Papers Published in National Journal

Name of  Journal: Pragyaan Journal

Name of Paper: Green Supply Management practices On Corporate Sustainability Performance: An Empirical Study

Name of Faculty: Himani Binjola

Published Year: 2018

Name of Paper: Contemporary Architecture embraces traditional Rajasthani Architectural Elements

Year of Publication: 2015
Faculty Name: Ar. Bindu Agarwal, Harshul Singh
Name of Journal: Digest of Council of Architecture
References: Ar. Bindu Agarwal, Harshul Singh; “Contemporary Architecture embraces traditional Rajasthani Architectural Elements”, Digest of Council of Architecture


Name of Paper: Revitalization of Nainital Lake

Year of Publication: 2015
Faculty Name: Ar. Bindu Agarwal, Ar. Sriparna Saha
Name of Journal: Time, Space & People
References: Ar. Bindu Agarwal, Ar. Sriparna Saha; “Revitalization of Nainital Lake”, Time, Space & People


Name of Paper: Change Agents in Rural Retailing in India: a Future Roadmap

Year of Publication: 2015
Faculty Name: Himanshu Kargeti
Name of Journal: IMR Management Speak- Journal of Dr. Gaur Hari Singhania Institute of Management & Research, Kanpur (an autonomous Institute approved by the AICTE
References: Himanshu Kargeti, Himani Joshi; “Change Agents in Rural Retailing in India: a Future Roadmap”, IMR Management Speak- Journal of Dr. Gaur Hari Singhania Institute of Management & Research, Kanpur (an autonomous Institute approved by the AICTE; Vol 7 No. 2; ISSN: 2231-1467


Name of Paper: Link between Physics and Ancient Indian Philosophy- Spiritual Education to cultivate divine qualities

Year of Publication: October, 2014
Faculty Name: Malabika Sen
Name of Journal: Souvenir Journal, Dev Sanskriti Vishvavidyala
References: Malabika Sen,” Link between Physics and Ancient Indian Philosophy- Spiritual Education to cultivate divine qualities”, Souvenir Journal, Dev Sanskriti Vishvavidyala; ISBN: 987-93-81212-226; pp 417-423


Name of Paper: Management Education: Exploring the Gap between Delivery & Requirement

Year of Publication: October, 2013
Faculty Name: Neeru Choudhary
Name of Journal: MAIMS Journal of Management- A Bi-Annual referred journal of MAIMS
References: Neeru Choudhary & Sandeep Choudhary, “Management Education: Exploring the Gap between Delivery & Requirement”, Journal of Management- A Bi-Annual referred journal of MAIMS, Volume 8 No 2, Page: 136


Name of Paper: A Review Of Consumer Buying Behavior Towards Cosmetics

Year of Publication: December, 2013
Faculty Name: Ajay Sharma & V M Tripathi
Name of Journal: Uttaranchal Business Review
Reference: Uttaranchal Business Review – A Bi- Annual Journal of Management & IT Vol. 3 Issue 2, ISSN 2277 – 1816.


Name of Paper: Relevance Of Working Capital Financing By Banks: Contemporary Policies And The Future Roadmap

Year of Submission: March, 2012
Faculty Name: Vishal Sagar, Himanshu Krageti
References: Vishal Sagar, Dr. Brijesh Upadhayay, Himanshu Kargeti; “RELEVANCE OF WORKING CAPITAL FINANCING BY BANKS: CONTEMPORARY POLICIES AND THE FUTURE ROADMAP”; Journal IMR- Management Speak Vol 5, No 1, Jan-June 2012, ISSN : 2231-1467 and RNI UPENG/ 2007/ 30317

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