Department of Fashion Design @Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun hosted its Annual Fashion ShowUTTARAAGAM’23 at the YI RRR Summit, Hotel Hyatt Regency, Dehradun organized by YI (Young Indians), Dehradun Chapter, on 10th June 2023, on the theme -“Sustainability and Climate Change”.
UTTARAAGAM’23 showcased the vibrant collections representing Avant garde as well as Ready-to-wear garments based on elements and concept of Sustainability. The underlying narrative of the show was to depict the harm caused to the environment through excessive and mindless use of resources depleting the earth of its natural resources, causing unwanted and alarming detrimental changes in the environment along with certain steps that one take to control the damage and make amends.
The presentation comprised of themes ‘Medusa’, reflected the situation of aquatic life and jelly fishes in particular; ‘Blaze’, depicted the skillfully crafted garments and accessories signifying forest fire. A ready to wear collection ‘The Lost Sparrow’, echoed this thought, high up in the sky, as it raised voice for diminishing sparrow population, due to harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation from mobile network towers. Collection ‘Rudra’ raised voice against alarming situation of melting glaciers incurring the wrath of the ‘Supreme power’.
The collection ‘Superheroes’, re-kindled our inner superpowers, stimulating us to be our own Climate-change Superheroes. ‘Aurora’,took inspiration from Northern Lights and showcased the rich grandeur of this rare natural phenomenon through an eclectic mix of flowy-silhouettes, vibrant colours and hints of metallic glitter! ‘Islah – Flawed and Fabulous’, drew inspiration from the Japanese philosophy of Wabi Sabi combined with Kintsugi craft. ‘Renascence’, based on up-cycling raised voice against landfills, and how they are becoming one of the major threats to the environment. A collection from the roots – ‘Sanskriti’, focused on the amelioration of traditional costumes and jewellery of Uttarakhand.
Collection ‘Magdalena’, inspired from the famous painter Freida Kahlo. The collection was soulfully crafted using bio-degradable and 100% sustainable Nettle and bamboo