Mr. Akash Chauhan
Assistant Professor
Computer Vision, Image Processing and Video Processing
Mr. Akash Chauhan is a Post Graduate (Master of Technology) with more than 4+ years of experience in Advance Industrial Subjects like Advance Java, Core Java, C++ and C, Web Development, Rest API Development, web services development, Python and 4+ years of experience in: R&D field in the area of Computer Vision and Image Processing. Prior to this, he had international exposure of working in Tokyo, Japan as Senior Software Engineer for around 4+ years. Along with this, he has an expectational interest in social and educational development, hence working as an Assistant Professor incorporating industrial experience to educational field.
ORCID ID: 0009-0004-2004-0074
Scopus ID: 57546854900
Vidwan ID: 400144
Web of Science ID: /GWM-5300-2022
Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=LgKPNDkAAAAJ
Research Gate ID: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Akash-Chauhan-24
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