230 epoxy resin and chicken feather fiber based hybrid biocomposite material | Materials Today: Proceedings | 22147853 | yes | Elsevier Ltd | Conference Paper |
50 | Singh Amit Kumar | Materials Today: Proceedings | Performance, energy, emission and cost analysis of Jatropha (Jatropha Curcas) oil as a biofuel for compression ignition engine | Materials Today: Proceedings | 22147853 | yes | Elsevier Ltd | Conference Paper |
51 | Arya Chandrakala | Materials Today: Proceedings | A comparative study on shells in Linux: A review | Materials Today: Proceedings | 22147853 | yes | Elsevier Ltd | Conference Paper |
52 | Taluja Resham | Materials Today: Proceedings | Optimisation of sensor position for maximum phase shift of CU TWIN-S shape CMFS | Materials Today: Proceedings | 22147853 | yes | Elsevier Ltd | Conference Paper |
53 | Maurya Sudhanshu | Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | Improving Security Concerns of Mobile Cloud Computing Environment with Quantum Cryptographic Techniques | Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | 9789811570308 | yes | Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH | Conference Paper |
54 | Kumar Indrajeet | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | Development of IDS Using Supervised Machine Learning | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 9789811540318 | yes | Springer | Conference Paper |
55 | Mittal Ankush | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | Object Classification from Shape Detection | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 9789811501838 | yes | Springer | Conference Paper |
56 | Sharma Tarun Kumar | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | Preface | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 9789811540318 | yes | Springer | Editorial |
57 | Patni Kiran | Groundwater for Sustainable Development | A positive perspective during COVID-19 related to groundwater crisis | Groundwater for Sustainable Development | 2352801X | yes | Elsevier B.V. | Note |
58 | Kumar Vijay | International Journal of Current Research and Review | Health monitoring of people during lockdown due to corona virus (Covid-19) | International Journal of Current Research and Review | 22312196 | yes | Radiance Research Academy | Review |
59 | Pandey Kanak | International Journal of Current Research and Review | Technology transfer: An overview of process transfer from development to commercialization | International Journal of Current Research and Review | 22312196 | yes | Radiance Research Academy | Review |
60 | Paliwal Sonia | Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | A review on carbon nanotubes: As a nano carrier drug delivery system | Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 0250474X | yes | Indian Pharmaceutical Association | Review |
61 | Joshi Himanshu | International Journal of Current Research and Review | A recent report on ‘plants with anti-candida properties’ | International Journal of Current Research and Review | 22312196 | yes | Radiance Research Academy | Review |
62 | Bhatt Jyotsana | International Journal of Current Research and Review | Challenges and edge of tuberculosis diagnostic techniques | International Journal of Current Research and Review | 22312196 | yes | Radiance Research Academy | Review |
63 | Joshi Kamal Kant | Journal of Applied and Natural Science | A review on distribution and importance of wetlands in the perspective of India | Journal of Applied and Natural Science | 9749411 | yes | Applied and Natural Science Foundation | Review |
64 | Mishra Anup | Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs | Metal nanoparticles in treatment of respiratory viral infections: A review | Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs | 9711198 | yes | Society for Biomaterials and Artificial Organs – India | Review |
Chapter Name | Book Name | Publication | ISBN | Faculty Name |
Biomass, biopolymer-based materials, and bioenergy: Construction, biomedical, and other industrial applications | Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications | Elsevier | 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0 | Deepak Verma |
Natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites: Application in marine environments | Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications | Elsevier | 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0 | Deepak Verma |
Characteristics of johorean elaeis guineensis oil palm kernel shells: Elasticity, Thermal stability, and biochemical composition | Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications | Elsevier | 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0 | Deepak Verma |
Characteristics of johorean elaeis guineensis oil palm kernel shells: Elasticity, Thermal stability, and biochemical composition | Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications | Elsevier | 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0 | Deepak Verma |
Biobased and biodegradable plastics | Handbook of Ecomaterials | Springer International Publishing | 978-331968255-6; 978-331968254-9 | Deepak Verma |
Novel nanoscaled materials from lignocellulosic sources: Potential applications in the agricultural sector | Handbook of Ecomaterials | Springer International Publishing | 978-331968255-6; 978-331968254-9 | Deepak Verma |
The consideration of economics during the processing of biofuels | Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications | Elsevier | 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0 | Deepak Verma |
Natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites | Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications | Elsevier | 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0 | Deepak Verma |
Biopolymer processing and its composites: An introduction | Biomass, Biopolymer-Based Materials, and Bioenergy: Construction, Biomedical, and other Industrial Applications | Elsevier | 978-008102426-3; 978-008102427-0 | Deepak Verma |
Construction materials reinforced with natural products | Handbook of Ecomaterials | Springer International Publishing | 978-331968255-6; 978-331968254-9 | Deepak Verma |
Chapter Name | Book/Publication Name | ISBN | Faculty Name |
A MCDM based approach for selection of a sedan car from Indian Car Market | Springer publications, SCOPUS Indexed | N/A | N/A |
A MCDM based approach for selection of a sedan car from Indian Car Market | Springer publications, SCOPUS Indexed | N/A | N/A |
A MCDM Based Approach for Selection the Best State for Tourism in India | Springer publications, SCOPUS Indexed | N/A | N/A |
Procedure of E-filing (based on Income Tax Return through JAVA Utility) | University Science Press (An Imprint of Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi) | 9789386202505 | Dr Kamal Pant |
Chapter Name | Book Name | Year of Publication | Faculty Name | Reference | Name of Publication |
Starch-Based Biocomposites | Handbook of Bionanacomposites: Green and Sustainable Materials | Online Print April, 2017 (accepted) | Deepak Verma, Sanjay Sharma | Deepak Verma, Sanjay Sharma, “Starch-Based Biocomposites”, Handbook of Bionanacomposites: Green and Sustainable Materials. CRC PRESS. Indexed by Thomson ISI book index and Elsevier Scopus. (Accepted and online in April 2017) | Springer |
Novel nanoscaled materials from lignocellulosic sources with potential applications in agricultural sector | Handbook of Ecomaterials | Online Print April, 2017 (accepted) | Deepak Verma | N/A | Springer |
Recent Developments in Green Composites based on Plant Fibers- Preparation, Structure and Properties | Handbook of Ecomaterials | Online Print April, 2017 (accepted) | Deepak Verma | N/A | Springer |
Construction Materials reinforced with Natural Products | Green Biocomposites: Design and Applications | Online Print 2017 (accepted) | Deepak Verma, Sanjay Sharma | Deepak Verma, Sanjay Sharma, “Green Biocomposites: A prospective utilization in Automobile Industry”, Book Chapter, Green Biocomposites: Design and Applications | University Putra Malaysia, Springer |
Chapter Name | Book Name | Faculty Name | Name of Publication |
Processing Techniques of Nanoclay Based Natural Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites | Nanoclay Reinforced Polymer Composites | Deepak Verma | University Putra Malaysia, Springer |
N/A | Basic Manufacturing Processes (Theory and Practice) | Dr R C S Mehta, Mr. Nagendra Gaira | Viva Books Private Limited, New Delhi |
N/A | Verbal Ability and Reasoning for Competitive Examinations | P A Anand | Wiley Publications |
N/A | The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT | Nishit K Sinha | Pearson Publications |
Book/Chapter Name | Faculty Name | Reference | Name of Publication |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations | P A Anand | ISBN 13- 9788126549306; ISBN 10- 8126549300 | Wiley Publications |
C# Programming with Net Framework | Kamlesh K. PAdaliya (Co-author) | ISBN: 9789385000324 | Bharti Publications, New Delhi |
Green Approaches to Bio composite Materials Science and Engineering | Deepak Verma | ISBN13: 9781522504245 | ISBN10: 1522504249 | EISBN13: 9781522504252 | DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0424-5 | IGI Global |
The Manufacturing of Natural Fibre-Reinforced Composites by Resin-Transfer Molding Process | Deepak Verma | Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015; DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-07944-8_13 | Universiti Putra Malaysia with Springer |
Composites from Bagasse Fibers, Its Characterization and Applications | Deepak Verma | Springer International Publishing; Print ISBN no. 978-3-319-13846-6 ; Online ISBN: 978-3-319-13847-3 | Springer International Publishing |
Introduction to Visual Basic | Mahesh Manchanda | ISBN:978-93-259-8795-1 | School of Distance Education, Mahatma Gandhi University |
Variables and Decision Constructs | Mahesh Manchanda | ISBN:978-93-259-8795-1 | School of Distance Education, Mahatma Gandhi University |
Selecting and Using Controls | Mahesh Manchanda | ISBN:978-93-259-8795-1 | School of Distance Education, Mahatma Gandhi University |
Book/Chapter Name | Faculty Name | Reference | Name of Publication | |
Ecology Of Some Medicinal Herbs Of Shiwalik Forests Uttarakhand(INDIA) | C. S. Bohra | Lambert Academic Publications, Germany (ISBN no. 978-3-8484-8986-2) | Lambert Academic Publications, Germany | |
Ecology Of Some Medicinal Herbs Of Shiwalik Forests Uttarakhand(INDIA) | C. S. Bohra | Lambert Academic Publications, Germany (ISBN no. 978-3-8484-8986-2) | Lambert Academic Publications, Germany | |
Programming Techniques | Mr. Mahesh Manchanda | Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida | Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida, Dec. 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-259-7037-3) | |
Front End Technology Using Visual Basic | Mr. Mahesh Manchanda | Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida | Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida, Dec. 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-259-6973-5) | |
Diploma in Computer Applications | Mr. Mahesh Manchanda | Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida | Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida, 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-259-6848-6) | |
Textbook Of Reasoning First Edition | Mr. P A Anand | Savera Publication, New Delhi | Textbook Of Reasoning First Edition: 2013 | |
Grammar For Success Volume 1 | Mrs. Shreejata Dey | Savera Publication, New Delhi | Grammar For Success Volume 1, 2013 | |
The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT | Mr. Nishit Kumar Sinha | Pearson Publication | Not Provided | |
The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT | Mr. Nishit Kumar Sinha | Pearson Publication | Not Provided | |
Adverse Impacts of Oil Pollution on Environment | Dr. Kamal Kant Joshi | Agriculture, Ecology and Environment | Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi | Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-5056-480-6) PP.126-135. |
The Significance Of Forest Councils For Carbon Trading In Indian Central Himalaya | B. S. Jina, P. Sah, K. Jina, C. S. Bohra & S. Sah | Climate change, and Carbon Sequestration | ANCIENT Publishing House, New Delhi | ANCIENT Publishing House, New Delhi (ISBN no. 978-93-81385-96-8) |
Carbon sequestration by Uttarakhand forests: A tangible ecosystem service | C. S. Bohra, B. S. Jina and Narayan Singh | Climate change, Biodiversity and Carbon Sequestration | ANCIENT Publishing House, New Delhi | ISBN no. 978-93-81385-96-8 (page no. 181-188) |
Book/Chapter Name | Faculty Name | Reference | Name of Publication |
Ecology Of Some Medicinal Herbs Of Shiwalik Forests Uttarakhand(INDIA) | C. S. Bohra | Lambert Academic Publications, Germany (ISBN no. 978-3-8484-8986-2) | Lambert Academic Publications, Germany |
Ecology Of Some Medicinal Herbs Of Shiwalik Forests Uttarakhand(INDIA) | C. S. Bohra | Lambert Academic Publications, Germany (ISBN no. 978-3-8484-8986-2) | Lambert Academic Publications, Germany |
Programming Techniques | Mr. Mahesh Manchanda | Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida | Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida, Dec. 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-259-7037-3) |
Front End Technology Using Visual Basic | Mr. Mahesh Manchanda | Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida | Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida, Dec. 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-259-6973-5) |
Diploma in Computer Applications | Mr. Mahesh Manchanda | Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida | Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Noida, 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-259-6848-6) |
Textbook Of Reasoning First Edition | Mr. P A Anand | Savera Publication, New Delhi | Textbook Of Reasoning First Edition: 2013 |
Grammar For Success Volume 1 | Mrs. Shreejata Dey | Savera Publication, New Delhi | Grammar For Success Volume 1, 2013 |
The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT | Mr. Nishit Kumar Sinha | Pearson Publication | Not Provided |
The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT | Mr. Nishit Kumar Sinha | Pearson Publication | Not Provided |
Mathematical Model for Heat and Mass Transfer Problems | Dr. Navneet Joshi | LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012) Germany | ISBN-10: 3659156647, ISBN-13: 978-3659156649 |
Mobile Telephony Dangerous For Adults And Children Both | Dr. Vijay Kumar | Lambert Academic Publication (LAP), Germany | ISBN: 978-3-659-20542-2 (July 2012) |
Data interpretation | Mr. Nishit Kumar Sinha | Pearson Publication | http://pearson.vrvbookshop.com/book/data-interpretation-nishit-k-sinha/9789332519411 |
Engineering Physics Volume 1 | Dr. Vijay Kumar | Savera Publication, New Delhi | ISBN: 978-93-81771-14-3 (September 2012) |
Engineering Physics Volume 2 | Dr. Vijay Kumar | Savera Publication, New Delhi | ISBN: 978-93-81771-14-4 (September 2012) |
Synthesis and structural characterization of multiwalled carbon nanotube doped barium titanate ceramics for capacitor applications | Dr. Vijay Kumar & Vijay Bijalwan | LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany | ISBN-10: 3659220000; ISBN-13: 978-3659220005 |
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