Dr. Ganesh Prasad Pokhariyal
General Theory of Relativity, Differential Geometry and Mathematical Modeling for Biological Sciences and Social Science
A supervisor of more than 73 Ph.D Students in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Applied Statistics, Health Sciences and various branches of social sciences, Dr. Pokhariyal received his D.Sc and Ph.D in Mathematics from Banaras Hindu University, India. His research and teaching experience of over 56 years involves Mathematical Modelling, Finance, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Operation Management and Human Resource Management. Besides being actively involved in research work, Dr. Pokhariyal has served as mentor and supervisor in United States International University (Nairobi Campus) (1980-2006) , Moi University, Nairobi Campus, Mount Kenya University, Nairobi Campus. He has been a member of international scientific committee for organising the conferences at national and international level, seminars, training, and outreach programs. He has also imparted academic consultancies to student-trainees as well as executives from top management institutions and Kenya industrial sector. Dr. Pokhariyal has more than 231 peer-reviewed research publications in journals national/international, and edited books indexed conference proceedings. Dr. Pokhariyal has delivered keynote addresses and invited talks at many national and international scientific events. For his work in the field of applied mathematics, Dr. Pokhriyal has received appreciation in the form of award by IBC, Great Britain, Leading Scientists of the World in 2010, and third highest civilian award “Order of the Grand Warrior of Kenya (OGW)”in 2018, by President of Kenya. In sports, Dr. Pokhariyal represented Allahabad University and Banaras Hindu University in football during his stay at these universities. He also was Kenya’s representative to the International Chess Federation between 1979 and 1982.
ORCID ID: 0009-0004-0819-2278
Scopus ID: 6603654058
Vidwan ID: 512834
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=hi&user=gK1tS8YAAAAJ
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