Mr. Chetan Pandey | Faculty Computer Science and Engineering

Mr Chetan Pandey

Mr. Chetan Pandey
Assistant Professor

Data (Text, Image) Analysis, Data Security


  • Ph.D.(Pursuing) CSE, Graphic Era Deemed University, India (2020 to present)
  • M.Tech. CSE, Graphic Era Deemed University, India (2016 – 2018)
  • B.Tech, CSE, Uttarakhand Technical University, India (2007 – 2011)

Mr. Pandey received his master’s degree Graphic Era Deemed University, Dehradun and now pursuing the Ph.D from the same. He has research and teaching experience of over 5 years. He also has more than 10 research paper in scopus indexed national and international conferences, and 3 published patents to his credit.


ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0046-0317
Scopus ID: 57216887983
Vidwan ID: 413432
Google Scholar ID:

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