Dr. S. K. Sarkar
Art, Aesthetics, Indian Folk Art, Culture and Heritage.
Dr. Sarkar has completed an MFA at the University of Hyderabad, a Central University, and received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Hyderabad, a Central University, The area of interest deeply indulges in the Scroll Narrative Art tradition of India. Adequate research has been done in this area. To conduct field work, as a researcher stays and works with Patua (folk) artists in Medinipur, West Bengal. His research explores the relationship between philosophy and storytelling art, and scroll narrative performance, with a focus on the value of disjointed or incomplete narratives in exposing one to what Cora Diamond calls “the difficulty of reality”. Tracing the significance of several literary examples, the article emphasises the plurivosity of every text and the impossibility of total comprehension. According to Megan Craig- “Philosophy is one, among several, means of storytelling that can ethically expose, unhinge, and orient us towards the wider world”. To date, he has received so many awards at the university, state, and national levels. Likes to associate with young and promising artists, to add valuable and positive differences to their lives. It gives him immense pleasure when one can see them gaining prominence in the county’s art scene. It enables him to perform his roles in both areas; as a teacher and researcher, his priority has always been the recognition, promotion, and presentation of highly talented young and emerging artists. Last award awarded by Punjab Pragati Kala Kendra, Landra, Dist. Jalandhar, Punjab, in 2019. Always nurture a passion to guide the research scholars, write research papers on scroll narrative art, artists, their performances, and the storytelling artist community of India.
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8108-6624
Elsevier ID:https://id.elsevier.com/settings/redirect?code=v1W4xzZLQd6auayh7PWa9Ss2–IT_3BuAKJeM9wg
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?view_op=new_articles&hl=en&imq=Dr.+Saroj++K+Sarkar#
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