About Indian Green Building Council (IGBC)
IGBC, which is part of CII-Godrej GBC, is actively involved in promoting the Green Building concept in India. The council is represented by all stakeholders of construction industry comprising of: Corporates, Government & Nodal agencies, Architects, Product manufacturers, Institutions, etc.
The vision of the council is to serve as single point solution provider and be a key engine to facilitate all Green Building activities in India.
IGBC is facilitating the green building movement through the following services:
1. IGBC Rating systems for New Buildings (New Construction & Core and Shell), Homes, Factories, Townships, SEZ’s, Landscape & Existing Buildings
2. IGBC Accredited Professional exam
3. Facilitating & Handling of Green Building Projects
4. Green building workshops & training programs
5. Green building missions
6. Green building congress- India’s flagship event on green buildings